As a general note to everyone:
Quantum observes are not necessarily conscious. Anything can count as an observer in QM, it just has to be a significantly large disturbance to the system.
OK. So, do not link a material brain to consciousness. There is no matter at the most fundamental level. There is certainly no brain. But not to believe means a reason, a cause.
There's no brain at the most fundamental level, but there isn't consciousness either. Consciousness appears several steps "more abstract" from the brain, and asking where it is or whether it exists when considering structures less abstract than the brain is nonsensical. It is like asking what property of a oxygen atom makes water wet.
I don't need a reason to believe a given proposition is false. I need a reason to believe it is true.
To me Consciousness and being conscious are different. Knowing that one is unconscious is also part of consciousness.
I don't believe it's possible to know one is unconscious. That sounds like a contradiction in terms.
Yes. Yes. Someone needs to understand the modifications and INTEGRATE those coherently. How the non local changes are understood by the local processes? You will say that light reaches eye and sound reaches ears and so communication takes place. That does not explain how these stimuli are interpreted in common ways?
We guess. We invent hypotheses, test them and discard them. Understanding appears when we have a hypotheses that has been tested and found correct. Since we're all dealing with the same general circumstances, we arrive at variations on the same model, with statements like, "Other people are similar to but not identical to me."
Why? Going with your materialist understanding, corresponding to ‘apple’ there is ‘body’, the indicator of a specific “I”. Human bodies certainly have measurable characteristics like apples.
"Humanity" is a template in itself, and it's quite easy to ask "Is this object human?" However, this is distinct from "conscious" being a template, because simply being conscious doesn't imply anything else. Being human implies lots of things, depending on context.
Fortunately you sometimes say AFAIK. But bodily actions can also do some functions of communication?
Yes, but usually not of more abstract ideas, and certainly not with the fidelity of words. I don't think I can say "2+2=4" with only gestures.
So, we do not understand the mechanism of intuition as much of it happens at unconscious level. But we claim that we can model consciousness by modeling brain? Or we say that we know the correlates to all conscious effects perfectly and we can conclude that there is no consciousness apart from the physical brain?
We do not understand intuition at this time. That is no reason to think it is impossible to understand, though. And the claim of modelling consciousness follows on from the premise of reductionism: if the brain is the only component that gives rise to consciousness, then modelling it must model consciousness, by definition.
So, who has programmed the kangaroo’s genetics? And who implements it during Joey’s travel to its mother’s pouch?
The genetics arose because of natural selection, and they are implemented by the brain.
How funny. I have this considered opinion that you do not understand the implications of QM and so you cling to physicality where there is no such matter at fundamental levels. You seem to be confusing mental model fitting to physical observations as physicality?
The observation is that two entangled photons have correlated but random spins, regardless of separation. The mathematics tells us everything else, including the misleading idea of communication at a distance.
So, either you accept that the fundamental system is matter-less wave and the matter is effect of observation. Or you have to accept that there is implicate intelligence connecting and underlying all observed discrete objects.
Waves and matter are not mutually exclusive. Everything massive is actually both.
Thank you. Now tell me where is the individual conscious material brain? Fields are not localized particles. So, even if you attribute intelligence to brain, effectively, that intelligence cannot be localized at fundamental level. But at observational level this illusion seems real.
Where is the Atlantic Ocean?
The two questions make about as much sense. You're asking about the location of an entire group of things, and so the only sensible answer is a volume, not a point.
My question is unanswered. How do you explain the gap between natural processes and mental judgements? Do the material processes themselves form the judgements?
Mental judgements appear as a matter of interpretation. They are computations, and the material components are the computer.
First. Simple! There is no such experience of any matter saying “I feel pained”. There is not a single observation of a brain devoid of life saying so. And, there is impossibility of physical processes giving rise to judgements of their own, if not programmed.
That's logically impossible. Some arrangement of physical processes gives rise to judgement, (you allow this, only with the stipulation it must be programmed) and so why should it be impossible to nature to stumble on that arrangement by evolution?
Second. If neural correlations with matter would be very hard to find, then how hard would it be to find the intelligence that finds the correlation itself? Can’t you see that it would not be merely hard, but it is impossible?
It's impossible to find because it's not a thing. It's an arrangement that probably varies from person to person.
You yourself are that intelligence. How can you find it in any other place or in an observed object? The intelligence itself is observing the object. So, can you imagine that your intelligence has come out and still you are observing it? M
usk deer does not know that the fragrance is innermost to itself. I hope you comprehend this.
First. I request the same to you. The question is how an effect (the intelligence) arising of cause (physical brain) alter states of the cause? Intelligence is not a physical phenomenon, even if reductionists shout at top of their lungs. Have you ever seen a picture outut of a program changing the program itself, if not programmed to do so?
No, but I have seen programs produce results that the programmers did not expect or understand.
Second. There is nothing graspable in subjective feelings, perception, jealousy, love etc. and thus they are not physical.
Yes. Wow, we agree.
A dead brain does not mean absence of a physical brain. The physical brain is still there but it lacks consciousness. So, the physical brain is not equal to consciousness. Every physical body, including a brain, has measurable true properties. A dead brain and a living brain are equal on all their true measurable properties but the effects are not same. Thus the effect of intelligence that apparently seems to be attributable to the physical brain is not a true property of physical brain but it is a distinct class.
A living and dead brain do not have equal oxygen intake or electrical output. A living brain has structure and communication which a dead brain does not.
OTOH, a brain is not known in absence of consciousness-life. So, individual consciousness is a parameter of life and not of physicality. Nothing of existence is known apart from consciousness. There is no such experience of anyone of knowing anything, including the knowledge of a physical organ called brain, in separation from conscious individual. which is a signifier of consciousness.
It might be true that we don't know we know anything without consciousness, but IMO it's still true whether or not anyone knows it. 2+2=4 is invariant regardless of whether anyone is there to know it or not.