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The Bible is Jesus' book, if its content is true! Imagine that Jesus really was God's manifestation, then read the Old Testament as his own words. Never mind that Moses, Isaiah and the rest did the actual penning; think of their words as those of Jesus when they report the divine will. It may well change the way you think about the Bible.Hi all,
I'm posting this in the general Abrahamic DIR cause I'd like opinions from all sorts who believe that Jesus was really EITHER the son of G-d or one of his prophets.
Why didn't Jesus write his own book? The Bible is full of prophets writing down the things G-d gave them! Moses wrote FIVE! So why didn't Jesus write ANY? Wouldn't it have been nice to have his word straight from him?
(Alternatively, if you think Jesus did write his own book, why isn't it in the Bible?
Now the New Testament does not say anything much that is not already at least latent in the Old. As he frequently reminded Pharisees and Sadduccees, Jesus had said it all before he came, to those who had eyes to see. The Sanhedrin of Jewish leaders almost certainly realised this, steeped as they were in those Scriptures, but they mostly hated Jesus and would not admit it. But most of us simply have no real clue how much was already revealed when Jesus came- but most in rich countries are like the Sanhedrin, and don't want to know.
However, Jesus did indeed in a way write his own book, because all of his reported statements in the gospels (and one or two in Paul's letters) could be said to make a book. The reason that he evidently did no actual writing is because he quite obviously did not need to do so! But there is an old saying, "Self-praise is no recommendation," and the very fact that Jesus, an ordinary man by most measures, got so many other people to voluntarily write on his behalf is powerful testimony, and very significant, in itself.