MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
I did not grow up Catholic, but was instead raised in a very Protestant, southern christian church, and I too, could not make logical sense out of what was being told to me. I wanted it to. I still want it too.
I strongly agree. I think many atheists would 'want' there to be 'something else'. After all, the idea of a paradise is much more attractive than the common atheist's option: nothing.
This 'desire' for 'something more' seems to reach incredible proportions in some believers, to such an extent that they'll do anything to defend it. Some people think they're Napoleon, others think there is a God. Both groups of people have in common that they "just feel or know it". They don't need evidence, their "heart tells them so". How do believers know their brain is not tricking them ?
You speak to Flapke and others as if they have no concept of your God. Many times you will discover the person you are talking to, not only has a good concept of your God, but oftentimes they are former beleivers, sometimes, as in the case of myself, they are people who fervently want to become beleivers again, but cannot due to a need to be intellectually honest with one's self.
I am not intending to talk down to you because you are 15. I am just over twice your age, but I recall with very good detail, how I felt at that age. However, I promise you, as you age, if you truly look into any subject not just one as ethereal as religion, you will discover that although uncertainty is uncomfortable, certainty about any such subject is absurd. (not my original thought, but don't recall the original author to give him credit).
I think it is wonderful you are here debating. But be sure you debate with an open mind. Debates are great ways to learn, but only if you are willing to keep opposing thoughts in your head at the same time. If you are of the opinion that your conception of God is correct to the exclusion of any other possibilities, then you, right there, are not debating with an open mind. I am not saying, you must immediately renounce your beleifs, nothing could be farther from the truth.
But, you have to be at least able to entertain the thought, or you are not debating honestly, and with an open mind.