Anti-World said:
As people grow older and mature some of us realize that the pain and hurt that we feel is something that will follow us around for the rest of our lives. This is true, anyknowledgable psychologist will tell you this.
Are psychologists knowledgeable were you live???
If you've got some unbearable pain you can cover it, bury it, or live with it, but you can *never* get rid of it. People that commit suicide know this. They know that they have to make the choice of living with a dagger in their heart for the rest of their lives or die. Many people can't understand what they are going through and therefore you say it's selfish and possibly cruel for a person to commit suicide but is torture more merciful than death?
I value life, and i do think that this kind of 'torture' you refer to is liveable, but you can also get rid of it too. I understand that if its coping with the loss of someone, their heart must be breaking and feel like theyre never going to get over it, but there is always help for people, and my advice, of course, is Jesus.
Honestly ask yourself that question and you'll learn alot about the viewpoint of someone that attempts suicide.
I feel i know enough from the viewpoint of a suicidal person to talk on this debate.
Imagine feeling like your own mother, father, or closest person in your life just died. Try to grasp that feeling. Now imagine that you felt like that every day. It never got better, in never dulled, it's just an ongoing pain. Many of you who don't or havn't felt this way are optimistic and say that this can be overcome but, honestly, it can't. Welcome to the real world. We have people in pain every day to which there is no cure and the only solution is to die.
My grandad passed away two weeks ago, so, yeah, i know what your on about. Thankfully i have Jesus to get me through it, and i feel for those who dont.
The pain will go away in time, you may always miss them, but it doesnt mean you should take your life because someone you love died. Its like saying you are worthless without someone else, i get that it may feel this way, but its not true.
I do believe anyone can overcome anything with the right help/frame of mind/ and definately with God by their side, its not being optomistic to say that, its true if your willing to try, and not only think about yourself.
Death is never the solution to any problem.