The LDS church does not rely on any man made statements regarding the Diety.
The Nicene Creed was written by the Nicene council shortly after emperor Constantine converted to christianity. He saw the Divisiveness among the clergy and in an attempt to unite them in beliefs. in the year 325. Each eminent divine stated his views and when a definition could not be reached a compromise was made. Hence the Nicene Creed, and it's basic elements are most of the christian faithful.
to date there are more than 20 Different versions of the Nicene Creed, more than 10 english translations, and more in different languages, with different meanings.
The LDS church does not aknowledge the Nicene creed as scripture and we do not use it in our beliefs because it was written by man as a compromise.
Every belief the LDS church has is backed by scripture, or divine revelation through God's prophet, Joseph Smith, and other prophets that followed.
It has been proven using computer technology and sections of the book of mormon and sections from the doctrine and covenants, that the sections where God is speaking, has a completely different structure than when Joseph Smith is speaking, or even when christ is speaking.
also in the book of mormon, they have been able to identify something close to 70 different writing patterns and styles. proving multiple authors
it was concluded that it was impossible for Joseph smith to have written the book of mormon himself.
The problem with other churches accepting this fact that the Book of Mormon is true scripture, is that it would make all other churches false. and no denomination wants to do that.
on a side note i thought was pretty interesting -
The LDS church is the wealthiest church on the planet per-capita. It is the most prosperous over the last 150 years, and it was promised to the righteous that
"And he hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence." - 2nd Nephi 1:20