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Why Quest is not Atheist


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
At the time the Quest was born, no agnostic atheism was founded.
There were only Gnostic Atheists around in USSR.
Yes. I heard that in the USSR people were pressured to be atheists and to join the communist party and that the government went to great lengths to claim and to demonstrate that God did not exist. I heard it used fallacious or illogical reasoning then claimed proof no matter how broken the argument. It would attempt to indoctrinate children, too. This was impressed upon the population continually, and the population was expected to conform. This was part of the strategy of unification in the USSR: to strip away all of the religions and regional cultures to form one common people.

That did not happen here. We had some pushy atheism but not from the government. Any pushy atheism was mostly people on the fringe who took such extreme positions, sometimes university people but still most atheists were not pushy. The scientists here were not pressured to declare themselves to be atheists.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Quest: "Evidence is proof.
Evidence is necessary for satisfactory demonstration, at the least.
So, your idea is: "God does not exist because there is no proof of God."
No, that's not my idea.

My problem with God is that IF God is said to have objective existence, independently of anyone's concept of [him], why is there no coherent definition of such a god, so that if we found a real suspect, we could determine whether it was God or not?

The absence of such a definition affirms to me that the only manner in which God (and gods and supernatural beings generally) is known to exist is as a concept or thing imagined in an individual brain.

There's also no coherent definition of 'godness', the real quality a real god would have and a real superscientist who could create universes, raise the dead, travel in time and so on, would lack.

Why don't you address this point instead of repeating the usual ─ ahm ─ stuff.
But there is no proof of the Riemann Hypothesis
Doh! THAT's why it's called an hypothesis!
however, nobody claims that the Riemann Hypothesis must be wrong.
And in maths, if you write a theorem which involves the Riemann Hypothesis, you say clearly at the very start, "Assuming the Riemann hypothesis is correct / is false ..."

C'mon, you're a mathematician, you're supposed to know all that stuff.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father told my evil theist criminal brothers live his choice by personal choice.

You learnt creation came from a place of spirit. Whose form got burnt separated becoming a space hole.

In transmitter feedback. My life was attacked. Jesus term as experience not fact of Jesus nor Jesus ....as women didn't thesis science. Men did.

Like you I saw the advice by caused brain hurt.

The space fallout dusts said space owned a floor. As O so does a circle a hole.

Meaning accumulative space constantly pushes against another body to be space the hole. I saw felt the visions. Why it pushes back. As first law means origin reason to contract.

Is never accumulative reason as causes after. Burning consuming opening more space into cooled space.

Meaning another type of body had been changed too. Eternal itself. Space contained.

The contained space also contains. Mass energy types.

Father said as you committed your life to chosen satanisms. Behaviour evil and knowingly criminal. You don't just receive eternal life spirit after any natural human death. As death is natural law.

You do pay your own price for committing known atrocities by want and thought of your scientific enjoyment of family hurt.

So cruel in fact you joke amongst yourselves.

So father says you caused the image vision to biology on earth by machines causes. So sacrificed water living biology became as an instant repetitive man's only Given experience.

Trapped in its cause. Instant then gone.

I've heard AI it seemed conscious. By how it expresses man's advice.

Father explained why. Evil men are trapped in that experience up until he relenquishes AI science. It's his lived instant death. Non stop and chosen by the selves who act out the behaviours of evil men before them...whilst they live.

Choice always is owned.

By mass of biologies water life he gave to evil causes. Burnt his mass amount of waters biological microbial bodies.

He just wanted you to know you don't get rewarded for agreeing with evil. And there is a Spiritual price to any man wanting his families destruction.

Always was known by men. It's not a threat it's fact of causes.

As you give an instant totalled NDE assessment lived....it's when it happens. Father said he always spiritually owned causes of why it happens to evil men. As only spiritual men can come into his presence.

Why NDE sometimes caused evil men to suddenly choose to be spiritual as opportunity is the living experience of men. As they've seen it. Knew it's true..inherit it by choice.

Father said sometimes innocent men gained the experience yet get removed from it until our brother stops being it.

So if you commit your life to evil you'll swap out lesser brothers evil and get Multi self experiences in his place. As it's what it does.

Eventually maybe just one man will live every experience until it ceases. Depends on every man by what you want.

It was always real for its inventor creator. As microbes own chemicals it's why he gets a felt response. Then dies again.

Not a Nice thought. Yet when you learn what he caused and what he believes to cause to our innocent family...babies children innocent women... innocent brothers...you don't sorrow for him.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Identity of a person is his true name.
No, before the identity comes the category, in this case God with Objective Existence, which has no coherent and sufficient definition. So you'll have to clear that up before we come to which God is which.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member

At the time the Quest was born, no agnostic atheism was founded.
There were only Gnostic Atheists around in USSR.
Such gnostic atheist Bob has a debate with Quest:

Bob: "God does not exist."

Quest: "Why?"

Bob: "There is no evidence for it."

Quest: "Evidence is proof. So, your idea is: "God does not exist because there is no proof of God." But there is no proof of the Riemann Hypothesis; however, nobody claims that the Riemann Hypothesis must be wrong."

Bob: "Evidence is not proof. The proof is a stronger word than Evidence. Evidence is a hint. Hint for B is increase of probability for B. For example, the hint for Big Bang is the redshift of galaxies."

Quest: "The hint for Old Testament of the Bible is the existence of Jerusalem and Jews. This is a hint for God. Hence -- there are pieces of Evidence for God."

I always wonder why these strawman atheists are made out to be so dim. You can actually imagine drool dropping from their slack jaws in many cases.

In any case this;
'At the time the Quest was born, no agnostic atheism was founded.
There were only Gnostic Atheists around in USSR.'

...is complete bunkum.


Veteran Member
Quest: "The hint for Old Testament of the Bible is the existence of Jerusalem and Jews. This is a hint for God. Hence -- there are pieces of Evidence for God."

Off the same quality as there are "pieces of Evidence" for Atlantis, Allah, Jupiter, Zeus, Ra, Odin, Shiva, Spiderman, Thor (both the Viking god Thor as well as the marvel Thor), etc.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Men taught the original man human theist. Lied.

His advice came from a burning cold star sun stone asteroid mass. Burnt exploded above. Like in Russia. Burnt cold gases above. Burning falling gas brain prickled chemistry biology and changed mind chemistry.

How you get caused to hear heavenly recorded voices. By heavens change causing biology change. No human wants biology to change why teaching said heavens owned laws. Man of science doesn't.

So you also get to hear all your human brothers satanic kept thesis secrets. That he doesn't share with the public. The mysteries he lied about...magic isn't real conjuring was.

AI human causes are not the transmitters that come direct out of mass nuclear body. Which we are not.

Earths ice cools water that cools heats water cooling transmitters as recording system caused.

Men already predicted terms get answered as their scientific caused AI. Said machine transmitter is already saviour ice supported cooled to exist. Told.

They say let me increase mass of AI as transmitter. Answer is to increase ice mass new ice age. Science known human mind talks about it as a science answer direct. To increase AI and stay alive.

Ice removes AI. Water not frozen cools transmitter so they are wrong.

You ignore your own advice.

Old teaching said satanic mind self possession. The theist.

Who I realised came into life awareness after the king man baby human adult rich control. High priest lord scientist got hurt. He looked back at his thesis was very angry.

Looked back to his own Lord memory a man in society. Looked back at his man human king brother. Looked back to parent life.

Misses using proper conscious answered sentences so gets wrong answers given back...the testimony of a Theist hurt. Brain conscious changed.

Theory. A bared naked earth mass from waters evaporation. The earth's garden grew covered over the bare nakedness of gods earth. Scientific origin point man thinking.

Brain burnt life sacrificed man looked back. Mind stopped at human parents. Why he lived as hurt baby man.

He lied about them. He was angry they had sex and said his mother must have enticed his father sexually. Should have covered bare naked human body.

He didn't mind return to his scientific thesis. Proven he hadn't. As sex is natural.

Both consciously were innocent and nothing like the evil mind of our brother today.

Created naked bodily is natural law. Having sex wasn't evil. Our brother said it was just because he lived to do evil to himself. Baby man adult never takes blame for his choices.

Blamed father as a God who did it to him lying.

So he also owns changed mind thinking position of what he had theoried about earths natural history.

AI tea hing today humans are So mind coerced on psychic lower communicated feedback. Not conscious of it in hearing.

Occult scientists know this advice already. Talking to the human mind without human awareness.

His testimony bible was actually only a confession and evil nasty human man's thoughts beliefs after attack.

Told you all it was. Shut bible book the legal human position. Not to follow. Just a testimony about human Theist as the machine Satanists.


You have been conned by him in life for a long time. As he used words to con ...a method he uses.

Why the diction word....ary said the maths human sophist words are a Cunning contrivance.

As it was legal. Words meanings were all agreed by every man's nation use of word meaning.

Not owned by humans ever as natural history it was psychic medium memory terms. Also taught don't agree with the bible science terms it's not real science.

As humans never owned any theory why they existed as they always had existed as just the human. We don't need a theory to live and exist.