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Why Satanism?


Well-Known Member
Maybe she posted it in this forum because she wants a discussion that allows for some debate between those posting.

I read your posts, you talk about Satanists in general terms but that leaves out why YOU chose it. The original post does ask "...what made YOU decide that the Bible or Satan exist?"

I did answer that, right here I quoted MY PERSONAL writings on it on the 4th post of this topic:


Also, my more broad and general answer is required because s/he spoke as if they were unaware of the diversity present in Satanism.

I find LHP kind of odd and way too focused on a religion and deity that is likely fictitious. Some of the participants seem to broaden the scope by utilizing aspects from other pantheons such as Set.

That is a matter of opinion, I find the likely hood of a pantheistic deity I refer to as "Satan" existing very likely.

If theistic ones use the Bible stories as largely true, then they're just as tied to the idea that the Bible is a reasonably historical view of events as the Christians are.

This is hilarious, because I have never once met a Satanist who thought that the Christian Bible was "largely true", or even "half true". The vast majority outright reject Christian theology. However, there is a very small minority I refereed to earlier in this post:


specifically I said:

The first point in answering this question is that ALL Satanists reject Christian Theology. Now, there is a known but perpetually small minority of de-converted fundamentalists who accept the cosmology of Christianity, but otherwise reject the Theology; to them Satan is a hero comparable to sects of Gnosticism, who was cast down for his outcry against tyranny, and who has some chance of defeating God.

Granted there are not really a lot of them. While I think they are uneducated in general, I also think they got a lot of balls to actually go through with those beliefs considering that Satan could very likely lose, and so they have a lot of my respect.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
As has been said, Satanism is very misunderstood and is not nearly the LHP as a whole. What Super Universe ignorantly said holds some truth; Satanism is mainly based around adversity, which includes rebellion. If someone holds the label Satanist just to **** off their family I would consider them pseudo-Satanists and nothing more. A lot of it is about symbolism and myth, the whole LHP is like that. Finding meaning in the symbols and mythologies, blurring the line between what is reality and what is in the mind.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Btw Jason, frubals if I could give you again so soon.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
My next question is, why do Satanists or LHPs in general take to 'dark' symbolism? For example, DofP above has a skull image as avatar and Jason you have 'Destruction and lols' in your Religion title. Is darkness and death an actual major feature of these religions/philosophies or do followers just happen to have a fascination for that side of life?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
My next question is, why do Satanists or LHPs in general take to 'dark' symbolism? For example, DofP above has a skull image as avatar and Jason you have 'Destruction and lols' in your Religion title. Is darkness and death an actual major feature of these religions/philosophies or do followers just happen to have a fascination for that side of life?

Darkness and hatred and all the weird stuff isn't required to be an LHP, in fact it kind of annoys me if overdone. A lot of people are dark in nature, they find death interesting, throw out a giggle at sadistic jokes, and that's what LHP is about, revealing your own nature and not being shy or at all disappointed about it.

Some LHPers do it to look evil and may not actually enjoy it as much as they show off. (Why blame them? We all do it sometimes :D)


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
My next question is, why do Satanists or LHPs in general take to 'dark' symbolism? For example, DofP above has a skull image as avatar and Jason you have 'Destruction and lols' in your Religion title. Is darkness and death an actual major feature of these religions/philosophies or do followers just happen to have a fascination for that side of life?

It would be silly to view a skull as dark, you have one yourself :). Actually one of the general things that supposedly defines a LHPer is use or dark symbolism. I dunno, I think a man bleeding to death on a torture device is much worse than a natural symbol such as the pentagram or a skull. But, our society is pretty backwards I think. I, personally, just am fascinated with death and the dark corners of the human mind. I mean c'mon, I'm going to study the criminal mind for a living.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
It would be silly to view a skull as dark, you have one yourself :). Actually one of the general things that supposedly defines a LHPer is use or dark symbolism. I dunno, I think a man bleeding to death on a torture device is much worse than a natural symbol such as the pentagram or a skull. But, our society is pretty backwards I think. I, personally, just am fascinated with death and the dark corners of the human mind. I mean c'mon, I'm going to study the criminal mind for a living.

It is 'dark' as it represents death and decay and the temporary. Of course classifying it as 'dark' is a matter of cultural influence and not objective. But as you and most LHPs come from these cultures, I'm assuming it contains a similar symbolic meaning to you as it does to me.

Do you think people are often attracted to LHP because they are first attracted to things like death and the 'dark corners' as you say? And do LHPs actually emphasise these aspects of reality?


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
It is 'dark' as it represents death and decay and the temporary. Of course classifying it as 'dark' is a matter of cultural influence and not objective. But as you and most LHPs come from these cultures, I'm assuming it contains a similar symbolic meaning to you as it does to me.

Death and decay shouldn't be seen as dark, it is the unavoidable future of every living thing. Not sure what culture LHPers come from, it's actually quite random. There's LHP Taoists, Hindus, Buddhists, as well as Christians and Jews. Doesn't matter where you come from, you are going to the grave. My memento mori avatar has nothing to do with the LHP.

Do you think people are often attracted to LHP because they are first attracted to things like death and the 'dark corners' as you say? And do LHPs actually emphasise these aspects of reality?

Hmmm, couldn't say. I wasn't and that's all I can speak for. Other, mainstream religions are based on death, dying, afterlife, animal and human sacrifice, blood rituals...The LHP is much more about life and enjoying / respecting it.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
But aren't most LHPs responses to the original religions? Meaning that they act to emphasise what the original ignores?

(I'm still really ignorant about this so my questions are genuine)


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
But aren't most LHPs responses to the original religions? Meaning that they act to emphasise what the original ignores?

(I'm still really ignorant about this so my questions are genuine)

No, that is a stereotype. I was raised Jewish and when I started down the LHP my family fully supported me. My grandparent would tell people their 16 year old grandson was a Satanist. We still debate and discuss things constantly.


Well-Known Member
My next question is, why do Satanists or LHPs in general take to 'dark' symbolism? For example, DofP above has a skull image as avatar and Jason you have 'Destruction and lols' in your Religion title. Is darkness and death an actual major feature of these religions/philosophies or do followers just happen to have a fascination for that side of life?

None of the above.

Also "Destruction and lols", I would think would indictate that the listed religion was a joke. Since my last title didn't get through that I was being sarcastic, I made this one look obvious. Also don't miss the "love and kittens" title below it, they go hand in hand...

Also "dark" and "light" are just arbitrary terms for the same spectrum. "Darkness", as the unknown, could be seen as a part of the LHP I guess, but I think for most "darkness" has more to do with... well, actually, the unknown and unseen horizons fit mostly well with why LHP uses "darkness" as a symbol, in my humble opinion.

Also death is not a major part of the LHP in the least. It is about living your life to the fullest and most free possible (within society is implied I would think). So actually the LHP is about life, not death. But a skull could remind a LHP'er that one day they will die, and might provoke them to try and leave some legacy for their community and loved ones to remember them greatly by. Such a thing would be the closest thing to immortality other than literal life after death.

It is 'dark' as it represents death and decay and the temporary. Of course classifying it as 'dark' is a matter of cultural influence and not objective. But as you and most LHPs come from these cultures, I'm assuming it contains a similar symbolic meaning to you as it does to me.

Do you think people are often attracted to LHP because they are first attracted to things like death and the 'dark corners' as you say? And do LHPs actually emphasise these aspects of reality?

Why would it? It's where the thinking and feeling organ, the brain, resides. It represents the very soul of a man as that is where all parts of the soul converge. It is only "decay" in the sense that it's not alive anymore. I personally want to eventually get a skull for my ritual chamber as a sign that the soul of the person/thing is looking over me like a guardian. I think when my dog dies in say 7-9 years I might see about doing that. But seeing as he is only 6 years old and can live to 14, that won't be for some time and I'm in no hurry to see my beloved animal die. However, when he does, I want his spirit to always stand guard, even in death, just as he has in life. Having his skull there would be a representation of how we wouldn't ever be apart, even when he's dead.

But aren't most LHPs responses to the original religions? Meaning that they act to emphasise what the original ignores?

(I'm still really ignorant about this so my questions are genuine)

Not really, at least not as much as you would think. The LHP is more about the individual being the primary power, as opposed to the collective will or an authority or dogma/doctrine to dictate thought and action. Doesn't mean we don't submit to the strong when it is in our best interests, but we aren't going to accept anything without a good reason, and even then we will trust in ourselves to come to a conclusion about X or Y truth instead of just accepting it as said truth.
Last edited:


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
A lot of people are LHP and don't realize it. Some aren't LHP and think they are. That's only based on my subjective definitions. You should go asks some questions in our DIR.


Well-Known Member
My next question is, why do Satanists or LHPs in general take to 'dark' symbolism? For example, DofP above has a skull image as avatar and Jason you have 'Destruction and lols' in your Religion title. Is darkness and death an actual major feature of these religions/philosophies or do followers just happen to have a fascination for that side of life?

I could write an essay on the uses of dark symbolism (which is a nice way of putting it I feel) but to summarize the LHP practitioner may seek to better themselves by exploring the heterodox, therefore using heterodox imagery is a given. Some of it stems from simple aesthetic tastes, some of it stems from a need to place ourselves outside of our comfort zone (blasphemous imagery is a good example of this, particularly if one came from an orthodox religious background) and some of it is admittedly shock tactics and Halloween-esque fun.
I have personally enjoyed much of the imagery from being a child, so most of it is natural for me. The sigil of Baphomet though proved useful for overcoming some of my Christian fears and realising the Devil isn't all that bad ;) You could probably liken this to flooding therapy for overcoming phobias.

Deathly imagery is another area altogether. For me Death is simply another part of nature to be accepted and understood if not necessarily enjoyed, I honour Death and decay just as I honour life and love. For others Death is the end of the party and something to be feared and avoided, as such they may use morbid imagery as a reminder to enjoy what time you have left.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious why my first two posts were ignored.

I can understand why the post, post three was ignored due to the links, but it was too much information to fit all those views in my post and I would think that the primary sources would be a better source than my post.

But as for post four, I am surpized no one asked anything about that: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/general-religious-debates/135143-why-satanism.htmlhttp://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2990804-post4.html

I mean... that IS my own writing on the matter, but no one asked or commented anything about it.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I'm curious why my first two posts were ignored.

I can understand why the post, post three was ignored due to the links, but it was too much information to fit all those views in my post and I would think that the primary sources would be a better source than my post.

But as for post four, I am surpized no one asked anything about that: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/general-religious-debates/135143-why-satanism.htmlhttp://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2990804-post4.html

I mean... that IS my own writing on the matter, but no one asked or commented anything about it.

How long is your own personal holy text?


Well-Known Member
How long is your own personal holy text?

The excerpt? It is there in the link, but I don't know the exact word count of the excerpt. One is the intro to The Book of Mundane while another is a quote from somewhere in the middle of it.. The entire text, all five books?

Let me do a word count...


OK, for all my second drafts (that excerpt was from draft 3 but was only not significantly different from draft two):

Book of Mundane: 9,357 words (so far roughly the same word count for draft 3)

Book of Abstract: 3,291 words (longer though in draft 3)

Book of Unholy Psalms: 6,546 words (always getting longer)

Book of Demonology: 4,853 words (about the same length in draft 3, with major prose, not theological, revisions)

Book of Spells: 2,238 words (Much longer in draft 3 since I added more than just a list of spell instructions and invocations)

Also I added a sixth book: "The Apocrypha" for all my little rants and conjecture, as well as am only partially done with draft 3, making an exact word count of draft 3 hard to guess.

But as for draft two: 26,285 words.

Draft three could be anywhere from 20,000 to 35,000 word when I'm done with it, it just depends.