Science refuses to consider the possibility of a creator even though many people believe in this. Can you name one scientific hypothesis or theory that even mentions the possibility of a creator? They claim the universe startedfrom a big bang but they can't explain exactly how or why that happened. They claim life evolved but they can't give exact details on how or why. They believe the big bang occured because they see evidence of it. Creationists see evidence that the universe was created but science does not see it.
The fact that many people believe in a creator proves nothing. People have believed in numerous creators over the millennia. I can believe in fire breathing dragons if I want to, but that does not mean they exist.
As to your questions and assertions about what science does not know, it is about what is known, not what is not known. Science does not refuse to consider a creator. Science simply follows the evidence available. Where is your theory of creation with supporting evidence that takes into account the several hundred years of accumulated facts without cherry picking or ignoring the inconvenient parts?
Provide equivalent scientifically validated evidence for creationism.
Finally, you claim the science can't provide exact details of how life began or how the universe began. Okay, from the bible, produce exact detail of how the universe and life began. Tell us how god produced time, matter, and energy.
Explain precisely what process he used to assemble protiens and other things from the dust of the earth. Don't give us the general genisis accounting. Provide the details that science is lacking.