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Why Should Bestiality Be Against The Law?


Mother Heathen
If you require more than a single illustrative image of people whipping a horse to run as hard as it possibly can, forcing dogs to pull sleds hundreds of miles in the cold and injuring their feet, yoking cows to feeding troughs for life, penning wild animals in small cages for our pleasure, and harnessing animals to plow fields in twenty-firs century America, then so be it. Obviously you're incapable of extrapolation.

Wrong. I refuse to form conclusions without additional evidence.

It's like having a photo placed before you of a child with a bruise and coming to an automatic conclusiont that the child has been abused by a parent. When in reality, the bruise can be a result of something unrelated to abuse and the child may be quite well cared for and in a healthy, nurturing evironment.

I'm not daft. As I've stated, I'm well aware that animal abuse and neglect takes place in these scenarios, but I think you fail to acknowledge that animals CAN have healthy and happy existences within the very same scenarios.

You didn't address any of my comments on beastiality.


Mother Heathen
We don't apply this argument to any other interactions human have with animals.

All I am saying is, if an animal walks up and starts an act on a human, it is not against the animals will.

I see your point however that this logic would not apply to children.

The difference is, animals are not protected by the same laws as children are.

If you really want to go down this road, a parent can sign papers for a child to be married. If the child is unable to be married without parental concent, why would not the animals owner be able to give concent in the same regard?

I still agree with logic. Regardless as to whether or not the laws protecting children are one and the same as to the laws protecting animals, the basic premise is the same - laws protect and yield considequences for abuse and neglect.

An animal is incapable of processing what's happening to them when they are being screwed or lured into a sexual act, regardless as to how willing they may appear, just as a child.

You can make excuses if you want but the logic behind supporting the illegality of beastility is the same - to ensure the protection of a creature that isn't capable of processing that which is being done to them.

In terms of abuse, think of that which could be done to harm an animal, through sexual acts. Pictures have been posted on this thread, which depict, in my opinion, examples of (supposed) abuse and neglect that is far tamer than the harm that certain sexual acts could impose upon animals.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Have you ever been to a dairy farm? The cows know when it is milking time and walk to the barn. They want the grain they are fed while being milked.

Have you been in all milking farms?

You been in the ones that cows fall down because they are so unused to walk that their leg muscles just fail on them and that´s hw the owner knows it´s the right moment to make them meat?

Most places aren´t that pretty, trust me.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I still agree with logic. Regardless as to whether or not the laws protecting children are one and the same as to the laws protecting animals, the basic premise is the same - laws protect and yield considequences for abuse and neglect.

An animal is incapable of processing what's happening to them when they are being screwed or lured into a sexual act, regardless as to how willing they may appear, just as a child.

You can make excuses if you want but the logic behind supporting the illegality of beastility is the same - to ensure the protection of a creature that isn't capable of processing that which is being done to them.

Uhm... how do you know the horses want to race the race for the people?

do you know that the laws to many animal care situations don´t even ahve penalties when infricted?

Zoophilia sounds like one of the least unmerciful things in the list of top "%·$ people do to animals LEGALY

I think the argument about spreading disease should be enough though. Humans shouldn´t play with that, for humanity´s sake.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The difference between me and many others is I don't need a reason to be for or against having sex with animals.

I find it disgusting and it should not be allowed.

If you give reasons why it should be illegal, one day someone might shoot those reasons down.


Me Myself

Back to my username

(X is mine)

X has been so many things today would be deemed acceptable that this is simply too brute to be taken seriously.

Unless you are in opposition of: homosexuality, Equality in gender, invalidity of slavery, War, etc

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
(X is mine)

X has been so many things today would be deemed acceptable that this is simply too brute to be taken seriously.

Unless you are in opposition of: homosexuality, Equality in gender, invalidity of slavery, War, etc

You see, this is what I mean. One day someone will use your logic and want to marry a giraffe. :facepalm:

Of course I have no problem with homosexuals or gender.

Slavery? Give me a break! Who on this earth supports slavery?

War? Now here is a good example. Many people oppose war for any reason. How is their argument any different than mine?

Just so we are clear here, what is your position on bestiality again?


Premium Member
Bestiality can harm an animal. I can't believe anyone would want to lay with an animal even if it didn't hurt them. You can't really compare it to eating an animal because the animal is dead when people eat it and can't suffer.

I usually try and understand people's fetishes, but when people want to do things to animals and children, there should be laws- to protect the weaker and to protect people from themselves, as well.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Just so we are clear here, what is your position on bestiality again?

It may cause unwanted diseases that could spread to humanity in general.

It´s a very lousy idea because of that.

Bestiality can harm an animal. I can't believe anyone would want to lay with an animal even if it didn't hurt them. You can't really compare it to eating an animal because the animal is dead when people eat it and can't suffer.

:facepalm: ... Trust me... the animal suffers

(do I need to say he suffers before being eaten?)

Race animals tend to suffer too.

I usually try and understand people's fetishes, but when people want to do things to animals and children

Animals and children are not treated the same way by law, trust me xD. (and they shouldn´t be)

there should be laws- to protect the weaker and to protect people from themselves, as well.

Animal protection laws suck :( . The "humane slaughter" law for killing animals is very rarely given attention because in most places there aren´t even punishments for when people infringe it.

Using an animal as sex partner (apart from being gross and unhealthy) is far less stressful for the animal than most of the ·%& we put them through.


Premium Member
It may cause unwanted diseases that could spread to humanity in general.

It´s a very lousy idea because of that.

:facepalm: ... Trust me... the animal suffers

(do I need to say he suffers before being eaten?)

Race animals tend to suffer too.

Animals and children are not treated the same way by law, trust me xD. (and they shouldn´t be)

Animal protection laws suck :( . The "humane slaughter" law for killing animals is very rarely given attention because in most places there aren´t even punishments for when people infringe it.

Using an animal as sex partner (apart from being gross and unhealthy) is far less stressful for the animal than most of the ·%& we put them through.

I am sorry but I find bestiality rather distasteful (Like you obviously do, too), that is my opinion and I am sticking to it. It seems so wrong to me on so many levels. But I still don't think you can compare eating meat to having sex with a dog or horse or whatever. It is not the same thing and you know it and I know it.

And I know that animals and children are not protected by the same law and I know they shouldn't be (I really have to tell you this?;) )

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am sorry but I find bestiality rather distasteful (Like you obviously do, too), that is my opinion and I am sticking to it

oh yes, It´s gross :D

But I still don't think you can compare eating meat to having sex with a dog or horse or whatever. It is not the same thing and you know it and I know it.

I certainly don´t say are the same thing. I am saying that the proccesses that generate that meat are far worst than sex.(At least most of the times) and that if the legal system doesn´t care about that, then surely they cannot fundament ilegality of something just because "poor animals". That is just hipocritical.

And I know that animals and children are not protected by the same law and I know they shouldn't be (I really have to tell you this?;) )

Just putting it clear :p

Laws barely care about animals in most scenarios.


I could speculate, but that isn't the same as the arguments Darkness evidently has in mind, but failed to list. If he wanted to make an argument that his "list" was relevant he needed to present these arguments. I'm not about to debate ghosts, which is why I disregarded the remark.
It was in the exact same post mate. Not sure what all this talk about ghosts is. I am kind of surprised (or maybe not) that you did not understand I was couching my social functions argument in a negative utilitarian calculation.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Perhaps if you are on the receiving end. If the animal is on the giving end, they would seem to be willing participants. I'm in agreement with you that it is wrong, but your logic has fallacies.

Even if it's a male animal mounting a person, the act negatively impacts the psychology and behavior of the animal (dominance, territorial aggression, etc).

Just googled this up: Negative Effects of Bestiality on Dogs, Including Males Penetrating Human Females « StopBestiality

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The difference between me and many others is I don't need a reason to be for or against having sex with animals.

I find it disgusting and it should not be allowed.

If you give reasons why it should be illegal, one day someone might shoot those reasons down.


"Morality" not backed by logic or evidence is worthless swill. Cause and effect determine whether or not an action is either good or bad. Otherwise it's arbitrary nonsense.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Personally, I think bestiality should be legal as long as no animals are harmed. I'm not into it myself, but I don't believe in judging others.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
Ewwww - the articles!

Considering that animals are often seen like children, with extremely simple mentalities, I can't see how it's not abuse, regardless of whether the animal seems to want to behave accordingly. It's not necessarily that the animals feel abused, it's more that the people who engage in it want to rape (again, regardless of what an animal wants, the mental comprehension warrants the word rape) animals. That's the ick factor for me, and why I really couldn't care less if laws forbid it.

And I don't think this in conflict with eating meat from animals who are treated and slaughtered humanely.