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Why so complicated?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to choose only one view for some things, since it's belief and not fact. I don't know how to believe in a deity without looking at things, like why some innocent people have horrific accidents or disease, or why some babies are born with deformities and suffer horribly. *sigh*
God gives the right perspective. if people are in His presence then they'll be wise. Wisdom and understanding are not in us; but in His Light. Just like you can't see in the dark and you need light. It doesn't make sense for people to think they will understand without spiritual light. Then they will see things as they are because God told them and no one else.

Samantha Rinne

Resident Genderfluid Writer/Artist
I am still trying to nail down what I believe and some religions seem so complicated. Either there are many rules to follow, the texts are tedious, or the nature of the religion is so abstract that I can't follow. Can't it be easier than this?

If you're trying to nail down what you believe, why not stop reading other people's stuff but just figure out what you believe and write it down? I did. Then test it, to make sure your ideas are real.

wandering peacefully

Which way to the woods?
I am still trying to nail down what I believe and some religions seem so complicated. Either there are many rules to follow, the texts are tedious, or the nature of the religion is so abstract that I can't follow. Can't it be easier than this?
Imo, it is a better way to look at everything going on around you and base your beliefs on living in a way which contributes to making things better wherever possible. No one needs to follow the beliefs of others when they can use their own observations and thought skills to figure out what makes for more compassionate attitudes and deciding for themselves what are beneficial ways of thinking and behaving.
It is not really easier than following along some worn out trail, but certainly it is much more fulfilling than seeking out some other's belief for belief's sake.


Be your own guru
Sure it can. It sounds like you're ready to come and talk...to US. Mwahahaha!!!
Well, you can have both with atheism, In Hinduism with 'advaita' (non-duality - no second, no God, like in my case) and Buddhism.
I love eastern religions, and though I understand the basics, the other things (multitudes of deities or beings and getting to enlightenment) make it complicated. Help!
Yes, there are. Read them if you have time, enjoy the stories. There are lessons in them as with all other stories. One can always differ, to confirm is not obligatory.
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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, you can have both with atheism, In Hinduism with 'advaita' (non-duality - no second, no God, like in my case) and Buddhism.

Bah! I was trying to sound all evil and cult-like, and you've ruined it with a sensible and informative post.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Here's a couple ... one day while walking in nature I 'saw' waves of energy in the trees, the air, the ground, simultaneously In Hinduism, one variation of God is the one that permeates all form. Another time I saw an image of Nataraja for the first time, and was drawn to it. (God as primal soul) Yet another was I pondered why I had such an aversion to butchering, while my brothers didn't. (vegetarianism) I was also generally just shy and introverted, yet quietly stubborn, standing up to being told how to do things, or how to think. (Non-prophet faith, and introspective faith)

So yeah, like that. But it really is to each his own.

Hmm, okay, I get it. Thanks!

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I would start with recognizing which deities, if any, have any significance to you and go from there.

As far as fitting into a church, I suppose that would have to do with how tolerant they would be to your views, and how tolerant you are to theirs. I don't see any point to fitting into a church if you have to change your views (or theirs) to do so.

And there is nothing wrong with making your own ritual.

But what constitutes good reasons for interest? I like certain sports teams only because I live near them, not because the teams are good. lol
Yes, it would have to be a tolerant church.
I gotta work on those rituals. Thanks!

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I believe my Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has more text than any other religion although Hinduism gets quite complicated. You can pick and choose what you read, although there is some emphasis on reading the Book of Mormon, so I see it as a plus.

I like Mormons in general, as they seem nice and helpful, but okay, here's a thing: There is no language called Reformed Egyptian, right? That's a big problem for me. No offense intended.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Have you tried Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism - Wikipedia

I thought about trying it myself since they have no Creed and encourage an independent seeking of truth.

Currently I put together my own religious path and follow that.

I have and I love it, however, to me, it is a way to express your spirituality, not really a religion in itself.
How did you put yours together? What is it, if you don't mind me asking?


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
I have and I love it, however, to me, it is a way to express your spirituality, not really a religion in itself.
How did you put yours together? What is it, if you don't mind me asking?

Hard to describe. The simple part of it is virtues. All good words of character are to be followed and studied. I tend to believe that nature is evolving spiritually and that we are no accident. So there is an eternal source that is completely natural yet mysterious. All the cosmos fades away, but we are eternal. There is a tree of life and we are born at the physical roots of life and when we die we enter into a different phase of reality. Basically existence is learning about itself through us.


Be your own guru
Bah! I was trying to sound all evil and cult-like, and you've ruined it with a sensible and informative post. *sulks*
You see, Lewis, I do not understand much Western humor, have never stayed in US or UK. Then, English is not my first language and I am not even well-read in Western literature. I am just a pagan from a third world country. So, kindly excuse me if I missed the humor.
I suggest basing your reality on verifiable evidence.
I always check my belief with the latest in science. There has never been any discordance.
Wisdom and understanding are not in us; ..
If one does not have wisdom and understanding, then the person's beliefs also are like that, without wisdom and understanding.
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Veteran Member
I am still trying to nail down what I believe and some religions seem so complicated. Either there are many rules to follow, the texts are tedious, or the nature of the religion is so abstract that I can't follow. Can't it be easier than this?

Of course it can. Biblically, "trust Jesus".


Be your own guru
I know, but I really miss having something bigger than myself, something to be different for.
According to my belief there is nothing bigger than yourself, you are star-dust, you are eternal, all things in the universe are but you. My books say "Ayamatma Brahman" (This self is Brahman), "Tat twam asi" (That is what you are). There are many more such injunctions but I would stop with just two.
But what constitutes good reasons for interest? I like certain sports teams only because I live near them, not because the teams are good. lol
Yes, it would have to be a tolerant church. I gotta work on those rituals. Thanks!
Sports! None better than Lord Hanuman, the Hindu monkey God, the repository of power and wisdom, the one who could lift mountains and jump from India to Sri Lanka (50 miles). The chosen deity in India for anyone interested in wrestling or body building. :)

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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
You see, Lewis, I do not understand much Western humor, have never stayed in US or UK. Then, English is not my first language and I am not even well-read in Western literature. I am just a pagan from a third world country. So, kindly excuse me if I missed the humor.

No apologies required, my friend. Many people even here in the west would argue that my jokes don't really count as 'humour' on account of not being funny.
But I amuse myself.