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Why the bad rap?


Well-Known Member
It would seem that out of all the known Pagans belifes that Wicca seem to be shunded by some fellow Pagans, anyone care to shed any light on why this maybe? I think my problem is not so much Wicca has it is Gardner.

I've never really felt that Garner was really right in the head in 1847 he met a women named Annie Besant shes was intrested in Rosicrucianism ( A Mesopagan occult leader foucsed on a highly Christianized form of Sexual mysticism. Keep in mind that they were a theatre group, inside they claimed to a a covern called New Forest covern which laid claim to be a group of underground Witch which kept the old religion alive.

Many of the members were very old & close to death. some of thier belifes were incomplete & so Gardner took it upon himself to write new rituals, customs & belifes. Now if these were truly some of the last real Witches ever why would they allow Gardner to add his ideas to thier religion?

To many people untill this very day Gardner was a dirty old man & made Wicca up on his own from people he ran across in his travels.

I am not trying to knock the religion but I believe that Gardner was a bit off his rocker.

Yes I copy & pasted this from another topic I was just too lazy to re-type it. :p


The Feisty Penguin
When I say that I'm Pagan, almost everyone then asks, "oh you're Wiccan?" And I have to explain that there's more to Paganism than just Wicca. To me, that just gets tiring, and I would assume that it can be the same for others as well.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
When I say that I'm Pagan, almost everyone then asks, "oh you're Wiccan?" And I have to explain that there's more to Paganism than just Wicca. To me, that just gets tiring, and I would assume that it can be the same for others as well.

Well, it's better than "Oh, you're a Satanist"? ;)
I think it's because many 'dabblers' call themselves Wiccan, without any real knowledge of Wicca at all. And their antics become associated with Wicca, even though what they practice is some bastardized made it up as they went along, Wicca wannabe mish mash.

Also, as others mentioned, the resentment of pagans of other trads who are tired of having to explain that YES, they are pagan, but no they are NOT Wiccan, don't do the Lady/Lord thing, don't call themselves witches, etc.

I was involved in the pagan community for years before I met a Wiccan who actually knew something about the faith and practiced it in any significant way. I'd met hundreds of "Wiccabes" before that though who did whatever they felt was interesting at the time and labeled it Wicca.

My knee jerk reaction when I meet someone and they tell me they are Wiccan is an eye roll....because 95% of the people who've announced that to me in the first five minutes of our acquaintance were silly, self attention seekers who considered watching a full season of "Charmed" to be equal to an initiation.


It would seem that out of all the known Pagans belifes that Wicca seem to be shunded by some fellow Pagans, anyone care to shed any light on why this maybe? I think my problem is not so much Wicca has it is Gardner.

Some of it might have something to do with the controversy surrounding Gavin and Yvonne Frost's Good Witches Bible, which contains questionable material concerning the initiation of just pubescent children (ages 9-11) into Wicca. (I can't provide a link just yet, as I've not made more than 15 posts.)

I'm not saying this is the case, but it certainly contributes, I would think.



Wonder Woman
This is just making me wonder what people choose to think about me when they see my religion under my name here. I kinda feel like Wiccans take the brunt of the punishment for other people not knowing much about Pagan religions just because ours is more heard of (even if a lot of what is heard is fluffy nonsense). It's not our fault you know.


This is just making me wonder what people choose to think about me when they see my religion under my name here. I kinda feel like Wiccans take the brunt of the punishment for other people not knowing much about Pagan religions just because ours is more heard of (even if a lot of what is heard is fluffy nonsense). It's not our fault you know.

I wasn't laying all the blame on Wiccans. Far from it. As I said it "I'm not saying this is the case, but it certainly contributes, I would think." And I stand by that. It does contribute.

As far as people not knowing much about Pagan beliefs, that's on them to learn. They should be the ones to ask questions, since most Pagans don't proselytize. (At least, I don't). That's my view.

Congrats on the new baby. (I know, a few months late, but. . . ) :clap



Well-Known Member
I know this is a bit off topic but it's funny because out of all the many Pagan paths Wicca is the most acceptable in society.


The Feisty Penguin
I know this is a bit off topic but it's funny because out of all the many Pagan paths Wicca is the most acceptable in society.

And I would put money on it that it's just because it's more known; it's the first branch of paganism that a lot of people research.
I know this is a bit off topic but it's funny because out of all the many Pagan paths Wicca is the most acceptable in society.

I haven't found that to be true. I'd say Asatru is more accepted among the folks I run into. Probably because they are not into the magic, and Native American traditions and most tribal faiths and their practices seem more accepted as well.

If Wicca is accepted, it seems to be because people figure it's harmless and silly, but they seem to actually find aspects they respect in the other traditions I mentioned. Might just be a case of what type of circles you run in though.

If you saw Wiccan around here, people think "oh, they think they are a witch, isn't that...quaint" but say Asatru and they think "oh, they honor their ancestors and uphold a strong code of ethics" or tribal and they think " they practice true spirituality, before organized religions came in and turned it into a power/money game".


Well-Known Member
I haven't found that to be true. I'd say Asatru is more accepted among the folks I run into. Probably because they are not into the magic, and Native American traditions and most tribal faiths and their practices seem more accepted as well.
If Wicca is accepted, it seems to be because people figure it's harmless and silly, but they seem to actually find aspects they respect in the other traditions I mentioned. Might just be a case of what type of circles you run in though.
If you saw Wiccan around here, people think "oh, they think they are a witch, isn't that...quaint" but say Asatru and they think "oh, they honor their ancestors and uphold a strong code of ethics" or tribal and they think " they practice true spirituality, before organized religions came in and turned it into a power/money game".

Around here I've met more Wiccans then I have others along the Pagan path. If we're talking about people who understand what a Pagan is then your right, however if we're talking about the avrage Joe Wiccan seems to be more accepted.


I think I should stick my nose into here before I go.
As you can see under my name I am Wiccan. I am also still technically a teenager. So, by what I have read within this thread, I am labelled a "wiccabe" straight away (may not be what some of you intended but, thats just how it read if I am perfectly honest).
As for Mr Gardner. Even though I am Wiccan, some aspects of his work dont seem to, fit right, if you understand what I mean. Wicca had been a religion long before this fellow came about, but, because he began to make it a bit more known, he is now known as the "father of modern Wicca".
Anyways, I basically wrote this to point out that I am wiccan and a teenager and dont think that just because I watch charmed (which, for the record Ive only seen once) I am a witch that can poof from one side of the globe to the other. And most of this post probably read as waffle, I need coffee.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
I think I should stick my nose into here before I go.
As you can see under my name I am Wiccan. I am also still technically a teenager. So, by what I have read within this thread, I am labelled a "wiccabe" straight away (may not be what some of you intended but, thats just how it read if I am perfectly honest).
As someone who has ranted about rebellious teens and dabblers in the past, I wanted to address this.

I don't assume you're a "Wiccabe" as you put it (nice, btw :D) simply because you're young. I was devout as a teen, myself, though my personal journey has taken me out of Wicca. What ****** me off are the people who don't take it seriously. The idjits who try to say St Patrick's Day is pagan "'cause it's Irish!"


I know that some people do not, as you say, call all young teenagers wannbes in terms of religion, but, alas, there are a few who do.

I know that I am still studying my religion at the moment, and feel that at the moment, I am more wiccan, however, at some point I may start a different path or merely take an alternative route to the one I am on, as I am learning new things everyday as I strive for knowledge on my beliefs.

Now, I do have to agree that those teenagers who do think they are wiccan because they watch charmed, or because they live 23 minutes away from stonehenge or whatever codswallop they come out with, are talkin an awful lot of bulldust and create a bad name for those who are thoroughly devoted to their spiritual path or the gaining of knowledge on said path. therefore I do not blame people for being annoyed at teenagers and lumping us all together in the same "im a witch im gonna curse you init" group, but just ask them to keep in mind that some of us who claim to be wiccan, are actually comitted to the path and the gaining of knowledge.

yeh.. i think my rant here is done.