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Why the crucifixion?

then why did you say:

which were, obviously, Judaism?

Obviously to you. Not obvious to many Jews it would seem. Again, you are free to interpret my words as you wish.

The reason I said the things I said is b/c they conveyed the meanings I intended to convey. I don't know how else to answer you. It would seem by your interpretation that you're both Jewish and Christian.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Obviously to you. Not obvious to many Jews it would seem. Again, you are free to interpret my words as you wish.

The reason I said the things I said is b/c they conveyed the meanings I intended to convey. I don't know how else to answer you. It would seem by your interpretation that you're both Jewish and Christian.
Don't lay that on me. you said it -- not me. You're the one who said that Xy consisted of what Jesus believed and taught. Jesus taught and believed Judaism. Since it's clear to anyone with a brain stem that Xy and Judaism are not the same thing, your statement must be false.
Sojourner - "Don't lay that on me. you said it -- not me. You're the one who said that Xy consisted of what Jesus believed and taught. Jesus taught and believed Judaism. Since it's clear to anyone with a brain stem that Xy and Judaism are not the same thing, your statement must be false."

Feel better now?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Sojourner - "Don't lay that on me. you said it -- not me. You're the one who said that Xy consisted of what Jesus believed and taught. Jesus taught and believed Judaism. Since it's clear to anyone with a brain stem that Xy and Judaism are not the same thing, your statement must be false."

Feel better now?
Now you're not even making sense...
The tree of good and evil or tree of knowledge, is when we devided our selfs from truth and "for god knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god, knowing good and evil" followed later by god saying "who told you". Sin has always been seperation from god, not an action, but a position that births actions. As I read the responses to the post, what I am comfronted with the very idea that began that seperation, did god really say. There was no seperation in doctine between christ and judaism but fullfilment. the crucify christ is the ultimate sacrifice to unify us back to truth. He was killed by those protecting self promotion. That has little to do with the religion those might have claimed devoted to and more to do with those like sojourner. This forum started with something we could have explored and meditated on together, but we preferred to promote our preferrence. Please stop looking up greek words in the concordence, without knowing the gramatic structure of the laguage you will almost always take its meaning out of context. Sorry for the spelling. God bless
I think what is being said is that you're simply wrong.

I understand that may be the intended message. Of course, I see it as s/he disagrees. I think some of the confusion comes from the degree to which we see Jesus' actions (the fruit of his beliefs) and words as typical of Judaism - at least the Judaism of his time.
The tree of good and evil or tree of knowledge, is when we devided our selfs from truth and "for god knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god, knowing good and evil" followed later by god saying "who told you". Sin has always been seperation from god, not an action, but a position that births actions. As I read the responses to the post, what I am comfronted with the very idea that began that seperation, did god really say. There was no seperation in doctine between christ and judaism but fullfilment. the crucify christ is the ultimate sacrifice to unify us back to truth. He was killed by those protecting self promotion. That has little to do with the religion those might have claimed devoted to and more to do with those like sojourner. This forum started with something we could have explored and meditated on together, but we preferred to promote our preferrence. Please stop looking up greek words in the concordence, without knowing the gramatic structure of the laguage you will almost always take its meaning out of context. Sorry for the spelling. God bless

Had some trouble making out all of what you were trying to say. But I do think we may agree that the separation was an attitudinal one - a question of trust really. As for the Greek words - I don't just look them up; I've been studying Koine Greek for more than a decade and have some familiarity w/ the language - and languages in general, having also learned a couple of the Romance languages over the last 35 years or so.
I was not addressing you for using greek, I thought the definitions of such words as evil must be taken in full context of the full verse. I have similar brackground and was trying to imply that the definition of the word is found with the structure of the verse as a whole and should not be used outside the structure. However the more I have learned about my degree the less confident I feel that I could expained responsably any further then those who have spent a lifetime translating it into english. I have a hard time translating it into english as you out of any one could relate with.