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Why The Hate For Brexit Voters?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Why is there a suggestion that anyone who voted for Brexit was misled?

Those who voted for Trump are misled?

As if we had sense we'd vote for the 'right' thing.

As if there's a side that votes dumbly and tends to be rural, conservative and traditional and there's a side that votes sensibly and they are urban, liberal and progressive. It's bull****.



Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Literally look around you.

"Why is there a suggestion that people who tried to put out an oil fire with water are foolish for doing so?" said the man standing in the smouldering ruins of his own house.
Do you understand that most people who voted for Brexit would have voted for it based on reasons landed on decades prior to the vote?

Everyone in my family was one of those. We were talking about leaving the EU when I was a child. Once given the vote we voted for what we have wanted for years.

The fact the the circles you evidently move in were likely not having those conversations is a problem for you.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Why is there a suggestion that anyone who voted for Brexit was misled?

Mainly because the information was so widely available and the subject matter is so serious and difficult to course correct, I think.

Those who voted for Trump are misled?

Or worse, yes.

As if we had sense we'd vote for the 'right' thing.

Well, yes.

I realize that you have been lied to something fierce, but still.

As if there's a side that votes dumbly and tends to be rural, conservative and traditional and there's a side that votes sensibly and they are urban, liberal and progressive. It's bull****.

It is hardly the responsibility of the critics of Brexit as an idea to establish stereotypes for their oppositors. Am I missing something?


Woke gremlin
Do you understand that most people who voted for Brexit would have vote for it based on reasons landed on decades prior to to vote?
Most people I know who voted for Brexit did so based on lies that were told to them by the Brexit campaign, and didn't listen when it was explained why those lies were lies. I'm not saying they're bad people, I'm just saying that there is a degree of frustration when you're one of the people who was saying - all along - "this will be terrible for the country" only to be told roundly told by a huge portion of the population "It'll be fine!", and then - years later - that same portion of the population looks at the ungodly mess Brexit has become and - without a hint of egg or red on their face - boldly and confidently declares "Oops! Well, how could we have known?"

Everyone in my family was one of those. We were talking about leaving the EU when I was a child. Once given the vote we voted for what we have wanted for years.
And it's totally worked out, yeah?

The fact the the circles you evidently move in were likely not having those conversations is a problem for you.
You are not completely divorced from reality. You are capable of thinking for yourself, even if you were born a situation that pushes you in one direction or the other. There isn't an issue with being wrong. We can all be that, especially when we aren't given the opportunities for foresight that some of us have. My problem arises when you try to put all of us in that basket, suggesting that the people who voted against Brexit were just as biased and ignorance as those who voted for it.

Evidently, that was not true. Unless we were all collectively clairvoyant, there is obviously a degree to which the right vote was determined not entirely by personal biases, but by a degree of unwillingness to engage with reality.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I realize that you have been lied to something fierce, but still.
Please drop this crap.

We did not vote based on what politicians said.

I certainly didn't. Everyone in my family who voted Brexit hated Boris Johnson.

I don't even know why I have to explain this.

We strongly distrust large government, why would we have voted based on what politicians, who have a habit of lying, said?

Here is a better articulation Why did people vote for Brexit? Deep-seated grievances lie behind this vote

People in smaller, rural areas felt disenfranchised by globalism, that's basically it.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Why is there a suggestion that anyone who voted for Brexit was misled?

Those who voted for Trump are misled?

As if we had sense we'd vote for the 'right' thing.

As if there's a side that votes dumbly and tends to be rural, conservative and traditional and there's a side that votes sensibly and they are urban, liberal and progressive. It's bull****.

I think you have a great point.

In some sense, if I can make an analogy, it’s like we want a monarchy. Think like me, act like me and if you don’t we will hang you.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Why is there a suggestion that anyone who voted for Brexit was misled?

Those who voted for Trump are misled?

As if we had sense we'd vote for the 'right' thing.

As if there's a side that votes dumbly and tends to be rural, conservative and traditional and there's a side that votes sensibly and they are urban, liberal and progressive. It's bull****.


I can't speak on Brexit much as I don't follow British politics too closely at all

As far as folks who vote for Trump are concerned, this is politics as per usual in this day and age, and the subject of the OP addresses only one side of it. For every liberal who condescendingly looks down at conservatives, there's a conservative who condescendingly looks down at liberals. Some of the most smarmy and dismissive things I've heard about one's political opponents has come out of the mouths of conservative folks I've known in real life

I think one of the main reasons why it seems more one sided than the other lately is because, currently, conservatives are in a position of weakness. There's not much to actually support or defend when the party's leader is literally entangled in serious legal woes and continues to fumble time and time again. Things were different during Trump's presidency when conservatives spoke often about "liberal tears," but now the shoe is on the other foot - especially post Jan 6

Conservatives in the US haven't gone anywhere, and I expect the pendulum to swing back the other way once Trump is out of the picture - probably more severely than ever, though I hope I'm wrong about that

That's just my two cents, at least

Secret Chief

Leaving the world's biggest trading bloc was obviously stupid, as we are learning to our cost. Mitigations are coming through getting little bits of that relationship back.
I think the funniest is all the orange expats in Spain who voted for brexit but since found out they can't access the NHS any more. Idiots.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
You are not completely divorced from reality. You are capable of thinking for yourself, even if you were born a situation that pushes you in one direction or the other. T
Why is it whenever I said 'my family did it' someone thinks I did it because my family did? That is not logical.

I lived in the same area as my family, therefore I voted based on the same issues.

Yes, I do, indeed, have a brain.

There isn't an issue with being wrong. We can all be that, especially when we aren't given the opportunities for foresight that some of us have. My problem arises when you try to put all of us in that basket,
So stop doing it to us.

No, I'm not wrong.

Stop calling me wrong where this isn't a clear cut debate.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Do you understand that most people who voted for Brexit would have vote for it based on reasons landed on decades prior to the vote?

That makes no sense to me. The plebiscit was not on what people thought of some subject matter decades prior. It was about a proposed change from 2016 forwards.

I have to assume that there is a real issue of lack of proper venues for expression of political frustrations in much of the UK. Apparently that has been a major factor in Brexit-friendly feelings.

But at the end of the day, Brexit is still Brexit.

It is not some form of protest manifesto about internal issues of UK politics, even though there are some hints that it may have been sold or presented as such somehow.

Everyone in my family was one of those. We were talking about leaving the EU when I was a child. Once given the vote we voted for what we have wanted for years.

And that was Brexit?

I have a hard time attempting to contain my urge to ask what you thought that would entail, or why you failed to notice that Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and JRM were lying their innards out of their mouths.

They were not even trying very hard to be believable, after all.

The fact the the circles you evidently move in were likely not having those conversations is a problem for you.

Am I to understand that your community is not usually interested in politics? Is that what you mean to say here?

Brexit was and is a big deal. I have a hard time trying to imagine how or why someone would vote about a major change and then be surprised that it is indeed a major change.
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Woke gremlin
Why is it whenever I said 'my family did it' someone thinks I did it because my family did? That is not logical.

I lived in the same area as my family, therefore I voted based on the same issues.

Yes, I do, indeed, have a brain.
On the one hand, you want us to give you the benefit of the doubt for playing a part in crippling this country because you simply come from a situation where it felt like the right option at the time, with the other you boldly state that your situation had no impact on your vote and you thought for yourself.

The second one is worse, by the way. Believing lies because they were imposed on you is more forgivable than believing lies despite having the capacity to question them.

So stop doing it to us.
Stop putting all of us in the same basket. We were right, you were not.

No, I'm not wrong.

Stop calling me wrong where this isn't a clear cut debate.
It really is. If you can't admit Brexit was the wrong call, even now, I have no idea what reality you live in. But it isn't Britain.

To be fair, I am giving you a lot more vitriol here than you deserve, and I am sorry for that. You're just one person, and I have no doubt you DID genuinely vote for what you believed, at the time, was right. I am just aiming a lot of my pent up frustration at the last several years at you, unfairly.

My apologies.
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Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Am I to understand that your community is not usually interested in politics? Is that what you mean to say here?
How do you get this from 'we've been talking about it for years'?

The problem many Remainers had was that many genuinely didn't understand that many Britons wanted Brexit, because it hadn't been talked about in their circles. Usually urban, liberal, specialised job fields, where people were pro-globalism etc. These conversations usually happened in rural English and Welsh areas and within the North of England where we had been decimated and left behind owing to many many factors.

We had a Brexit vote based on this small majority (which it ended up being) of English people who wanted to leave.

From the POV of the Leaver, some Remainers came off as living in bubbles that didn't interact with the people who would be Brexit voters.

You are right that in the UK there is no real venue for this and the complex class system disallows for inter-party conversations just generally.

Many Leave voters, for example, we also lifelong Labour voters.

As were many Remain.

It's way more complex than it's being made out and the LSE article gets it pretty well.

Which is why I dislike being called 'wrong', since it's not an issue of right or wrong. I don't think those who voted Remain were 'wrong'. They had valid reasons for doing so.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Please drop this crap.

What crap? You have been lied to something fierce. I have listened to Nigel Farage and the like.

It is your privilege not to listen to criticisms, but then what is the reason for having this thread?

We did not vote based on what politicians said.

I certainly didn't. Everyone in my family who voted Brexit hated Boris Johnson.

I don't even know why I have to explain this.

Because the alternative seems to be to claim that you knew it would be a disaster and yet refuse to accept the responsibility of having supported it.

That is odd, don't you think?

We strongly distrust large government, why would we have voted based on what politicians, who have a habit of lying, said?

I have no idea. But that was not really the issue, was it? The vote was not about reducing the size of government.

Here is a better articulation Why did people vote for Brexit? Deep-seated grievances lie behind this vote

People in smaller, rural areas felt disenfranchised by globalism, that's basically it.

I am aware of the sentiment. Some of it I find justified, other parts not as much.

None of that makes voting for Brexit any more understandable, though. And I definitely do not understand how come the 2019 ellection turned out as it did if Brexit supporters are largely mistrusters of government going for some form of protest vote.

It would make more sense to vote against the Tories instead. What am I missing?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
On the one hand, you want us to give you the benefit of the doubt for playing a part in crippling this country because you simply come from a situation where it felt like the right option at the time
Are you deliberately trying to misrepresent me or what?

I voted based on what I saw around me.

with the other you boldly state that your situation had no impact on your vote and you thought for yourself.
My family has no impact, is what I said.

Stop putting all of us in the same basket. We were right, you were not.









It really is. If you can't admit Brexit was the wrong call, even now, I have no idea what reality you live in. But it isn't Britain.
You mean the Britain that voted for Leave.



Woke gremlin
Are you deliberately trying to misrepresent me or what?

I voted based on what I saw around me.

My family has no impact, is what I said.










You mean the Britain that voted for Leave.

For what it's worth, I added an apology to the bottom of my above post, because I do feel I am being unfair to you in my frustration. Hopefully that eases tension.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
What crap? You have been lied to something fierce. I have listened to Nigel Farage and the like.
There were people who voted for Brexit who didn't listen to Farage at all.

I think this is an issue of people thinking that all conservatives are Conservatives, for example.

We might be helped by distinguishing between people who became interested in the issue because of the vote and those who had always wanted it.

Many who I knew had wanted it since the 90s. It wouldn't have mattered what any politician or anyone else had said on the matter.

Because the alternative seems to be to claim that you knew it would be a disaster and yet refuse to accept the responsibility of having supported it.

That is odd, don't you think?
I'm not sure what you mean at all.

We wouldn't have wanted to leave if we thought it would be a disaster.

I have no idea. But that was not really the issue, was it? The vote was not about reducing the size of government.
For some it was. We wanted the EU to get its fingers out of our pie.

It would make more sense to vote against the Tories instead. What am I missing?
Labour was pro-Remain so why would we have voted for them?
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Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
For what it's worth, I added an apology to the bottom of my above post, because I do feel I am being unfair to you in my frustration. Hopefully that eases tension.
DW about it.

I think RF allows people to vent.

I am not even voting this next election I am so disgusted with them all.