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Why The Hate For Brexit Voters?

I have no doubt that it is a complicated issue with no easy solutions, but my point is that concerns about it that may have led someone to vote for Brexit don't have to be based on racism or ignorance. I can't blame a low-wage worker for wanting better pay from a job that globalism, through the underpayment of foreign workers, has made far cheaper than it would have otherwise been.

I think that what you've said brings up another major flaw of liberalism, though: When an exploitative or unfair status quo makes life easier for a subset of people at the expense of another subset, that status quo becomes entrenched and regarded by the former as synonymous with their own interests. Why is it fair for them to vote for the continuation thereof but unfair for many among the affected subset to vote for a policy or candidate they believe will bring about change that will improve their situation?

Also, I don’t remember the Remain campaign or its centre left supporters making a big song and dance about the importance of cheap immigrant labour in depressing working class wages so the middle class can continue to get cheaper goods and services.

There are good arguments in favour economically of course, but pro-EU folk tended to prefer the “you are all just stupid racists” gambit to the “yeah you have a point about the low wages that result from mass immigration, but we like cheap stuff so we don’t give a ****” as it is not very “progressive”.


Well-Known Member
I did find it funny watching Corbyn very badly pretending he wasn’t in favour of Brexit.

A good reminder that there have always been anti-EU elements on the left too.

Of course there are strong left wing arguments against the EU. Anyone who reads The Adults in the Room, Yanis Varoufakis’ account of the Greek debt crisis, will quickly lose any illusions they may have about the EU’s institutions serving the interests of the common people, in France and Germany as much as in Greece.

Interesting then, that there was never any appetite in Greece to leave the EU, despite the lack of support received from all corners of the “Troika” (ECB, EU and IMF). Almost as if the Greek people have accepted that Greece’s cultural and economic power, like their empire, is much diminished since the long distant past; so much so that they can’t contemplate “going it alone” as an independent trading nation.
Interesting then, that there was never any appetite in Greece to leave the EU

There was plenty of appetite among the public.

If there had been a vote it would have been pretty close, at least if the polls were correct.

Anyone who reads The Adults in the Room, Yanis Varoufakis’ account of the Greek debt crisis, will quickly lose any illusions they may have about the EU’s institutions serving the interests of the common people, in France and Germany as much as in Greece.

I wonder why an undemocratic and aloof organisation that doesn’t represent the interests of the common people could end up being unpopular in some quarters

Almost as if the Greek people have accepted that Greece’s cultural and economic power, like their empire, is much diminished since the long distant past; so much so that they can’t contemplate “going it alone” as an independent trading nation.

The EU has always had a schizophrenic personality stuck in between a pragmatic trading bloc (which produces almost all of the benefits) and an ideological quasi-state building exercise (which produces most of the harms).

The state building part seems more like an attempt to cling on to the days when Western European nations were leading powers and mattered on the world stage (Macron is a perfect example)

Rather than accept this decline they keep on chasing rainbows, and these will likely cause the eventual break up of the EU imo as they show no willingness to learn from their mistakes.