And yet we can prove he was real and we cannot for Jesus. Why?
Gee, I don't know...maybe because in his day Augustus was the most powerful and influential personage on the planet, surrounded by scribes, scholars, historians, poets, sculptors and bureaucrats who's job it was to document and immortalize the prominent figures of their day, in the geo-polictal epicenter of Western Civilization and Jesus was an obscure religious teacher with a small, mostly illiterate following and who lived in a relatively small Roman province that, aside from it's value as a trade center, the rest of the world considered unimportant?
But he is, Christianity is based on his teaching and that he IS the son of god....
belief that he was the son of God is the foundation of Christianity. This says nothing at all about the historical persona.
And as far as his teachings go, the truth is we don't know with anything near certainty what he actually said or taught.
Christianity is based on belief, not history. The
belief that he was divine and the
belief that he said what the Gospel accounts have him saying is the foundation of Christianity. Christian beliefs are, for the most part, a moot point when trying to discuss the possibility that there actually was a first century itinerant teacher in Judea who later became the central figure
of those beliefs.
This is a religious forum after all
And this was intended to be an academic debate, not a religious one. You still need to learn the difference.
, not to mention I have been waiting for fallingblood to rebut me till I am wrong,
Why should he do that if the points you want him to rebut have nothing to do with the OP?
and has yet to do so. regardless of what YOU think the point is fallingblood knows he/she is being dodgy and shawty at best.....
No, if anything he's being patient with you.
I absolutely would, and determine for my own mind whether it is legit or not. Yet how can I believe in a god whose son's existence cannot even be proven.
still talking about religion here.
And what evidence has been provided in this thread of any kind to refute my claims..?
oh none.....
If you're talking about your cut&paste barrage it's best that no one replies to those, since they're all off-topic and will most likely be deleted. If you want to discuss the topic you bring up with those posts, go ahead and start your own thread about it. But
please: read the rules about spam and plagiarism first (Rules # 4 and 8).
It was evidence relating to what fallingblood and I have been debating for some time now, yet that thread was closed and he started this thread out of that one..... hello..?
Doesn't matter. Like i said: if you want to discuss the mythical similarities (etc., etc,....see my last reply)
I am sorry but you approaching it
only makes more illogical sense. How can you approach something
academically if you can't prove it to be true?
You can apply an academic approach to anything, either to validate it, debunk it, or some combination of the two. The whole
idea is to determine if something is provable, or at least probable.
In an academic sense you would think proof would be needed.
If that were true almost all of ancient history would go right out the window.
Not the cop out of studying his MYTH, if he is a myth then religion is fraud. It's logic...
Real close to giving up here.
The bottom line and my point is the biggest most powerful religion is based on fallacies and myths,
Great. Good thing we're not discussing that religion then, huh?
and that the story of Jesus is 100% plagiarized from previous messiahs and prophets....
100%? You haven't actually read the story, have you?