What your describing is a perspective from two sides. One side its thought to be inconcievable and the other knows it conceivable, so then it is no miracle at all. The word miracle equates to magic basically.
Take for example omniscience. To know the outcome of a future event because you witnessed the event to know its outcome. That requires the ability to live in a moment forward in time, then live but not relive in a moment prior to the event. Think of the implications if that were possible to freewill. Time would have to be like film, molded into it events that already happed. No doubt this is pure science fiction, then so the ability to be Omniscient and know all things.
BTW.. that's a very old philosophy debate ignored by Christianity for hundreds of years.
It is now equated with magic, but not necessarily -and some definitions do allow for that which is simply presently beyond our own ability or understanding. We now routinely do things once considered "miraculous".
(Interesting note: Man has accidentally turned another element into gold in a nuclear reactor -as in alchemy -once thought impossible and ridiculous. See.....
Nuclear transmutation - Wikipedia )
If miraculous means "impossible", there is no point discussing it.
We may have omniscience, etc., on a small scale. As long as we have enough information about a present state, we can predict future states -or make certain a future state will come to pass.
However, we exist on a small scale. One who is essentially all-inclusive -developing from the most simple state and consciously determining future states as increasingly able would not be similarly limited.
The God of the bible is essentially described as having created a level of unpredictability by allowing other individuals to make conscious decisions, but is also able to supersede those decisions because his position enables him to do so.
Regardless of the will of man, etc., he has declared the end from the beginning -partly by predictability of that which he created by rearrangement of that which already existed, and partly by imposition of will superseding that of man, etc. -and will bring about the end determined from the beginning.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it" -Abraham Lincoln and / or Peter Drucker