i don't say not to believe on gods but my point is why to believe?
My translation of this question is:
Why bother celebrating anything? Why bother being grateful for anything? Why bother seeing beauty and awe in the world?
No, to me the better question is why
wouldn't you be doing these things. These things are what recognition of the gods is all about. I do not "believe" in my gods, my gods
are. They are the things that I find worthy of worship: the things worth celebrating, the things worth being grateful for, the things that are beautiful and awe-inspiring to me. Find yours and you find your gods.
i have not seen god yet nor any devil spirit nor i have met anyone who could prove me the existence of god.
Try those of us who see the sacred/gods/spirit as literally being reality itself. I'm pretty sure I can prove to you reality exists. =P And if not, I really can't help you out there. At that point you're at a level of philosophical skepticism that is too absurd for me to deal with. >_>;
god has never given me until i have worked for it. once i performed bad in exams and prayed for god to pass but i didn't. which proves that there is no such things like god for me.
The gods are not a "get out of jail free" card. Reality doesn't work like that, and I don't quite understand where people get this unrealistic expectation from. If I were you, I'd invest in spellcraft for these kinds of problems (and spellcraft isn't a "get out of jail free" card either, FYI), not begging gods for things. In my path, begging the gods for favor is kind of... it's uncouth. If you have an established relationship with the deity in question that's one thing, but blindly expecting reality to bend over backwards to make your life perfect is more than a little bit rude and arrogant. But again, that's just how I tend to see things... take with the proper grains of salt.