1) Many people are opposed to abortion. I'm opposed because it was promoted to a black-hating eugenicist and in most cases, it is a poor judgement that requires it. I also don't like killing, for me a fertilized human egg is a potential human. I absolutely support birth control, as that prevents the killing feature. Rejecting abortion doesn't mean you're a woman-hating SOB, it means you find it distasteful or possibly unnecessary.
2) Actually, it was tax cuts for all. But, why mince...
3) Universal health care is weak, expensive, and provides terrible care. For most people working a job, this is irrelevant, and if they can't work they are getting insurance anyway through their state. I don't personally see where it matters when functionally it is irrelevant. To me, the last person I'd want running my healthcare is the government.
4) Our nations border control is far weaker than other nations. Until we are protecting at a level equivalent to other western nations, we've got work to do. I don't find this to be an argument. Border control is much tighter in nations that are far left the USA, we've been slacking. This isn't a left-right issue as much as it is a national sovereignty concern. If you have no border you have no nation regardless of the political leanings.
5) Obviously, this was a party-line issue. He backed the "traditional marriage" line because he had too, but when SCOTUS ruled on it he didn't appeal or ask for reconsideration, and said, "The court ruled, and I'm fine with it." Trump has plenty of LGBT personal friends despite what anyone thinks on the matter and it doesn't bother him at all. But, I don't feel this issue is enough to signify you are right-wing. You can be a traditionalist without being a zealot, and especially in the case of someone as non-religious as Trump, it's an obvious fantasy to think he's 'down' completely with the evangelistic worldview. Many people just feel traditional families are better for children, and I do as well. But, my opinion isn't shaped by some beliefs, but rather my life experience so, YMMV.
But, I must point out in this thread I see a lot of black and white ideas on politics, and it's never that simple. If you think it is, you've become an extremist.