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why you are proud to be a sunni or wahabi?


Active Member
it is common question nowadays in our Muslim society, are you sunni or not? are you wahabi or not?
why not we are proud for being called Muslims?


Premium Member
Good point!

I'm an Arab Muslim from Saudi Arabia and all I'm proud of is that I'm Muslim!

Or maybe it is the ignorance in the language level before the faith level? I mean, do those calling them selves this and that really know what Sunni, Wahhabi, Salafi, Shiaa, etc. really mean?

All those modern terminologies are just made up by either bigots, haters or the ignorant!


Sunni muslim
Because we say we are this or that it means we are "proud" ?
It's just that we follow more a madhab than an other by choice or culturally.

I never call myself a sunni in front of people, i use the term sunni in this forum to let people know that my opinions may be different than a non sunni.

If you ask a question to a muslim, you'll have different answers sometimes.
A non muslim would be confused.

It's the same thing with Christianity (for ex). If i speak to a catholic then i know that it implies that Jesus is view as God or the son, when i speak to a JW i know they don't believe that so it simplifies the discussion to knwo who you're talking with.
It's not a question of pride at all.


Active Member
I never call myself a sunni in front of people, i use the term sunni in this forum to let people know that my opinions may be different than a non sunni.

it is just a vague statement, you write yourself a sunni or you speak this word from your mouth, both are same things.
A Muslim may have different thought from other Muslims, does it means he should write his school of thought with his name?
just a question, anyone here knows how Shirk(polytheism) started for the first time in history of mankind?


Sunni muslim
A Muslim may have different thought from other Muslims, does it means he should write his school of thought with his name?

You do what you want.

For exemple we have in this forum Ahmadi muslims. Well, they believe in another prophet after Muhammad (saw) and also have a different view concerning Jesus than mainstream muslims.


Active Member
For exemple we have in this forum Ahmadi muslims. Well, they believe in another prophet after Muhammad (saw) and also have a different view concerning Jesus than mainstream muslims.

I'm not convinced, if there are some Muslims committing adultery and according to them, there is nothing bad in that sin, should other Muslims who are not doing that sin start new maslak/madhab/firqa mentioning adultery-prohibited Muslims or something like that???
if my religious thoughts are different from other Muslims, should i start my own new XYZ Muslim sect?


Sunni muslim
I'm not trying to convince you.

I follow the sunna so there's nothing wrong for me to say i'm a sunni as it means Quran + Sunna.

If i answer to a question i don't want to loose time explaining that i don't trust this or that and starting to fight with other muslims. If we have different views there's a reason for that.

Let say someone ask a question about Achoura.
Achoura for me have not the same meaning as Achoura for a Shia.

And people we are following are scholars who spent their life studing the Quran and the hadiths.
It's not some people who came like that and started a new sect. Their goal was not to divise but to learn how to deal with some problems we can encouter and not commiting sins or to understand the meaning of some Quranic verses.
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Active Member
And people we are following are scholars who spent their life studing the Quran and the hadiths.
It's not some people who came like that and started a new sect.

ok, would you like to tell the name of person who started some sect? who gave the title sunni muslim etc? how a person after knowing Quran and hadith can start sects when Allah instructs us to call ourselves just Muslims?


Sunni muslim
I don't know the name of that/those people. Maybe it was when people were in opposition with the Shias so they wanted to be reconnized as non-shias.

What's important is what we believe not what is our label.
As long as the Quran is the first source and there's no bida, i don't see any problem.

I already told you that i use (i'm talking here just for myself) the term sunni to make it more simple in this forum but i don't use it in "real life".


Ahmadi Muslim
When someone says "I am not Sunni Shia but just a Muslim" it sounds like to me "Hello I have my own sect named after my own name".

At the time of Holy Prophet (saw) there were even sects (as in divisions) they were hypocrites. In reality there is one Jamaat at the time of a Prophet (as) and those are on the right path as they follow the Prophet (as) of God. After Holy Prophet (saw) those who followed Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) were not a Sect in the negative sense but a Jamaat, it passed down to Hazrat Umar (ra), then to Hazrat Uthman (ra), and lastly to Hazrat Ali (ra), and after his martyrdom sects in the negative sense began.

After Khalifat-e-Rashida they were forced to identify as "not Shia" and got identified as "Sunni". Many of the righteous ones didn't want divisions.

Once sects are created you have no option but to become confined to one piece. Either you are part of it or you are not. When you say I am neither that is so illogical, it is denial of reality. When you are saying your "just a Muslim" you are saying I am "not Shia & not Sunni" and I see that as another sect that refuses to be named so lets add it as "not Shia & not Sunni #929232929".

I believe that Quran's instructions are against creation of sects and people who do not affiliate with any despite being confined to the same fundamental views they create a sect per person who does this. I am thoroughly confused why some Muslims do such.

I am sorry but I don't mean this in any offensive way. Please forgive me if it offends you.


Ahmadi Muslim
Just to add what Rational Mind has said. It's also because human psychology demands it and also for our own ease of communication that we have names of each sect. Anything that is unique in its description will have its own name. Imagine trying to refer to "Vietnam" without using the name of the country or "Bolivia" without using its own name. Will someone understand that you are speaking about such and such country when you discuss a matter? How would you know? Another example: Imagine if we humans had no names and just called ourselves human. Imagine trying to discuss about a third person.

Another reason why names are necessary is because "outsiders" will otherwise give their own name to that particular belief. The belief of accepting Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) as the Promised Messiah of the latter days is named "Ahmadiyya". Read here why its called Ahmadiyya here: Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, if there was no such name, religious slurs such as "Qadiani" or "Mirzai" would become the norm.


Active Member
it is common question nowadays in our Muslim society, are you sunni or not? are you wahabi or not?
why not we are proud for being called Muslims?

Assalaamalaikum and Jumma Mubarak to all.
Irrespective of the label one carries we all must be proud of being in the Ummah of our beloved Rasool Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and his entire family and companions.As a muslim in Islam i don't have a problem with the label one carries.If you a sunni,wahabi or what ever Madhhabs that one follow then i am prepared to read my salah shoulder to shoulder next to you but i do have a very serious problem reading salah next to those that creates sects in Islam.
If any one claims to be Prophet and is still in Islam then all their followers i label them a sect and as such a Kafir.
If any one curses any of our Prophets(PBBUH) companions(Sahabah) then i also label them a sect and hence a Kafir.
The above 2 sects are very common in our society and as a Muslim in Islam if we do not take a firm stand against them then they are going to be a danger to our children.These 2 sects are very sweet with their sugar and lies to steal our imaan from us.
My advise is very careful how you thread with them.
Just my 2 cents and i am not going into detail.
Salaam and may the Almighty Allah protect your imaan.
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Ahmadi Muslim
If any one claims to be Prophet and is still in Islam then all their followers i label them a sect and as such a Kafir.
The above 2 sects are very common in our society and as a Muslim in Islam if we do not take a firm stand against them then they are going to be a danger to our children.These 2 sects are very sweet with their sugar and lies to steal our imaan from us.
My advise is very careful how you thread with them.
Just my 2 cents and i am not going into detail.
Salaam and may the Almighty Allah protect your imaan.

These views are the very reason why division exists in the Ummah.

Even with few different views we could be far more united. We all believe in the six articles of faith, believe in the Kalimah, pray 5 times a day, fast during the month of Ramadhan, perform Hajj & Umrah.

O ye who believe! when you go forth in the cause of Allah, make proper investigation and say not to anyone who greets you with the greeting of peace, ‘Thou art not a believer


Active Member
These views are the very reason why division exists in the Ummah.

Even with few different views we could be far more united. We all believe in the six articles of faith, believe in the Kalimah, pray 5 times a day, fast during the month of Ramadhan, perform Hajj & Umrah.


Peace to you SeekerofGod
I don't see any divisions in the Ummah but what i notice is a lack of total understanding of what the Ummah is comprised off.As a member of the Ummah one is free to follow any madhhabs as one wishes and every madhhab will be accepted by Allah.Note you can only follow one madhhab and not more that one.Futher to be united within this ummah there is absolutely no problem in reading salah with other madhhabs and this is evident at the present time.
At present the Ummah is one body without a leader.The Ummah awaits their leader,the Madhi,who is going to restore the Caliphate.The only divisions in the Ummah at present are the sects.Those who follow a sheikh who claims to be a Prophet are hence from a sect and those that curse the Caliphs and the Companions of our beloved Prophet(PBBUH) are also regarded as sects.These sects are kafirs simply because their teachings are based on kufir.
Note if you want to debate these 2 sects teachings with me you are most welcome on a seperate thread.
Finally the verse that you quote is from Sura An-Nisa and its 4:94 and not 4:95.Futher you are quoting words from Noble Quraan out of contex.Here is the full verse for your knowledge.
"Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooitha darabtum fee sabeeli Allahifatabayyanoo wala taqooloo liman alqa ilaykumu assalamalasta mu/minan tabtaghoona AAarada alhayatiaddunya faAAinda Allahi maghanimukatheeratun kathalika kuntum min qablu famanna AllahuAAalaykum fatabayyanoo inna Allaha kana bimataAAmaloona khabeera"

Sahih International
"O you who have believed, when you go forth [to fight] in the cause of Allah , investigate; and do not say to one who gives you [a greeting of] peace "You are not a believer," aspiring for the goods of worldly life; for with Allah are many acquisitions. You [yourselves] were like that before; then Allah conferred His favor upon you, so investigate. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted."

The above sura is very simple to understand.Its referenced for those that are going on Jihad.


Shi'ah Ali
those that curse the Caliphs and the Companions of our beloved Prophet(PBBUH) are also regarded as sects.These sects are kafirs simply because their teachings are based on kufir.

Funny. I feel similar for lovers of hypocrites and killers of ahlul bayt.

Though i wouldn't say kafir. Just simply ignorant and brainwashed.


Ahmadi Muslim
Peace to you SeekerofGod
I don't see any divisions in the Ummah but what i notice is a lack of total understanding of what the Ummah is comprised off.As a member of the Ummah one is free to follow any madhhabs as one wishes and every madhhab will be accepted by Allah.Note you can only follow one madhhab and not more that one.Futher to be united within this ummah there is absolutey no problem in reading salah with other madhhabs and this is evident at the present time.
Peace be upon you too. I would humbly disagree. Muslim to Muslim Violence is rife in the the Muslim world and I believe most analysts would agree with me. Besides the Syrian civil war and the Arab spring, we have had Iran v Iraq, Pakistan v Bangladesh, Iran v Saudi, Egypt v Libya, Malaysia v Indonesia and the list goes on, whether that is in the form of direct combat or a lesser form. Truth be told, the Ummah is anything but united.

Madhabs indeed are schools of thoughts and I agree that, as a Sunni Muslim myself (ie follower of Sunnah) one is free to follow any of them. However, one cannot deny that ad I explained above that Sunnis are divided. But their division isn't just geographical/political it extends dangerously into sectarian differences. Indeed, much of the violence has sectarian roots. The Sunnis are not one sect. They are themselves divided into numerous sects with their own sets of differences, which gives them enough of a reason to declare each other kafir.

At present the Ummah is one body without a leader.

Can you have a congregational prayer without an Imam? Can you have a Jamaat without an Imam? So, how can you have a united Ummah without a leader? It is by definition impossible, for the purpose of a leader is to unite the people. Think of it in any given context, whether worldly or spiritual.

The Ummah awaits their leader,the Madhi,who is going to restore the Caliphate.The only divisions in the Ummah at present are the sects.Those who follow a sheikh who claims to be a Prophet are hence from a sect and those that curse the Caliphs and the Companions of our beloved Prophet(PBBUH) are also regarded as sects.These sects are kafirs simply because their teachings are based on kufir.
Note if you want to debate these 2 sects teachings with me you are most welcome on a seperate thread.

Is it not ironic that you declare one group as kafir simply because they claims to follow the promised Mahdi, yet whilst you awaits the Mahdi, you do not think that you will too become a kafir according to your definition, when you accept the Mahdi and the majority of Muslims won't? The only unity in its truest sense in my humble opinion is found in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and one opinion is certainly that this community is the largest united community in the Muslim Ummah. And that can only be the blessings of Khilafat that you await for.

Finally the verse that you quote is from Sura An-Nisa and its 4:94 and not 4:95.Futher you are quoting words from Noble Quraan out of contex.Here is the full verse for your knowledge.
"Ya ayyuha allatheena amanooitha darabtum fee sabeeli Allahifatabayyanoo wala taqooloo liman alqa ilaykumu assalamalasta mu/minan tabtaghoona AAarada alhayatiaddunya faAAinda Allahi maghanimukatheeratun kathalika kuntum min qablu famanna AllahuAAalaykum fatabayyanoo inna Allaha kana bimataAAmaloona khabeera"

Sahih International
"O you who have believed, when you go forth [to fight] in the cause of Allah , investigate; and do not say to one who gives you [a greeting of] peace "You are not a believer," aspiring for the goods of worldly life; for with Allah are many acquisitions. You [yourselves] were like that before; then Allah conferred His favor upon you, so investigate. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted."

The above sura is very simple to understand.Its referenced for those that are going on Jihad.

Ahmadi Muslims tend to count Bismillah as the first verse. So all verses are shifted forward by 1 except chapter 9.

From what I understand, this verse sets a very powerful method of establishing peace in society. The fact that this situation applies in the case of war, means that it applies in all cases: consider this example: if you go out to war and the the opposite party decides to make peace with you, you will surely not go to war with them, as offcourse offensive wars are not permitted in Islam. But then will you declare them kafir, the next day, simply because you are not at war with them? That is far removed from human reason and does away with the beautiful Quranic wisdom. The fact that even in an extream case such as war you are not permitted to declare someone a kafir means that youbare not permitted to declare in any case.

Here I should add a very relevant hadith from Bukhari:
“Whoever observes Prayer in the same way as we do, and declares our qibla to be his qibla; one who eats from our dhabiha [i.e., the meat of our slaughtered animals] such a one is a Muslim. To protect such a person is a matter of obligation for God and His Messenger. So,[O ye Muslims!] make sure that you do not violate the obligation from God.


Active Member
You seem to be twisting my words to create an argument or you simply lack the intellect in understanding what i wrote.When i use the word leader you are referencing it to an Imam that leads the congregational prayer.
Let me put it frankly to you so you don't argue on our foundational beliefs.

Islam is based on 5 pillars.
1.Shahadah....declaring that there is no god except God and Muhammad(PBBUH) is the final messenger of God.
2.Salat...5 times a day we pray.
3.Sawm....fasting and self control during the blessed month of Ramadan.
4.Zakat....giving 2.5% of ones savings to the needy and poor.
5.Haj...pilgrimage to Mecca once in ones lifetime if one can afford the trip.

The above pillars has to sit on a firm foundation.If there is no foundation that the entire structure will definately collapse.Now what is this foundation all about?This foundation is all about the teachings of out Nabi Muhammad peace and blessings upon him and his entire family.Now to understand his teachings you have to follow a
Madhhabs.Here is a link .
Biographies of Scholars and Saints
If a muslim that follow a Sheikh then that Sheikh will also be following one of the Madhhabs and hence all his followers will be in the same Madhhab.All Madhhabs are roads leading into the teachings of our Prophet(PBBUH).
Now lets go into the teachings of our Prophet(PBBUH) to see how one who follow all 5 pillars and become a Kafir.
The follwing Hadith are the teachings of our Nabi(PBBUH) and hence the foundation that the pillars is resting on.
"The Prophet said, 'Just before the Hour, there will be 30 "dajjals" [liars], each of whom will say, I am a Prophet.'" (Ahmad.)

Note there are just too many Hadith that i can relate to you regarding Prophet Muhammad (PBBUH) as the final Nabi but i am only giving you one.Now if any person claims to be a Prophet then he is a liar and hence all his followers will be following a Sheikh whose teachings are based on lies.Here is a verses from the Noble Quraan.
Sura Al-Ahzab 33:36
It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.

Finally SeekerOfTruth
There are just too many Hadiths on this subject. Allah has told us in His Book, and His Messenger has told us in the Mutawatir Sunnah, that there will be no Prophet after him, so that it may be known that everyone who claims this status after him is a liar and fabricator who is misguided and is misguiding others. Even if he twists meanings, comes up with false claims and uses tricks and vagaries, all of this is false and is misguidance as will be clear to those who have understanding. This is what Allah caused to happen in the case of Al-Aswad Al-`Ansi in the Yemen and Musaylimah the Liar in Al-Yamamah, whose false miracles and nonsensical words showed everyone who was possessed of understanding that they were liars who were leading people astray; may the curse of Allah be upon them both. This is the case with every false prophet until the Day of Resurrection, until they end with Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (the Antichrist). Each of these liars is given by Allah signs which show the people of knowledge and the believers that his message is false -- which is part of the perfect kindness of Allah towards His creation. These liars do not enjoin what is good, nor forbid what is evil, unless they do so by coincidence or because it serves an ulterior purpose. They are the utmost in falsehood and immorality, in all that they say and do, as Allah says in the Noble Quraan……
(Shall I inform you (O people!) upon whom the Shayatin descend They descend on every lying, sinful person.)
This is in contrast to the Prophets may blessings and peace be upon them all for they are the utmost in righteousness, truthfulness, wisdom, uprightness and justice in all that they say and do, command and forbid. In addition to this they are supported with miracles and clear and obvious proof. May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon them always, as long as heaven and earth remain.Now if you still refuse to accept the above truth and you want more and more proofs from the hadith then it simply means you have already made up your mind so far as falsehood is concerned.Remember guidance comes from Allah and if you take the first step towards Allah then Allah will run towards you.

Please study the meaning of the word "hippocrate" before arguing any futher.



Ahmadi Muslim

Do you follow Quran and Hadith? Where has it been said that whoever accepts a Muslim Prophet after (saw) is not a Muslim? Please share if you actually follow Quran and Hadith.

Here is how Holy Prophet (saw) HIMSELF defined Muslim:
'One who observes the same prayer as we do, faces the same direction (in prayer) as we do, and partakes from the animal slaughtered by us, then such a one is a Muslim concerning whom there is a covenant of Allah and His Messenger; so you must not seek to hoodwink Allah in the matter of this Covenant'. (Bukhari - Kitabus Salat, Baab - Fazl Istiqbal Il Qibla)

Kindly refrain from commenting on those things you are not knowledgeable on. An "Imam" referred to here is not Imam of Salat.

If you have any proof from the Quran and Hadith that anyone who accepts a Muslim Prophet after (saw) is not a Muslim please share.

I am not interested in what your Sheikh says as this term "Sheikh" is Biddah in itself.

Maybe you should first tell your Sheikhs what their status is as they believe in a Jewish Prophet, whom Quran calls Rasoulun Bani Israel, a Messenger to Children of Israel, to come AFTER Holy Prophet (saw). And please rest the argument on being born before as nowhere has this been mentioned as a criteria in Quran or Hadith. In fact there is Hadith which prove Holy Prophet (saw) in fact was made a Prophet before Adam (as).

We accept the Imam Mahdi & Promised Messiah (as) who is a non-law bearing Prophet whom Holy Prophet (saw) himself said to follow. While you believe a "Rasoul" brings Shariah so it is a shame that a Shariah Nabi of Bani Israel is coming after Islamic Shariah has been perfected in the Holy Quran.


Active Member
Funny. I feel similar for lovers of hypocrites and killers of ahlul bayt.

Though i wouldn't say kafir. Just simply ignorant and brainwashed.

Peace to all.
What may look funny to some may look foolish to others.
What do you call people who read salah behind those that they label as "lovers of hypocrites"?
What do you call people that read salah behind those that they label as "ignorant and brainwashed"?