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Will God fall?


To Heneni: let me try to sort out your beliefs. The Earth is Hell, (there is no afterlife of torment for the "wicked"), when we die and do not submit to God, we reincarnate again on the Earth and Christians are the only thing that keep us evil unbelievers from killing each other. Okay... where to begin...

A question: if God gave us this planet "in a spick and span condition," why are there Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and deadly viruses? Did primitive humans create them? Satan or God?

A question: If the world is utter Hell, why has the brutality of man decreased?

A question: You claim Heaven is perfect, but what is perfection? Is perfection everyone always smiling and being friendly and kind? Do you not need evil to make good, good?

Here is why I think evil is necessary.

Heneni said:
There is no freedom without control Darkness. There is only freedom to walk in the park, when you know that the police is doing their job.

Which is why I am not an Anarchist. Perhaps you do not truly read what I write, but what you want to read. The degree of Freedom we all should possess is the freedom to do what we want so long as it does not infringe upon other's ability to exercise the same freedom. Ergo, in the Satanic Kingdom, there will be police to make sure everyone's freedom is protected.

Heneni said:
And you have sided with Satan...do you think he cares about what you want? LOL.....God isnt playing us like pawns. Satan is.

Well, I do not believe in a literal Satan, but metaphorically, Satan wants everyone to be able to exercise their freedom as long as they do not harm others who do not want to be harmed.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
There is still a certain amount of order on this planet, only because the Holy Spirit and the children of god is still here. But when the HS and the children of god leaves, this here will become a place of anarchy, each person turning into a wolf, lawless, loveless, and mercyless humans, trying to live with each other. Good luck to you all.

You don't know much about wolf society do you because if you did you would see what a poor and false analogy this is.


Miss Independent
Hello Darkness and Moonwater

If satan is going to police free will id like to see anyone stand up against him if they are not doing what he wants. :rolleyes: God was smart enought to have the free willers leave heaven since he knew it would make some of them come to their senses. He could have just anihilated all of us, including satan, but he didnt. Doesnt seem like a narcisist to me!

God did not kill you when you rebelled against him. What do you think satan will do?

Im sure satan will think its for the greater good to get rid of people instead of having them stand up against him or anybody elses free will. I hope for their sake that they have learned to submit to other people's free will. Because like you can tell...it seems that those in his kingdom think the strangest things are OK to do to each other.

I mean it is our free will to kill an unborn child..its not harming YOU in anyway. Im sure it is ok to get rid of you if you dont want to pay nearly most of your salary to the goverment..i mean taxes are OK. Its ok to rebel against satan since he did it himself, as a good example to follow. So dont hesitate to have a bit of a tantrum against his rule either, since its our free will to do so, and we are not hurting anyone by being rebellious either.

Lying to protect ourselves is fine too...doesnt hurt anybody. Dont forget to tell our childen we love them, we might not..but its not hurting them to lie to them. Dont forget not to pay our mortgage since its our free will to do so, and its not hurting the bank. I just hope the bank will think we are not hurting them.

Satan will fall, and by who's hand? His followers. Since they will realise that his idea of free will is a farse, it does not give any real freedom. Satan is rebelling against god just because he can, i dont think he thought it through. But still as long as satan is rebelling, its clear that god is still calling the shots. He is free to excercise his free will and so are you, on this planet....and you and him will have to live with the consequences. But god isnt going to let him have his way in heaven, since his tract record on earth is hardly something to boast about. So all I can say is ENJOY it...its what you wanted. But when the heat is turned up and people cant handle all the other free willers with more power than themselves ,people who dont think it evil to snub you out to get what they want, you will realise that gods kingdom is far better.

You say mans brutality has decreased. :help:

And about earthquakes and virusses and stuff. Do you think these are evil? Why ?because it hampers your free will to build a house on the river bank, or a house on a vault line? Nature isnt evil darkness she does what she does to uphold the balance here...is that evil to you? Is she hampering your free will? Find another planet then that will not have earthquakes and volcanoes and floods. Cant leave here can you????

Virusses...lots of them are man made...some are not...all beings are suppose to keep balance on earth together...but clearly wiping out forests and spilling junk in the sea, and ...and...and...is far less noteworthy since mother earth is 'evil' herself.

How familiar are you with satans activity here on earth darkness? Its your free will that is the problem not the solution.

You dont need evil to recognise good. You actually think evil is doing good a favour?

So then its good to see and experience rape in order to know how good it was before you were raped?

Im not sure....are you saying that satan is a methaphor? Or are you saying he is real?
Are you commenting on what you THINK satan wants to do, or what you KNOW he wants to do? Which side are you on then? Or does it change depending on what I say?

Surely darkness you should realise that the only one that is going to fall is satan..not by the hand of god, but because his followers and kingdom is divided against itself. And free will does that to a kingdom..it divides it into the group that wants what you have..and believe its their right to have it too, and the group that doesnt want to give it, because they think it is their right to keep it. Its a difficult life to be a free willer!

I dont want free will, even though god gave it to me. I submit under gods rule . That way i am really free.


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Sporadic Driveby Member
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A friendly reminder: The placement of this thread in the Luciferianism DIR means that no opinions contrary to Luciferianism are allowed in this thread. Members outside this faith are welcomed to ask respectful questions, but there is to be no debate or opinions contrary to this faith in this DIR.

Those who wish to debate the subject are asked and encouraged to create a thread in one of the many areas RF has specifically for debates. If the OP poster wishes debate, the Staff can move the thread to a debate area upon request.

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Voice deeper than Thor's

Are you a cyberman or do you want the thread to be deleted?

...Anyway... I'd like to put a non-Christian and non-Luciferian view on the Jehova ('God' is a word, not a name) vs Lucifer 'battle'.

It seems to me rather similar to Ragnarok in Norse Paganism, with the Jotunn as Jehova and his followers and Odin followed by the Einharjer as Lucifer and the other fallen angels. The Einharjer are the spirits of soldiers who died gloriously in battle, who could be described as "fallen", since they, well... literally fell down.

I thought I'd add this because I'd quite like Luciferian views on Norse Paganism. (Ok, and Christian views if you really want).

Edit: I just thought I'd add some similarities between Odin and Lucifer/Satan:
Odin is often seen as a wanderer who goes his own way. This seems to me that Odin rather likes freedom, just as Lucifer does.
Also, Odin is always in the pursuit of knowledge and strives to become wiser, just like Luciferians.
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