I don't see what it has to do with the OP..
I also think that you must be living in a time-warp .. as far as I'm aware, the families wealth has declined somewhat over the years.
However, I would agree that Jews control much of the world's finances ..
There's nothing clever about that .. Jesus, peace be with him, has reported to have said:
"For the rich man to get to heaven is like the camel passing through the eye of a needle"
Again .. what has it got to do with the OP?
I don't mind or care if My thread goes off topic: I'm not some kind of forum Nazi!
One of My main goals is to help spread awareness, so that the collective consciouness can become more mindful and enlightened to the Truth!
I definitely want to talk to some Jewish people, because I am curious about what is stopping them from believing in the facts about Myself! I believe that I can vindicate the Jewish faith and people, because I understand why Jesus is NOT their Messiah!
As I have said, I have not checked My ancestral lineage (much), but it's totally possible that I might have some Jewish blood in Myself on both My maternal and paternal sides of My family!
Relevance is relative and subjective, so some people might believe that something is very pertinent to the topic while others don't see the pertinence.
One of My goals is to teach the world about esoteric facts.
It's My will to unite the people's of every country and faiths and backgrounds, etc., to bring about a peace that will harmonize and commence freedom for each and every country! I would like to see people less religious and more spiritual, because religion divides, and spiritual knowledge can unite!
We should not fight about our futile differences, but we should learn from each other and we should celebrate our similarities. I love diversity! I love the fact that people have so many different ideologies, because who wants to live in a world where everyone is exactly the same?
But, yes, there is a bigger picture! And I want people to open their spiritual eyes of understanding and become more enlightened because of the love that the Higher Power has for all people! The Lord is not a racist bigot, because no one is good enough to deserve His love, and no one is bad enough to be rejected by His love! As it is written, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And it's not by works that you are saved, rather you are saved by faith in the Lord!
If salvation came by your works, then no one could be saved, because it is written- all of your works are useless or like trash to the Lord! You cannot deserve Him by being good, and you cannot be too bad that His Power and Grace and Mercy is too good for you. No! In other words, no one is too good that they don't need the Lord, and no one is too bad that He cannot help you... In My honest humble subjective opinion!
It's not your works that saves you! It's by His love for you, His unmerited favor, His mercy from the infinite compassion from His holy heart!
No one is too good for the Lord, and no one is too bad for the Lord!
It is written, the Lord of Hosts is not a respecter of persons.
I believe that we are all equally loved by our Higher Power! Even though we all are not equally talented or gifted, etc..