so we are rebuilding things in iraq ha? boy that is news to me considering all those billions are still unaccounted for and the iraqi citizen still only has lights for less than 4 hours a day.
if it was so toltarian, how come there was freedom of religion and how one wanted to practice that religion? under saddam, a woman did not have to hijab. if things were so bad there, how come they had the best hospitals and universities in the middle east? how come 80% of men had a job to support their families? how did a middle class thrive under such an oppressive pig? how come a child's nubmer one health problem was obesity?
iraq since bush jr. conquest has left 90% of the population in the pits of poverty and has left high health prolbems of double, tripple cancers in patients and high birth defects. before the first invasion, herion abuse was not a major problem in that country either.
no we invaded iraq the second time around because saddam traded his dollars in for euro. lets not forget iraq is an opec country and lets also not forget that oil has always been traded in dollars.
you want to know about the oil for food program, why don't you read the article writen by a u.n. offical who was incharge of this program and walked out on his job because he was so angry about the program and it was not because saddam was pocketing millions. the oil for food program came after the sanctions, long after.
how can you say we did not want a civil war in iraq? how can you say that we don't want any part of such a war? what sets the mood for such a war to happen? i want you to think about that and then compare it with how we destroyed the governemt, public works, middle class, society, and put a majority in to run this country. (iraq has always been a multi national country)
as far as bush goes, i guess you don't read the washington post much, they only reported what i said not 3 weeks ago. get your facts straight man, nixon resigned because if he didn't he would have been charged for obstruction of justice due to the watergate scandal. in bush's case it all had to do with the unconstituational wire tapping of our phone lines and internet use, and how he personally blocked the law to investagate it.