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Of all the different "terms" out there, I personally prefer the word Witch. Anyone else? thanks Susan


Not your average Mormon
Hi, Susan. I see you're new here. Welcome!

I'm not a witch myself (although I know a lot of people who think I am ;) ), but I'm curious as to your reasons for prefering that term over some of the others.


The Feisty Penguin
I also prefer Pagan, but if someone wants to call me a witch, I don't mind. I almost feel that such a title should be earned, not taken.


Well-Known Member
I also prefer Pagan, but if someone wants to call me a witch, I don't mind. I almost feel that such a title should be earned, not taken.
I concur completely with Gentoo. I prefer Pagan to Witch and Kemetic to Pagan, but I don't really have any qualms over what anyone wants to call me :D
Of all the different "terms" out there, I personally prefer the word Witch. Anyone else? thanks Susan

"Witch" has its ups and downs semantically. On the one hand, witch is a less theistic term, denoting an actual lifestyle and pragmatic practice than it does a theology. It also tends to free one from being associated with neo-pagan morality. "Pagan" however, provides a more open definition for ones beliefs, allowing ones personal practices to remain peculiar to the individual without defining them. And for most people, their beliefs are broader than their practices, so pagan is a more fitting term.


Well-Known Member
Calling yourself a Pagan is ok if you have no direct path, but calling yourself a Pagan is VERY vauge. Because Pagansim is such a HUGE term I think calling yourself a Witch, Druid, Etc is a good idea. My wife calls herself a Witch.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
"Witch" has its ups and downs semantically. On the one hand, witch is a less theistic term, denoting an actual lifestyle and pragmatic practice than it does a theology.

I tend to use the term in a similar fashion. To me, a "witch" denotes the practical use of ritual and spells within or without a particular religion or culture.

It's similar to the term "mystic" in that way, where mysticism refers to the philosophical and experiential aspects of religion.

Problem is (in both labels), there are stereotypes--both good and bad--associated with each. But then, such are words. :)


Well-Known Member
Calling yourself a Pagan is ok if you have no direct path, but calling yourself a Pagan is VERY vauge. Because Pagansim is such a HUGE term I think calling yourself a Witch, Druid, Etc is a good idea. My wife calls herself a Witch.

The only problem with this is that "Witch" doesn't denote a religion in and of itself, whereas "Druid" does. One can be a Druid and a practicing Witch, or a Kemetic and a practicing Witch. The term Witch doesn't mean a specific path, IMHO, but rather, a specific practice.

"Pagan" allows for the ability to be one, both, or neither. "Witch" allows for only that, "Witch", without calling ones religious beliefs into the equation.


Well-Known Member
The only problem with this is that "Witch" doesn't denote a religion in and of itself, whereas "Druid" does. One can be a Druid and a practicing Witch, or a Kemetic and a practicing Witch. The term Witch doesn't mean a specific path, IMHO, but rather, a specific practice.

"Pagan" allows for the ability to be one, both, or neither. "Witch" allows for only that, "Witch", without calling ones religious beliefs into the equation.

I guess it depends on the person. Some people believe that Witchcraft is a religion. Paganism as a whole is just too broad of a term to be a religion.

I think that some people are afraid to be called Witch, Druid, Etc, because Pagan sound more user friendly.
I guess it depends on the person. Some people believe that Witchcraft is a religion. Paganism as a whole is just too broad of a term to be a religion.

I think that some people are afraid to be called Witch, Druid, Etc, because Pagan sound more user friendly.

True, but like you said, pagan is both vague and broad, and as a term it accommodates individual paths. If someone practices their own peculiar tradition and they feel it fits in with any number of pagan paths, than "pagan" will be the most accurate and fitting term for them. I'm not saying you disagree with this, just pointing out the positive side.

Nessa Nenharma

Goddess of my Domain
Of all the different "terms" out there, I personally prefer the word Witch. Anyone else? thanks Susan

I choose to call myself a Witch because I earned that right while being taught the religion and I am never going to allow someone to take away something that I worked hard to earn.

Neither am I going to allow someone to persuade me that Witch is an evil term.

I think the more people that use the term to describe themselves, the more saturated society will become with the word and eventually it will be no more shocking then calling oneself Baptist, or Catholic, or Mormon :).


Quick post--
I like the term Witch myself, not as a replacement for Pagan, but because it's easier for me personally to have a quick identification.
I agree Kcnorwood:http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/../members/kcnorwood-7138.html
Because Paganism is such a HUGE term, I think calling yourself a Witch,
Druid, Etc is a good idea.
And also with Guitar's Cry:
To me, a "witch" denotes the practical use of ritual and
spells within or without a particular religion or culture.

Since I am Pagan by the definition of being polytheistic and Earth and
Nature-oriented in my beliefs, but practice ritual and some craft,
the term Witch is an easy label to apply to explain things (in some cases).
Sometimes I opt for "Green Witch" or "Eclectic" or "Solitary," but in the
end, what answers most people's questions quickly is, "And yes, I am a Witch.
That's part of my personal practice of Paganism. It's not the same for all Pagans,
but that's what applies for me."
After a short background of an explanation of Paganism, they usually nod and
smile and say, "Gosh, that's interesting. Thanks!"


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Well I'm not much on either pagan or witch as neither really defines me. Though they come closer than any of the others. Pagan, I find more accurate and would prefer it though as I agree that witch denotes more of a practice and ritual rather than a religion for me and I have yet to really figure out the "practice and ritual" part of my faith. When I do perhaps I'll find the term more fitting but until then I would rather not be called a witch as I feel I haven't earned the title yet. So for now Pagan will do. Though I have to say even that term, as broad as it is, doesn't entirely fit me as my religion/beliefs include many of Christ's teachings as well and Christianity is most certainly not Pagan. So in all actuality the best term to describe my religion is my title "Eclectic mut" Because that's what it is, a mixture not just of different denominations of one faith(s) but of different "breeds" of religion entirely.


I still haven't decided whether to call myself a witch or not because I'm still searching & finding what's right for me, but I don't see being called a witch as a bad thing. :)
-Princess Dot


Well-Known Member
I've never bothered with titles at all, despite the disappointment it causes to some of my friends. A case in point was a recent discussion I had with a somewhat intoxicated friend, who for this dialogue shall be called "Sam" (because that's his name...)

Sam: So you really believe in magic and witchcraft and all that?
Me: Yup, I've practiced magic since I was a kid.
Sam: So you cast spells then?
Me: Yup.
Sam: So does that make you a witch?
Me: Well technically yes, but I don't really call myself "witch".
Sam: Ohhhh, is it wizard for a guy?
Me: What? I don't call myself a wizard...
Sam: Warlock then?
Me: No, warlock doesn't mean what a lot of people think it means, it refers to an oathbreaker or somebody who was kicked out of a coven.
Sam: Cool... so can I call you a witch then?
Me: Just call me Dave.
Sam: How about wizard?
Me: No, just call me Dave!
Sam: No, I really want to call you a wizard.
Me: Whatever, I don't particularly care...
Sam: Yes! I know a wizard!


Well-Known Member
I've never bothered with titles at all, despite the disappointment it causes to some of my friends. A case in point was a recent discussion I had with a somewhat intoxicated friend, who for this dialogue shall be called "Sam" (because that's his name...)

Sam: So you really believe in magic and witchcraft and all that?
Me: Yup, I've practiced magic since I was a kid.
Sam: So you cast spells then?
Me: Yup.
Sam: So does that make you a witch?
Me: Well technically yes, but I don't really call myself "witch".
Sam: Ohhhh, is it wizard for a guy?
Me: What? I don't call myself a wizard...
Sam: Warlock then?
Me: No, warlock doesn't mean what a lot of people think it means, it refers to an oathbreaker or somebody who was kicked out of a coven.
Sam: Cool... so can I call you a witch then?
Me: Just call me Dave.
Sam: How about wizard?
Me: No, just call me Dave!
Sam: No, I really want to call you a wizard.
Me: Whatever, I don't particularly care...
Sam: Yes! I know a wizard!

Hey Shyanekh, could you explain to me what exactly is a dark pagan? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey Shyanekh, could you explain to me what exactly is a dark pagan? Thanks.

Hehe, that's basically a quicker way of saying Poly/Pantheistic Nihilistic Amoral Eclectic. My belief system is so fluid, there's really no point in me trying to pin any solid label to it. However, since I'm very much of a LHP mindset and revere multiple deities I find that "Dark Pagan" is a good way of giving people the basic jist of my beliefs... I work with lots of entities and not all of them are nice :cool:

I did say a while back that I would make a thread describing my beliefs and I'm still working on getting it all down in a roughly intelligible document. It's not easy, but hopefully it won't be too long before I have something I'm roughly happy with.