How do you envision living without money?
I see no problem with money as long as people do not worship money. I am sure you know what Jesus said about that. Moreover, money can be used to help others, it is not always used for selfish purposes and materialism.
The real problem facing humanity is not money, it's near total inter-dependence, and our willful ignorance regarding it. We need to face the reality of this, and accept that our modern societies can no longer tolerate the kind of selfishness masquerading as freedom that our current culture worships and promotes. We must accept that we the order of the times is cooperation for mutual benefit, not competition for self-interest.
So competition is bad? Do you believe in socialism?
In most instances, among humans, competition is a huge waste of time and energy that could be far more positively effecting if spent on mutual cooperation.
Do you think all rich people are greedy and decadent?
Only if they don't share the wealth and opportunities that they've managed to acquire.
Do you think that everyone who makes money in the stock market is exploiting others?
Investment capital is a very good idea and force in the economy. But capitalism: giving commercial control to the capital investor, exclusively, is a disastrous idea in a modern inter-dependent society. It's literally a recipe for the subjugation and exploitation of the many, by the few, through the control of wealth. It's fundamentally parasitic and can ultimately only lead to socio-economic collapse.
What about middle-class people who made investments for their retirement? Are you happy to see them suffering from a market crash?
They are riding the coattails of their "massahs" hoping to gain an advantage for themselves. I don't blame them, nor forgive them. They made their bed and they will sleep in it, as we all do.