Well, let me try to explain Advaita (non-dual=God and creation are not-two) drawing on the wisdom of many masters I respect. I do hold the belief that there are those that have experienced consciousness levels deeper than the surface chatter-mind.I didn't suggest that belief in Oneness renders life pointless. More that it would lead to more existential questions about that point.
Who wants us to join the Oneness?
Why do we exist in an unevolved state?
Is life's sole purpose to evolve us?
If so, what is the reason this is not clear to us?
Meh...I could put a million things down, but there seems to be an endless sea if existential considerations on your path. None of which makes it right or wrong, incidentally. Those are quite different questions, to my mind.
The only thing that exists is One infinite consciousness that has no needs and has a creative aspect. The Oneness creates a cosmic thought-form/play/drama in which in Act I separates Himself from Himself (rays of consciousness identify with finite forms) and in Act II returns Himself to Himself (a blissful ending for all).
Why? Why do humans create art/plays with no practical purpose = TO EXPERIENCE.
Well, that's a start at explaining meaning.
If we are growing in concern for others, love and consideration of all then we are indeed achieving this evolution towards Oneness.Something I'm going to assume almost no one is actually achieving?