I understand what you are saying brother.I have not turned my back on the church though.When Jesus walked HE spoke against the pharisees.I am amoung many who follow Jesus and have rejected the mainstream organized churches.Our desire is to know G_D, to seek HIM and HIM alone.We do the ministry of helps to the widows and orphans but we do not claim membership in any one denomination.
I/we do not turn our backs on the church because man is bad, we readily admit that we are also bad.What we do is follow the Spirit.To say that we have turned our backs on G_D because we deny the organized Church seems a bit judgemental considering that, with all the messages being taught in all the different denominations, one has no comparison except that of JESUS to follow.
We also believe that according to mans agenda the organized church is fast becoming a one world church following those laws established by man so we choose not to serve her but to serve Christ by serving those in need.
We do not believe that the acceptance of the gay agenda into the church is established by G_D, nor is abortion.
The Disciples did humble themselves before G_D and man but not to the point where they accepted those laws that are against G_Ds law.In that they were all martyred save John.
Thomas I am sure that you understand that there are many yet who will be martyred and they will not all be members of the established church.The sad thing is that it will be many of the established church who will be crucifiers of those martyrs.
Remember that Satan comes at us as an angel of light (truth and knowledge) but he delivers lies that lead many into perdition.I understand that you could say that I/we are following that lying angel of light. I pray you are wrong in that though.
In following JESUS we do not turn our backs on our brothers Thomas, we seek them out, not to change them but to deliver the message of the cross, not that of mans understanding.
Sadly, as we deliver the message ( you can read the message if you like at
www.tip.org ) we are asked to leave many churches, as we minister to the sick and dying we are also asked to leave many churches.We do not decide to leave, we are asked.The reason, the tax exemption of the church and the profit of the field of medicine.
The TIP site is a teaching on the discernment of the prophecies of the Rev. in conjunction with the ancient prophets.This discernment disagrees with the teachings of many modern day self proclaimed prophets but does not claim to be a prophetic teaching, only a discernment of what has already been prophecied.
The book of Daniel has been opened as I am sure you are well aware.TIP is sharing that message not for money, but for truth.It disavows the modern day self appointed prophets and their goal of profits.
Please avail yourself of the opportunity to visit this site and follow your heart.
In Christ I serve