In this age of COVID, the government and health departments and the such say to stay home from work if you are sick. But what if you can’t afford to call out and are sick? What do you do?
Is it wrong for someone with COVID symptoms to go into work, let’s say as a dishwasher or cook, if they need the money?
I remember a conversation I had with a boss before COVID. He was complaining to me how people would call out sick, grumbling that he had to come into work sick all the time.
This question is on my mind because I wanted to call out from work today because I forgot to take my anti manics last night but I don’t think I can financially afford to do so. But I know I’ve gone into work sick before, as well as many other poorer Americans.
I know people will say that the government should step in or the business should provide for their sick employees, but this simply isn’t the case or possible in all situations.
This is an excellent example of the fundamental dichotomy of human nature -- that we are a social species, but with the capacity to default. A bee, defending the hive, must sting even though it means her own death -- she cannot choose to do otherwise. Bees are eusocial, but lacking in the brainpower to establish a personal identity and will.
Humans are also eusocial -- but we abound in the capacity to default. No matter how much we know what the "right thing to do" is, we are almost never compelled to do it, as the bee does.
So, as a social animal, you know that if you are sick, you have a very good chance of spreading your sickness to others, and if some of those others will end up going home to elderly or otherwise compromised family members, it is entirely possible that this could lead to unnecessary deaths.
Yet, as a social animal that can default, you have the capacity to value your own need for a full paycheck above the potential death (which you really don't think about in your calculations anyway), and will quite likely go to work anyway -- to satisfy your need at whatever (unseen) cost to other members of your social group.
This is what makes humans so interesting. And difficult. And dangerous. And unfathomable. And seemingly almost unnatural (which is why we may suppose we are just slightly below the angels).