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World population and Global warming.


For hundreds,thousands years ago, our world was simple. But, now in these days,
our world gotten worse and complex. Have you wondered ever why
this might happened?

Because of us. That's right. Because of People.
Before WWII, which was 1945, our population
was nearly 2 billion. Since the beginning and until 1945, population
was 2 billion. It never exceeded over 2 billion.
But, after, 1945 and until now,
over 60 years has been passed, and nearly 4
billion of population has been increased.
After WWII, world became more complex and
more difficult place to live.

Humans thinkings has been more complex ever
than before and so does our lives. Thus, because
of complex of thinkings, our types of pains which suffers
from mentally, and physically has been dramatically
increased. All of these are came from
the increase of population.

So, why in the world, population has been so
increased huge? There could be many reasons
but I believe because humans eat MEATS.
Before WWII, humans didn't eat meats that much
like NOW. Moreover, Asians, didn't eat meat at all
only just few times a year. But now, look at us.
once a day, people eat meats. For western people,
well...don't tell me about it.....

Every living creatures has a some sort of soul.
Not like the ones we have, but some kind of mind
energy of souls.
When they die, they do not die together.
Every day, on the EARTh, thousands, millions
of animals are being killed because of our food,
or even for fun. When those animals die,
their soul become seperate from their body and
actually about 0.00001 percent becomes human.
From our point of view, these numbers we should
take seriously.

This is not a buddha's theory, nor teachings. This is
science and philosophy. Origin energy becomes
to different beings.......
Look at the people around from New York, or Boston,
L.A. Look closely to their faces. Many people have
a thoughts from animals. They have a kind of mix
thinkings mind from animals and humans. Animals
wants to live and hang around with only their spieces(races).
This kind of animals thoughts now came to human

Thus we have now more violence in our society
ever than before. Students kill their parents and teachers
and other countries send troops to other countries to invade
and have war. Because of money, humans kill animals, friends,
and parents, and destroy the ocean and nature.

Look at you're true self identity. In the beginning, our
heart was pure and clean. Eventhough, we have a
small desire, we can control it, but animals can't.
So, now EARTH became the place where controlled by
violece and power. Not every politics nor civilization
can save our world. only WE CAN.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
For Decades ago, our world was simple. But, now in these days,
our world gotten get worsen and complex. Have you wondered ever why
this might happened?

Because of us. That's right. Because of People.
After WWII, which was 1945, our population
was nearly 20 billion. However, when
human being started to settle on the EARTH,
from the since the beginning, until 1945, population
was 20 billion. But, after, 1945 and until now,
over 60 years has been passed, and nearly 40
billion of population has been increased.
After WWII, world became more complex and
more difficult place to live.

Humans thinkings has been more complex ever
than before and so does our lives. Thus, because
of complex of thinkings, our types of pains which suffers
from mentally, and physically has been dramatically
increased. All of these are came from
the increase of population.

So, why in the world, population has been so
increased huge? There could be many reasons
but I believe because humans we eat MEATS.
Before WWII, humans didn't eat meats that much
like NOW. Moreover, Asians, didn't eat meat at all
only just few times a year. But now, look at us.
once a day, people eat meats. For western people,
well...don't tell me about it.....

Every living creatures has a some sort of soul.
Not like the ones we have, but some kind of mind
energy of souls.
When they die, they do not die together.
Every day, on the EARTh, thousands, millions
of animals are being killed because of our food,
or even for fun. When those animals die,
their soul become seperate from their body and
actually about 0.00001 percent becomes human.
From our point of view, these numbers we should
take seriously.

This is not a buddha's theory, nor teachings. This is
science and philosophy. Origin energy becomes
to different beings.......
Look at the people around from New York, or Boston,
L.A. Look closely to their face. Many people have
a thoughts from animal. They have a kind of mix
thinkings mind from animal and humans. Animals
wants to live and hang around with only their spieces(races).
This kind of animals thoughts now came to human

Thus we have now more violence in our society
ever than before. Students kill their parents and teachers
and other countries send troops to other countries to invade
and have war. Because of money, humans kill animals, friends,
and parents, and destroy the ocean and nature.
Look at you're true self identity. In the beginning, our
heart was pure and clean. Eventhough, we have a
small desire, we can control it, but animals can't.
So, now EARTH became the place where controlled by
violece and power. Not every politics nor civilization
can save our world. only WE CAN.

I agree that more thought should be put into what we kill for food. Rather than simply seeing a prepared slab of meat nicely wrapped and on sale, we should see the animal whose life was sacrificed for our nutrition.

I also think the same should go for plants.

Super Universe

Defender of God
The world's population is about 6.5 billion now and the growth of the population has been rather steady excepting for WW2. It has never been 20 billion, nor anything close to that.

After WW2 the world did become more complex but not necessarily difficult. Through all of human history the world has become more complex than it was before, this is called evolution and it doesn't just apply to genetics.

But increased complexity doesn't mean things are worse. Life expectancy has increased, we've gone to the moon, small pox has been eliminated, people can travel the world in days rather than years, and technology is giving us the ability to do more than we could ever before.

Blaming all the worlds problems on meat consumption trivializes our problems. Meat (red meat especially) provides more protein, vitamins, and minerals that any other food portion.

We can't live on plants alone because they lack protein but if you carefully combine a diet of plants with milk and egg products then a person can do well.

If you see the earth as a place of violence and power then that is what you are choosing to see. But you are ignoring playgrounds, pristine forrests, clean rivers and streams, majestic mountains covered in pure snow, art, paintings, sculptures, music, gardens, literature, farms, charity... I could go on forever.


Yes, I am not saying that we should all be vegetarian...It is not important...

what does really matter important for us, is that if you really need to eat meat and

thus if you get enlightment from it, that is done so. Also, we should not really

think of eating only plants because it may be good for you're soul, but not you're body.

So, thus, do not think about what you really going to eat for you're next meal.


The Devil's Advocate
For hundreds,thousands years ago, our world was simple. But, now in these days,
our world gotten worse and complex. Have you wondered ever why
this might happened?

Because of us. That's right. Because of People.
Before WWII, which was 1945, our population
was nearly 2 billion. Since the beginning and until 1945, population
was 2 billion. It never exceeded over 2 billion.
But, after, 1945 and until now,
over 60 years has been passed, and nearly 4
billion of population has been increased.
After WWII, world became more complex and
more difficult place to live.
The United States constitutes only 5% of the world's population, yet we generate 25% of the green-house gases responsible for global warming.

Over population may be a legitimate issue, but it is not the main issue when it comes to global warming. Concentrating on population distracts us from the real problem, which is not how many of us there are but how we live.

And if you are actually arguing that meat consumption is the reason for why our population is increasing then all you're succeeding in doing is convincing people that meat consumption is beneficial to fecundity.


Its only a Label
The understanding of population increase is like this if one accpets that humans have evolved through various stages from a single cell to fish to plants to animals and lastly man.
If that is true then surely the population increase is clearly understood by the fact that the beings in the lower stages of evolution like fishes, plants are facing extinctions and they too have evolved as humans now. Again nature will take care of it when the human conciousness reaches a peak and more and more huamns realise the truth and humans eveolve to super humans who will again set right things when rivers will again be rivers and mountains will be mountains.
However the past is no more trhe future we have not seen.
What is IS HERE-NOW and only by relising truth by individuals will he get answeres to all questions when the himself does not remain and all dualities disappears.
Love & rgds


The Devil's Advocate
The understanding of population increase is like this if one accpets that humans have evolved through various stages from a single cell to fish to plants to animals and lastly man.
If that is true then surely...
It's not true.


Its only a Label
What is true and what is not is only known when the individual realises it and not by any any other means.
Love & rgds