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Would Jesus torture animals for food ???


Veteran Member
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Druidus said:
I am not opposed to meat. Just to suffering. If I had my own farm, I would let the animals live out their lives, and when they died, then I would eat them. I would not kill them for my own selfish reasons.
Is it healthy to eat dead animals meat?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
jewscout said:
first it was a jewish practice not christian!
second...as has already been pointed out it was done in order to get jews away from idol worship by giving them something that was common in all cultures to do and still pray to HaShem...i doubt in a Third Temple that sacrafices will be done.
I guess it wasn't a christians practice nor jeiwsh one.

Abaraham did it isn't it?

Was Abraham a jew? the jewish came after him from the son of Israel.


Ishmael /Issaq​
Arabs /Jacob​

Then from the son of Jacob the Jewish came isn't it? correct me if i'm mistaken.​


Veteran Member
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Druidus said:
The plant does not die, and, indeed, the fruit is meant to be taken. There is even evidence that early humans were fruitarian, although supported by insects.
Plant do die as any other living bieng but it didn't die the same as human and animals do die.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
The Truth said:
Is it healthy to eat dead animals meat?
Depends what they die of. If it's just old age, then soups and stews would probably be the order of the day. If it's a yearling and has spent a day foaming at the mouth before it turns up it's toes, probably not a good idea.
Paraprakrti said:
I completely agree with you. Jesus didn't open any slaughterhouses. And Genesis does explain vegetation as our source of food. My understanding on meat eating prescribed later in the Bible has to do with circumstance. Meet Bob. Bob lives in the desert and can't grow sufficient crops. Ok, God is understanding. He isn't going to force Bob to starve. So if Bob must eat meat then he should eat this, and this, but not that or that, etc. Currently many Christians do try to rationalize meat indulgence by saying that we have dominion over animals and they also reject there being a soul present in animals.
But when you think aobut it, wouldn't the non-existance of a soul make killing animals more irrational then the killing of a human, considering that for them there would be no afterlife?

An ironic situation is it not?

Judgement Day

Active Member
lady_lazarus said:
Depends what they die of. If it's just old age, then soups and stews would probably be the order of the day. If it's a yearling and has spent a day foaming at the mouth before it turns up it's toes, probably not a good idea.
Animals that die because of old age contains poison in their blood. Animals such as cows, chickens etc has high metabolism leaving lots of waste left in its blood stream when they die. This is why eating dead animals meat is unhealthy even though there hasnt been any foaming happening in its mouth yet.
Maybe this is kinda off topic but, slaughtering an animal in such a way drains the blood away which then removes the poison. But it has to be done while its still alive where its heart is still pumping so that it can help the blood draning. Slaughtered animals meat looks healthier too.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I hate it when this topic comes up. I think most of us are silent hypocrites; we will buy meat at a supermarket, without thinking from where it came.

There is another element; if we were to have animals reared in lovely surroundings, well catered for, we wouldn't want to pay the price for the meat that it would then cost.

Basic line, we want meat, we want to pay as little for it as we can, and we don't want to think about the poor animals.

I was watching the televison (some time back), during a oiece of news about the Bird 'flu epidemic; I shuddered when I saw workers, carting off maybe six chickens, in each hand, held by crunching their feet together, when they were then thrown into a big pit.

The sad thing is that I like my meat; and even if I gave that up (which I could), what about fish, vegetables, nuts ? They all have life, reproduce, and die...........They deserve the same treatment as we would wish for ourselves.:(


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Vegetables and nuts have none of the neurological structures associated with pain or suffering, Michel.

If your empathy extends to everything living you're left with a Hobson's choice. Kill another life form or kill (starve) yourself.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Judgement Day said:
Animals that die because of old age contains poison in their blood. Animals such as cows, chickens etc has high metabolism leaving lots of waste left in its blood stream when they die. This is why eating dead animals meat is unhealthy even though there hasnt been any foaming happening in its mouth yet.
Maybe this is kinda off topic but, slaughtering an animal in such a way drains the blood away which then removes the poison. But it has to be done while its still alive where its heart is still pumping so that it can help the blood draning. Slaughtered animals meat looks healthier too.
As long as you were there to cut it's throat and hoist it up at the point of death, you'd find it'd bleed just fine. Bolt gun an animal and it's heart stops before you bleed it anyway. Gravity is a wonderful thing...blood always runs to the lowest point in a corpse.


I don't think that Jesus would torture animals. He and his apostles did not prevent us from eating meat, either.

Acts 10.10-15
10And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance 11and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. 12In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. 13And there came a voice to him: "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." 14But Peter said, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean." 15And the voice came to him again a second time, "What God has made clean, do not call common."


Active Member
jewscout said:
Well actually i think Jesus would have only eaten kosher animals that had been slaughtered in a halachically approved manner. Kosher butchering is a more humane way of slaughtering animals, they really don't feel any pain and their not pinned up all the time.
Thats not true seeing an animal slaughtured for kosher meat is what actually turned me veggie,


†ßig Dog†
I don't like to think about it, I just eat it. If I didn't, I'd most likely turn vegetarian too. As far as Jesus goes, I tend to think he ate alot of veggies and grains, and on occasion, ate fish. Doubt he ate pork, and Mc Donalds was a definate no no..... Well maybe just a salad. :D


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jeffrey said:
I don't like to think about it, I just eat it. If I didn't, I'd most likely turn vegetarian too. As far as Jesus goes, I tend to think he ate alot of veggies and grains, and on occasion, ate fish. Doubt he ate pork, and Mc Donalds was a definate no no..... Well maybe just a salad. :D
Think about it, the whole of the animal kingdom (and fish, and birds, insects), is one long food chain.....that is Nature, and what is Nature ? - Nature is God.:)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
mr.guy said:
But obviously micheal, there's a difference between hunting game to eat and a factory farm.
Yes, and guess what that is down to ?........Money.

We want to eat, we don't want to pay much for it, Ergo..........:rolleyes:


Active Member
jeffrey said:
I don't like to think about it, I just eat it. If I didn't, I'd most likely turn vegetarian too. As far as Jesus goes, I tend to think he ate alot of veggies and grains, and on occasion, ate fish. Doubt he ate pork, and Mc Donalds was a definate no no..... Well maybe just a salad. :D
Trust you, most people just eat it though I myself couldn't see Jesus popping into the local mcdoos either , He should try pizza hut.


†ßig Dog†
michel said:
Think about it, the whole of the animal kingdom (and fish, and birds, insects), is one long food chain.....that is Nature, and what is Nature ? - Nature is God.:)
I know that John the Baptist and people on fear factor both ate locusts. :rolleyes:


†ßig Dog†
Dark_Waltz said:
Trust you, most people just eat it though I myself couldn't see Jesus popping into the local mcdoos either , He should try pizza hut.
Probably order extra anchovies!