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Would you Ban Islam?

Which of he following actions would you support:

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Idiosyncratic Muslim
Because there has been a number of interviews in Melbourne of outspoken Muslim immigrates and Australian-born Muslims, who refused to recognise any secular law, other than those found in the Qur'an or the Sharia Law. If they are so amour of Sharia Law, then they should migrate with those laws in place.

We have Lebanese gang in Sydney, arrested and convicted for gang-raping several young women, just because of the way they dressed, who claimed they only recognise Islam, not Australian court systems, and doing what they "believe" to be their rights as Muslims.

We have troubles with Italian, Chinese, and Vietnamese gangs. When tried at courts, they never make religions as the causes of their criminal activities.

The former religious leader claimed that any woman dress like that deserve what they get, and compared them to exposed meat for cats.

If such Muslims have similar feeling about Australian laws, then they should leave and find themselves better homes. I am sorry to say this, but the realities are that Muslims of ethnic background, have terrible of using religions in everything, even when they break the laws.

that is horrible. And Unislamic. Rape is bad whether it's a Muslim or not. They're commiting premarital sex. And they're failing to follow the Islamic teaching of "following the laws of their land". I remember reading a hadith where it was a sorta proverb where these Muslims were complaining about where they lived and it was like "Hasn't Allah made the world big enough for you?".

Um... Lilithu, I am Canadian. I don't really give a rat's hindquarters as to what y'all do in Amerika, lol. FYI: There has been discussion in Ottawa regarding enshrining Sharia Law as an "olive branch" to the Muslim community to make them feel welcome (I suppose) but would only affect civil matters, not criminal matters. The idea that was floated was that Muslims would be free to choose between Canadian civil law and the appropriate sections of Sharia Law. As far as I know the initiative never got off the ground. Tough darts, eh?

They do that in India. It seems like a good compromise. People that want to live under Sharia can, while people who don't want to don't.

I myself am not for Sharia. I think it's a system of governance where only parts were taken from the Qur'an, others were expounded upon later by self-interested Islamic scholars. And even then, Sharia is outdated by 14 centuries. the key to being moderate in religion is by understanding historical context, instead of wanting fuedalism simply because it was around when the religion started.

what makes you think that for women to dress modestly was something designed by "lustfull men"? i would have thought that these "lustfull men" would want the opposite..

Quoted for truth.

And there are Muslims who believe that God will judge everyone based on how well they followed their own conscience. It's all in the interpretation.


Ever learning

Active Member
If in sometime in the near future, the government declared Islam/Muslims an imminent threat to the safety of the public what parts of islamic practice would you agree to ban?

Then it´s time to leave the country. I have a lot of Muslims living in my area and none of them seem to be militant terrorists. Everybody has the right to practice his or her religion. And let´s face it there are other religious groups with militant members.


Well-Known Member
Then it´s time to leave the country. I have a lot of Muslims living in my area and none of them seem to be militant terrorists. Everybody has the right to practice his or her religion. And let´s face it there are other religious groups with militant members.

I haven't seen any muslims blow up family planning clinics or kill clinicians so far. Most of my Muslim friends and acquaintances are in the medical field--medical doctors mostly. I live in Oklahoma City and the only terror bombing we suffered was not from Islamic terrorists.


Ever learning

Active Member
I haven't seen any muslims blow up family planning clinics or kill clinicians so far. Most of my Muslim friends and acquaintances are in the medical field--medical doctors mostly. I live in Oklahoma City and the only terror bombing we suffered was not from Islamic terrorists.




The Lost One
mcteethinator said:
that is horrible. And Unislamic. Rape is bad whether it's a Muslim or not. They're commiting premarital sex. And they're failing to follow the Islamic teaching of "following the laws of their land". I remember reading a hadith where it was a sorta proverb where these Muslims were complaining about where they lived and it was like "Hasn't Allah made the world big enough for you?".
It is bad, no matter what religion or society this happen in.

I am not blaming Islam itself, but the Muslims who use Islam as their defences in courts. They have tainted their religion by even mentioning their crime with their religion. People should commit any crime for whatever religion or ethnic they belonged to. And it is this use that cause misunderstanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.

The non-Muslims shouldn't be blamed for misunderstanding about Islam. It is the Muslims who use the names of their religion or god in vain who prepertrate the mis-use of religion. Sure non-Muslims should learn not to use religion for whatever agenda they may have.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
It is bad, no matter what religion or society this happen in.

I am not blaming Islam itself, but the Muslims who use Islam as their defences in courts. They have tainted their religion by even mentioning their crime with their religion. People should commit any crime for whatever religion or ethnic they belonged to. And it is this use that cause misunderstanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.

The non-Muslims shouldn't be blamed for misunderstanding about Islam. It is the Muslims who use the names of their religion or god in vain who prepertrate the mis-use of religion. Sure non-Muslims should learn not to use religion for whatever agenda they may have.

For once I can agree with your entire post. It is shameful to present Islam in conjunction with a crime isn't it? It's a surefire way to endear Islam to the non-muslims right...........:sarcastic


Well-Known Member


The Lost One
mcteethinator said:
I was merely pointing out that their arguments that they were following their religion by rape doesn't make any sense.
It does make sense. Any fool, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or whatever religion, will make all sort of silly claim, when they are caught doing wrongs. People make all sort of claims.

Anyone living in a country where they refuses to recognise the law of that country, then they don't deserve citizenship and should look elsewhere to live.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
It does make sense. Any fool, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or whatever religion, will make all sort of silly claim, when they are caught doing wrongs. People make all sort of claims.

Anyone living in a country where they refuses to recognise the law of that country, then they don't deserve citizenship and should look elsewhere to live.

To use an analogy...

let's say, the laws of your land say that wearing giant red hats is illegal and is taboo.

Now, say your religion also bans giant red hats. Then when you are arrested for putting on a giant red hat, it's stupid to use your religion, which clearly bans giant red hats, as an excuse.

And I agree. If you don't like the laws of the land you can get out. I remember reading that in a hadith too.


The Devil's Advocate
The non-Muslims shouldn't be blamed for misunderstanding about Islam. It is the Muslims who use the names of their religion or god in vain who prepertrate the mis-use of religion. Sure non-Muslims should learn not to use religion for whatever agenda they may have.
Normally I detest the argument that if most Muslims are not extremists they should be protesting the extremists. Normally, I think that argument is full of baloney because we do not expect the same thing from other religions.

But in this case, because as you say if this is what these thugs claim Islam tells them to do how are non-Muslims to know?, I would say that good Muslims need to be out in public denouncing this. (I don't mean just the Muslims on RF; I mean the Muslim community Australia and elsewhere. These thugs are abusing Islam for their own gain and it's despicable.


Done here.
Normally I detest the argument that if most Muslims are not extremists they should be protesting the extremists. Normally, I think that argument is full of baloney because we do not expect the same thing from other religions.
Actually, I do expect the same thing from other religions. It's just that the subject comes up so very often with Islam.

But in this case, because as you say if this is what these thugs claim Islam tells them to do how are non-Muslims to know?, I would say that good Muslims need to be out in public denouncing this.
Particularly since these kinds of rapes are so common, and it is so often the victim, and not the assailants, who are condemned by the Muslim faithful. Many people have begun to speak of an "epidemic" of Muslim rape of unveiled women in France, Sweden, Norway, and elsewhere.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
We are speaking out against extremists, that's the thing. The media seems to portray this situation where absolutely no Muslims are speaking out or that most Muslims secretly admire Osama and that's why they haven't spoken out yet.

Muslims against terrorism and extremism: Free Muslims Coalition
And as I recommended in another thread, Reza Aslan's "No god But God" where he explains extremism and why they're unislamic.
Also these anti-terrorism fatwas
Aggression against innocent people
Terrorism is Alien to Islam
Islam Versus Terrorism
Terrorist Bombings
What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
9/11 An Islamic Perspective
http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/...h-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503545852Two Years after Sept 11: What Does Islam Have to Say?
There more but I think you get my point. It angers me when idiots like Sean Hannity go on TV and say we aren't condemning terrorism and we're remaining silent. Because that just isn't true.

Pretty much every Muslim I know condemns terrorism when the subject is brought up.
I'm personally really interested in civil rights and it's amazing what some people are pushing with respect to the rights of Muslims. In the West, a lot of it is straight xenophobia mixed with a fair dose of racism. A lot of Westerners think that Muslims need to "assimilate" by giving them 2nd class citizen status and limiting their freedoms of religion through purely mean-spirited laws like hijab banning. It's backwards as hell, and it's sometimes really shocking and scary that some of these people come from the 21st century.

And yea, if you don think Muslims haven't been speaking out against terrorism, then you haven't been listening, not even a little bit.


A lot (not all) of muslims in Australia need to shut up and practise their religion rather than complaining about rights they think they deserve. They're drawing unnecessary attention to themselves. Do other religions try to claim these kinds of rights? Maybe?, but not where i live. Im getting sick of hearing about muslims on the news here in Australia, why cant we all live peacefully and get over differences in beliefs? My solution is to ban public religious ceremonies and then they cannot argue that they are disadvantaged in any way.