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Would You Report A UFO or Alien Encounter?


Done here.
I don't trust the police or the military and would definitely not report it to either of them.

There is only a slightly greater chance that I would report it to a local UFO investigation group. They usually seem to me like a bunch of crackpots, and I don't know what there would be to gain from getting involved with them. I would probably tell my husband and my former priest. I might try to have a private meeting with Frank Drake and/or Jill Tarter.


I agree. I'd probably write a book and sell the movie rights to Hollywood. ;)

I think Ymir's got it. :clap
You'd probably have the best chances of getting the actual story out that way.
And if not? No matter.
At least you will have benefited from it all financially.

What would be the point of anything else anyway?
I'm not gunna offer myself up at the altar of world ridicule
without some kind of major personal "payback".

And the govt? pft.
I stay as far away from government as I possibly can,
aliens or no aliens.
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Rev. White

Reverend Jedi Master
Depends on nature of the contact. If it was just a lights in the sky type encounter, then, no. If it was an actual, landed and alien outside of craft type, then yes, I would seek out the best way to inform people without alerting the government first. I have no idea if these things are real, but if I were suddenly confronted with that reality, I would assume that government concealment was true also. Which brings up another question; Would it have horrible consequences for the human race to suddenly find that there were other intelligent creatures out there and that we were under constant observation?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I've had two UFO sightings. Not that I call them the alien aircraft UFO's, but something I had no idea what they where, as they were definitely not the typical shooting star. The one was a white, circular light with an electric blue haze surrounding it, and it moved across the sky for a short distance in a Star Trek-hyper drive manner, before vanishing. I was the only one to see this, and didn't report it.
The other one, also witnessed by a friend on mine, seemed to be a massive meteor heading straight towards the ground. It lit up the sky, and was HUGE. So large, that my friend and I thought for sure it would make it to the ground. But it never happened. A few days later, I read a very similar thing was witnessed in Maine, by a sheriff, reporter, and I think someone else. It had the same element of people who saw it thinking for sure what appeared to be a meteor that would make impact, never did. This I wish I would have reported.

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
Because of the ridicule, I wouldn't report a sighting on a bet!
Even if you had Photographs or Film, it would be a "Hoax".

Actual contact with ET's?.....I have no idea just how I would act.
It would depend on the circumstances of the contact........


I saw a UFO four years ago next month. Am absolutely positive it was not a plane, planet, swamp gas, etc. I had a roommate at the time, we had been talking about UFOs just a day or two before. I had told her if she ever saw one let me know and I'd do the same. Shortly after that she knocks on my bedroom door around 1:30 in the morning saying there's a "ufer" outside. I went into her room and looked out the window. She said it was above the roof of the building across the parking lot on the right hand side. I kept looking and just when I started to turn towards her to say she must have seen some plane lights the thing flashed red from the top of it. Flash is not the right word, it was more of a pulselike action.

While the red light was on I could see that it was circular, maybe 8 or 9 feet across more or less, had a silver sheen to it. Once the light stopped I could still see the outline of it but could see right through the thing itself which I found to be mind-boggling! It reminded me of a bubble with its shape and its movements. It moved slowly towards the middle part of the roof, pulsed blue for a few moments and then went behind the building. I got really concerned when it did that because it was out of sight and peoples' front room windows are on that side. I've read since then that it's possible they can draw energy from water, there's a fairly long and narrow pond back there. I'd rather think whatever it was was refueling rather than looking through windows but who knows?

After maybe four or five minutes it came back up into view, pulsed white and moved back away from the area. Since it was the middle of the night I went back to bed, it may have floated around some more but I'd seen enough by that time.

I live very close to a military facility, it's possible that it's some kind of military drone craft. The fact that I don't know what it truly is bugs me because I'd like to know. I've decided that it will most likely always be a mystery to me but wanted to write this to say that not all things seen in the sky can be explained away easily.

I did not report it to the police but my roommate and I did go to the state's Mufon group. We were going to talk about it but a young woman who was there was talking about her experience and the director kept interrupting her. Her mother was across the table and a few minutes later she said she and her daughter had somewhere they needed to be so they left. Both my roommate and I were disappointed, the director seemed to be over zealous and/or a crackpot. I definitely did not report it to the media only to be ridiculed.


Resident Lycanthrope
If I had evidence I would sell it to the media (or, more likely, tabloids). If I didn't have evidence I would only report it if I had been drinking.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I heard another person /child over the baby moniter today.Like in that movie "Signs"..(with the aliens)


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Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
Yep, that's the one that started with the crop circles in the Cornfield.

On the Thought Screen Helmet, I'd have to opt. for the Redneck version in Camo. LOL!


Depends Upon My Mood..
Was that the Mel Gibson one?

Yes it was the Mel Gibson one..My baby monitor is definately a connection with aliens.You dont even realize it until you hook one up..and you can hear all kinds of strange noises through the static.Its kind of like a scanner.:cool:

I got 45 minutes of an "alien" baby crying and the mother alien talking to the baby off and on.

Just like signs.




New Member
So I saw an object that was flying that I couldn't ID but the two people who saw it with me would never admit it.so I won't either.


I wouldn't report it, but I would see a psychiatrist and would want to see a hypnotherapist. I'd probably question my sanity or think it was a hallucination. I wouldn't dismiss it, but I'd be very skeptical. Our minds play tricks on us, but then again, we need to have a certain amount of faith in some things. If it changed my life, I'd take it seriously and since it's in my nature to want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I'd guess that I'd obsess about it too much and it would really interfere with my life. So, if any aliens are reading this, PLEASE DO NOT VISIT ME, not yet at least...; )