As a matter of faith and not as a matter than I can scientifically prove, I see the events as happening roughly as follows:
The world is in the dark ages. God looks down on the world and says the time has come to make some changes in preparation for the Second Coming. Mankind starts to seek for more religious and scientific knowledge. The world starts pulling out of the dark ages through the renaissance. The Protestant movement prepares the minds of Christians for a coming restoration. The gospel is restored in the early 1800's. Scientific advancements continue to be made. The Restored Church is able to use these advances to spread the word in a remarkable manner that could not be imagined when the church was first restored. The clock continues to tick closer to the Second Coming...we don't know when that will happen...all of the technological advances that good people, including the Church of Christ, use for good purposes, are corrupted by Satan and used to destroy peoples hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. The work is unfolding on God's timetable and according to plan...God is working great miracles on the planet to aid the work of good, wherever its found...Satan is fevorishly doing his work...I can't prove it...he who hath ears to hear, let him hear.