Of course you have been shown that there is a consensus. Let's not lie. If you call someone an "alarmist" that puts a huge burden of proof upon you. You were given evidence that 97% of climate scientists You are not a proper judge. You are highly biased.
Any your bias is shown by the evidence that you present. That chart supports my claim and negates yours. That chart was a response to a dishonest claim by deniers. You should always link the source of your quotes or graphs. Not to do so makes it look like as if you are trying to lie by hiding something. But I found where that graph came from and this article explains it:
Heartland's '6 Reasons To Be A Climate-Change Skeptic' Are Six Demonstrable Falsehoods
"In 2014,
the truth came out: Spencer’s UAH team had made a huge mistake in the calibration of their data. Instead of negligible upper-atmosphere warming, they found that the upper atmosphere had been warming at +0.14 degrees per decade,
double the 1880-2014 rate of 0.07 degrees per decade. The other major satellite data set, RSS,
also found a calibration error, meaning the Earth warmed 140% faster since 1998 than previous conclusions indicated. At the same time, the ground-based data from NOAA, NASA, the Hadley center and BEST all displayed agreement with one another. Once the 2014, 2015 and 2016 data are also included, the above graph shows the scientific truth:
the models are very much in line with what we observe. Climate scientists, using current science, are successful in predicting temperatures."
If you did not read the whole thing let me condense it even more for you:
"the above graph shows the scientific truth:
the models are very much in line with what we observe".