Social Meritocratist
If you are Working with RKB's Xem you know you can't do it alone. That is what XemSet was all about, literally a place where Working face to face with others who were Working Xem Work 'could' occur. The secrete to Xem Work is in why **this is still so today**. If you can't answer why this is so in two words everyone can understand you have yet to find out what Xem Work is really about.
There are real dangers Working Xem magic. The biggest is delusion, or as RKB referred to it as 'the Illusion of grandeur'
He used to laugh about the Initiates he knew would follow him thinking they had become Magi or even Masters of the Temple after a 'Xem' experience. Its heady stuff, and if you aren't grounded you'll 'go off', as is evidenced by all those who have.
XemSet was a piece of property RKB once owned around Medicino, CA. It was a place he purchased as a space to further his work with Xem.
I am curious, XemSet, you speak as if you knew or met with RKB. I only know of 8 people who have had any interaction with the Setian current who have ever met him. I am one of them. Most of the people focused upon Xem only have second hand knowledge of it as there is nothing by him written in the Temple. I never worked with him, but knew him as a teenager when he owned the Mystic Eye occult shop in SF. Of those still around who worked directly with him on Xem there are only 5 still alive. So I am wondering what your connection is to Xem since you seem to know so much about the word of a fallen Magus.
Magister Robert Adams
Host, KHPR: The Voice of Darkness