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Hotel corridor. Funny that.

I have entered into the rooms.
Sat with my child.
Held her,
loved her,
cuddled her,
explained things to her,
and wiped away all those lonely tears.

We have laughed about things,
cried about things,
and let things go together.

My little girl no longer resides in those rooms of old.
She is finally free to come and go as she pleases.
Which was all she ever really wanted anyway.

**oh yes!
She finally got to paint her room the color she always really wanted!

It's never too late.

Go ahead Andy... tell her the second phase of the thought experiment.


Well-Known Member
Oooh Viasinastra,I thought it would greatly compliment your very fine & elegent post by assisting the Xeper as best I could,involving the (your) thought experiment in order to help structure the great work.

A new one hit me,a new room too,in great love Brother.

*accepts your right hand in cast iron thumbs interlocking overarm grip*
Dragon is a male thing on a different paradigm,of which there are many.synonimous.

My Scarab reached me from a different paradigm,learning stuff from Viasinastra helped me realise this.

I think I can answer this from my own personal the term to come into being is achieved whenever one is aware that one is gazing out into a world from the Throne of the Dragon which has been called by many names, the Third Eye the Ajna Chakra the Tisra Til etc... To come into being for me the names are unimportant.

What is important is to grasp experience and achieve is the need to choose to ascend to the Throne which is to become into being. The awakening and in that moment you as a person begin to recognize Who! and What You!! really are.

Just some humble thoughts

In have been reading up on some of Setian literature and fine it quite interesting come to think!!




Well-Known Member

It always excites me when testing Seth or Sutech,he never dissapoints.

Most of the time I just listen,keeping my mind very still.

The forehead chakra is just the small one,it leads to the same place as the crown chakra just a fully formed matured crown chakra has much,much,much more power as a connection to the Universe.....like 3 strands of fibre-optic conjute vs one dragon throne nomatter how powerful or skilled the dragon.

imho of course.:)

All aided by the faithful undying love of my trusty scarab.:) bloody wee pest ;)


The dragons’ throne is an illusion. There is no Cartesian theatre, no Homunculus in charge of the meat machine. The self does not exist.

Creature-consciousness is a fascinating process that philosophers have contemplated since philosophers came into being, and while it is amusing to follow the antiquated techniques of the Setians, they all lead to the same uncertainty: What fallibility does introspection assume?

In the last hundred years or so, many philosophers have weaned themselves from the introspective approach of Descartes and Hume to feast on empirical evidence as any other scientist would. It is in this new approach that the wealth of research into neurobiology has glimpsed into the darkness that introspection is by definition incapable of unveiling.

The dualism and “noetic intuition” of the Setian religion has been cast aside as the flotsam of superstitious attempts to beg the question of a “subjective universe”. It is the very spirit of doubt which characterizes the LHP that twists its cloven hoof on the cigarette of souls and gods. Let the embers of Pythagoras be extinguished through the search for truth, not flamed by the ignorance of belief.

If you wish to learn more, I suggest you Google a copy of “Time and the Observer: the Where and When of Consciousness in the Brain” by Dennet and Kinsbourne. It may not be a prose transmission from the big giant head, but it’s a good taste of what’s out there for those who seek to know and understand.


Well-Known Member
Mr Adcovate,who are you before you can say the I AM!

All maps of self are flawed & false,Yet the mighty self remains powerful in this knowledge as the tenant of your soul & many other things.

Every thing is illusion,only love is truth in it's many shapes & forms.It flows direct path or shortest route,same as electricity(in many ways)

I put it to you that the maps of self in your link are flawed & superficial,all that matters is that your body is performing without blockage as nature intended,the neurons which take information/energy & spread it around the *emotional body* are the most important to ensure the bodies natural energy flow.

Nowhere is this mentioned in your link,the neurons & the wheels which drive them/they drive,the Chakra.

One dimentional carbon based life form disection is obselete & merely superficial when comapred to the workings of your much larger & important emotional body,your link to the cosmos.

For you I would recommend a read at the book of pleasure,I'll get a link if you like.

For the purposes of introspection,nothing is certain & all you truly have when it comes down to the crunch is your b*lls.The same rule applies in the mud plane too.

Give the Monks swords,for not to let them fight would be a sin.:)


The paper that I suggested reading is not a map. You can not map what does not exist.

Let’s try an analogy. Take your book of pleasure and balance it on the edge of your computer desk. As you can see, it has a centre of gravity. Now take a big old microscope and locate the books centre of gravity. Perhaps you have narrowed in on one specific molecule that appears to be the center of gravity. Now dog-ear a few pages in the book and have a look through the microscope again. You will see that the center of gravity is no longer “at” this molecule, but appears to be somewhere else. Why? Because the center of gravity is not a thing, it does not exist. This does not mean that you can not base scientific principles upon the center of gravity, but none the less, it don’t exist.

“Mr Adcovate,who are you before you can say the I AM!”

Let’s look at this from a different perspective.

I ran. I stopped. Where did my ran go?

P.S. I had a PDF with the title “The Book of Pleasure”. It was an absolutely laughable attempt to fuse Satanism and Tantra. If it were paper I would have used it to light the fireplace so at least it would have some use. I hope this is not the same one that you are referring to.


Well-Known Member
The paper that I suggested reading is not a map. You can not map what does not exist. =quote]

"the earth is flat you shall fall over the other side""the sun revolves around us" etc
Your quote is right up there with the best of them Mr Advocate.:)

Let’s try an analogy. Take your book of pleasure and balance it on the edge of your computer desk. As you can see said:
Gravity most certainly does exist(wonderful anology!)-You must overcome it,show it how far you have come,how far you have yet to travel & it shall aid you in your travels........If it dosen't there is a more severe approach I would be very willing to advise you upon.:)

Gravity=kinda energy magnetic attraction where everything is energy(thoughts & words or consciousness being affected also)

Centre of gravity being variable as energy moves constantly is perfect,you just go with the flow same as a tatty book.Exact same principle as your mandala does form in ecstatic self love.

“Mr Adcovate said:
Let’s look at this from a different perspective.

I ran. I stopped. Where did my ran go?=quote]

You are running from yourself,turn back & face yourself.(my dad always had the running dream co-incidentally).Approach yourself in love.=quote]

I have no interest in labels,the purpose of the book of pleasure is for perspective upon how far you must delve to end the passage of lies/shatter the illusion/pierce the veil.I never thought of this as being satanist nor tantric,just very nice independent perspective.

You have a great mind...maybe do some threads should you wish to try me & prove me.

On the gravity thing,if the serpent(OF GRAVITY) bites your tongue(as you may well try too ON ME too?),bite it's head off & spit it away as far as you can....I would do the same,in great love.

Best Regards


GAH what a shambles.anyone have any pointers on how to do *quotes*.You deserve better Mr A.
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The dragons’ throne is an illusion. There is no Cartesian theatre, no Homunculus in charge of the meat machine. The self does not exist.

Creature-consciousness is a fascinating process that philosophers have contemplated since philosophers came into being, and while it is amusing to follow the antiquated techniques of the Setians, they all lead to the same uncertainty: What fallibility does introspection assume?

In the last hundred years or so, many philosophers have weaned themselves from the introspective approach of Descartes and Hume to feast on empirical evidence as any other scientist would. It is in this new approach that the wealth of research into neurobiology has glimpsed into the darkness that introspection is by definition incapable of unveiling.

The dualism and “noetic intuition” of the Setian religion has been cast aside as the flotsam of superstitious attempts to beg the question of a “subjective universe”. It is the very spirit of doubt which characterizes the LHP that twists its cloven hoof on the cigarette of souls and gods. Let the embers of Pythagoras be extinguished through the search for truth, not flamed by the ignorance of belief.

If you wish to learn more, I suggest you Google a copy of “Time and the Observer: the Where and When of Consciousness in the Brain” by Dennet and Kinsbourne. It may not be a prose transmission from the big giant head, but it’s a good taste of what’s out there for those who seek to know and understand.

Thank You for an interesting reply

The Dragon I am using is but a metaphor an expression no more. I am not at this time a Setian however the liertature is most interesting thinking on who knows?

However the image of the Dragon is the oldest conception of the unknowable chaos which exists apart from experience. The Dragon image was the Dragon of the great salt sea of chaos for the ancinet world right back to the Sumerians. The symbol of the Oroborus the snake swallowing its own tail is found upon the most ancient carvings of our world.

The self which of course cannot be name but rises in dark shadows in the presence of a growing individual's will is the Dragon. Here one finds the source of many of the symbols of the Dragon:- The Pit of Darkness is that same Dragon and that same self is the Prince of Darkness and the King of the World.

However back to the Xeper?
One who realizes that the world is almost empty of people. In Xeper He/She sees teeming billions of bodies lacking souls!! Instead of sentient, conscious entities, in Xeper He/She sees humanoid machines follwing the draw of pleasure and driven by the fear of pain; mindless weak automatons who proclaim loudly free will.

YEH!! Right!!

Free will of the mindless sheep preprogramed robots asserting that thier divine nature grants them immortality in a robot heaven run by a robot God... well that is my thoughts maybe I'm wrong.


Diablo Nightcraft


Well-Known Member
Hey Diablo,

I have caught two skinny lizard things by the tale on another thread....they look tastey *licks them*.

Care to try one?



Well-Known Member
I'll keep them just now in a jar,see if they can develope a backbone/spine,get a bit more form about them instead of this blobby mushy slimey eel type thing....eeeuuughh.

*sticks them in tank*