OMG. You haven't an inkling of the discussion. Quran 28.44 says Moses was not in the West. So East is special.
Oh good grief. The time span between Moses and the writing of the Torah is bad enough. Now tack onto that another millennium, and you think the Quran is going to be accurate?
Well, all I can say is, I was not aware you were Muslim.
But lets look at your passage. It says Moses was not in the west. West of what? The concept of the divide between Europe and and Asia being described as west and east did not exist at that time. I also don't think you can conclude that it means west of Arabia simply because the Quran was written in Arabia.
Second, a remark that Joe is not in the west does not automatically mean he's in the east. It could also mean he's right here.
Third, let's go with your idea that it means east of Arabia. That doesn't automatically mean India. Could be China. Could be a lot of other places.