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...yeah, im crazy so step into my mind


New Member
PLEASE READ THIS its a little lengthy but I'm trying to rapidly catch you up to speed with what I know. This is an alternative explanation to sleep paralysis which I believe to be equally valid because the scientific theory of "it's your own body's doings" has not been proven. I have wasted quite a bit of my time searching for the exact hormonal compound that purportedly causes this paralysis. Neither have I found the nueral synapse misfire responsible for it or anything to point me in the right direction. I have wasted my time looking for the answers when I know enough to realize what is actually happening.
"If this is sleep paralysis then why does it also occur among the conscious?"
"Have there been any carefully monitored and documented case of healthy people experiencing sleep paralysis in a lab.....of any sort?"
I've spent a good amount of my week brushing up on the development of sleep paralysis. A few years ago I didn't find much on the subject, although it must have been there...and so I let it go for a while.
I am a firm believer in what I personally experience and not somebody's speculation on what may be the cause.... they werent there, they didnt feel it so they cant know and its as simple as that. (please correct me if I'm wrong. I love being proved wrong.)
Everything I propose is the product of deep contemplation.
The things people experience in their lives....even their day-to-day lives are so much deeper than the first (and more often than not the only) glance given.
When I was much younger and more cruel than I am now I froze my ant farm. I left them in there for a while and I felt bad for making them cold, but when I took them out they weren't moving at all. I put them out in the sun because I thought they might have just needed to warm up....and thats exctly what they needed. A little bit of energy/spirit/some other name. just imagine! tiny solar powered cleaner -uppers....genius...
I'm not into all that mystic shugawugaba, crystals, gems and mah jong for the record because no matter what way you cut whichever denomination it's all describing the same thing in the end.
"The first blind sadhu felt the trunk of the elephant and proclaimed, 'the elephant is long and serpentine like a snake!'. the second blind sadhu reached out, first touching a leg of the great beast and then embracing it he declared , 'nay brother, you must surely be blind! for the elephant is thick, tall and mighty like a tree'"
So pick your flavor, would you like plain old vanilla or would you like super chocoberry swirl? sun worship or christianity. I'm not trying to bash anybody though so dont get me wrong. My point is this: ALMOST every religion glorifies what?....energy, thats right L's/G's...energy. Albert Einstien proved the existence of god with his theory of relativity.
The Bible says God is a spirit (John 4:24). It also says that the spirit, given by God, is what gives man understanding (Job 32:8). And finally, it says that God is light (I John 1:5).
God is infinite
God is everlasting
The Alpha and The Omega
I use the bible only as a landmark far what I'm trying to convince you is the truth. It is really the only book of any religion (other than ones written in arabic{different story**) I have come into contact with although I have never read it...I never needed to, I think I live a good life based on my own morals...I have never personally held a smriti scripture in my hands, but I have read up on Hinduism if that counts for anything. It is important to understand that ancient man described God with an ancient vocabulary and ancient idea sets, but that we can breathe new life into these verses by understanding what was really being said.
So there you have it folks, but now that one of the best kept secrets hidden in plain view has been revealed to you...what are you going to do with the information? apply it! now...most people have heard that god flows through us all and I just showed that to be truth. What if I were to tell you that you WERE god.This is where I believe religions have it backwards, they try to personify god-infinite energy, but we are actually the personifications of energy. The material projections of energy if you care to interpret it like that so your mind can wrap itself around this.
"Matter can be formed from energy."
One example of this is reverse beta-decay. If an electron, an
anti-neutrino, and a proton come together with enough kinetic energy, they
may join into a neutron. The neutron has more mass than the original three
particles. If the neutron is within an atom, it may stay put.
I used to believe science was the only truth and reject anything I couldn't hold in my hand, but coming to the realization had broken my world...the world I was encouraged to believe in. I am asleep no longer..
please dont joke about this "how about the WHY NOT believe this lunatic?"
I wasnt on any drugs when I discovered this and I had been clean from any and all hallucinogens for 5 months. I've resisted the urge to soar to the scary abstract levels of conscious thought with the help of mr.roboto and contemplate this or synonymous subjects.

Anyways,back to my original point of sleep paralysis.
Observing that there is a sort of omnispirit that grants all motion...not just in the universe. people just dont seem to get it, when I try to talk to them they imagine the universe as some sort of bubble. If the person reading this loves to think and toy with things they really shouldn't then you will realize that size is also infinite.
Infinite Matter and Infinite Energy.
iIf matter has gained life through the conduction of energy then does that not imply that energy is life?
okay.... that would be really cool if somebody was actually still reading this ********...
spirit=life...right? so then whats a soul? a conscience? the mind perhaps....
I have spoken with some pretty knowledgeable people and one of them put it to me this way
"One is joy and one is love"
The human mind creates joy when it is very pleased, but love is......... a magnet sort of. it is a force and it is not one anybody could ever control.
so....spirit=life and....soul=mind?
As far as I know you dont need a physical body to have a soul. would it sound ludacris to say that there may be souls attached to bodies of energy?
I dont know anymore people, this is where I get lost. I dont have anything physical to anchor myself on. Its like putting yourself in the mind of a hummingbird.
BUT anyways....... lets assume that I'm right and your wrong and carry on with the sideshow...
Sleep paralysis robs us of our energy. I believe that this is why we are paralyzed when we awaken. we FEEL...our senses scream that we are in mortal danger and there is a foe.
I am sure of it and I don't care what any walled up second-hand scientist tells me what I experienced. show me exactly what happens in my brain to cause this and make it known to the general public because I have looked for this and i claim it is not there. show me different.
I was in lake havasu, Arizona when this happened. I was lying on my couch/location of slumber face down with my head hanging off the far edge. I awoke because I was so hot. I felt like a broiler oven, I couldn't breathe and it felt like something was weighing me down hardcore. almost immediately after I woke up and realized something was attacking me I summoned up the..whatever..mojo..gusto...and tore free from It's burning grasp and I could breathe again.
"remembering a time so long ago//when death took me into its fold
as a young child awakening//face in a pillow suffocating
all my senses were there to me//but i couldnt move and i couldnt breathe
as i died i realized//there was a reason i was paralyzed
inside this room i was not alone//there was a presence neither flesh nor bone
even though i could not see//i felt its evil beyond imagining
more afraid of it than death//i broke its hold upon my flesh"
jumpsteady's "true stories"
That pretty much sums it up for me.
Sleep paralysis occurs when demonic energies try to steal your energy out of you [mythological succubi and incubi? I dont know and I'm not here to give labels]
well? am I friggin loony or what doc?
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Miss Independent
I've read some of your post. I believe that what you experienced is real. If I understand it correctly you experienced a moment where you felt like you could not move. I stand to be corrected but this can also happen when someone is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I'm not familiar with sleep paralysis, not sure what happens in the body to make it happen.

Lets assume for a minute that what you experienced was something of a spiritual nature. It is not uncommon for someone to feel completely drained after being in the presence of a person that is abusive, oppressive, depressive or vindictive. The feeling we get is that we are 'drained'. We feel tired and emotionally weak after prolonged contact with certain people. It is my observation that children that have parents that have the characteristics I have mentioned often feel down, weak, depressed and emotionally drained. But the interesting thing is that it also causes a feeling of physical tiredness.

Some people are more sensitive to spiritual activity than others, and some people are more prone to spiritual attacks as well. I am unfortunately one of those that can pick up spiritual activity quickly. Therefore I'm tired most of the time, but happy. Thank God. Please tell me more about your circumstances leading towards this attack. Perhaps what I have said resonates with you, perhaps not. It would be interesting to know more about your encounter.

Welcome to the forum




New Member
Sleep paralysis is just there to stop you acting out your dreams; obviously it should disappear when you wake, so if it regularly doesn't you should consult a doctor.

As for the rest - Einstein did not prove there was a god in his theories, and no you can't have a 'self' without a physical body - in the same way you can't separate an engraving from the stone it's on. No God, spirits, energy, demons, succubi - absolutely no reason to believe in any of that, everything is explainable without them.


Less caffiene and less internet access would do much good here.


Well-Known Member
basis of your theory is sound and would explain a couple a things however sleep paralasis is not spiritual it is a fysical and mental state wich can be triggered by numerous sources, the extend of the causes prevent an accurate cure,

just couple q:
are you diabetic?
low blood presure?
have you ever lost alot of blood?
are you under alot of stress?
how long do you sleep on avarage?
have you ever taken drugs to help you relex ad if yes how often?


Well-Known Member
I suffer from sleep paralysis every now and then. It can be a very vivid and terrifying experience, but I believe that it can be explained by science.