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Active Member
It makes no sence to not use the bible when talking about God because how else are you gonna get the understanding? You can't. You must use the word because if you have two different opinions the only way to come to the same opinion is to read the word. You can't debate what is actually written in the bible. You can only discuss the understanding of what is written.

John 8:32

It makes no sence to not use the bible when talking about God because how else are you gonna get the understanding?

You think that if either Jesus or Christianity DID NOT COME into Existence, "God" would not have been conceptualized 'correctly' by humanity...and even...'realized'?

That is the FUNDAMENTAL MISTAKE....made by the Fundamentalists in EACH RELIGION!



Superabacus Mystic
Yes, until it doesn't match up with an experiment. Eventually, we will find a theory that matches everything.
So you agree, QG is a “Temporary Mental Construct”!
“Eventually” – What is the Time Scale involved here…5 years to 5 Billion years….to a time near infinity….or infinity itself…?
As long as humanity, or its descendants, survives. That's probably on the order of a few billion years, but I have no precise idea.

‘matches everything’
How can ‘something’ ….match….with ….everything…..at the same time?
Is this ‘something’ an ‘image’ of the ‘everything’
Is ‘everything’ an ‘image’ of this ‘something’?
What ‘happens’ WHEN ‘Everything’ is ‘Perfectly Described?’
Nothing. We merely have an absolutely accurate theory, and we can use that to do things. I think FTL engines are at the top of the wishlist ATM.

- Will it Affect Everything in any way?
- Will there be any Pre-Everything / Post-Everything demarcation/jump in Everything?
- Or Will Everything be the Same Old Everything, though it has been Changing All this Time… till..your…’Eventually’ & ‘After’…?
Everything will be the same everything, just as it was after Einstein rewrote mechanics the first time around.

“But science is not a set of principles, tenets, doctrines, or opinions. It is a set of descriptions.”
I dunno, ask a philosopher.

"Subject" is not a term used in physics. It simply doesn't mean anything.
Are you implying that ‘physics’ …DESCRIBES….ENTIRETY?.....that Physics is the Only Science…among the Other Fields of Science?
..that if Subject is not a term used in physics, and it does not mean anything in physics, it DOES NOT EXIST?
All other science is specialized and simplified physics. They are still all necessary, since it would be infeasible to do the physics for all the stuff that occupies the universe, but they should all, ultimately, be simplifications of physics.

I don't even know whether either of those questions make sense – to whom? …a mind of 1 species ….an anthropocentric mind?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]How much of anthropocentrism is there in “Scientific Sense” …which makes Sense to …anthropes…?[/FONT]
To anyone. I am asking whether the questions are logically coherent. And there is no anthropocentrism in physics. The universe is far stranger than it makes out to be.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
The morphogenic unity which permeates and binds all intrinsic constructs, vis-a-vis quantum discontinuity, not only serves to provide a fundamental framework which defines the intuitive non-duality of the illusion of perceptual reality, but also creates the very essence of mind upon which universal energy, via "life", expresses through multi-dimensional, spiritual fields.


Active Member
As long as humanity, or its descendants, survives. That's probably on the order of a few billion years, but I have no precise idea.

Nothing. We merely have an absolutely accurate theory, and we can use that to do things. I think FTL engines are at the top of the wishlist ATM.

Everything will be the same everything, just as it was after Einstein rewrote mechanics the first time around.

I dunno, ask a philosopher.

All other science is specialized and simplified physics. They are still all necessary, since it would be infeasible to do the physics for all the stuff that occupies the universe, but they should all, ultimately, be simplifications of physics.

To anyone. I am asking whether the questions are logically coherent. And there is no anthropocentrism in physics. The universe is far stranger than it makes out to be.

[FONT=&quot]So from your reply, I understand that[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1. Physics CANNOT Differentiate DESCRIPTIONS from REALITY.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] (as I have to ask another field of human thought ...Philosophy..)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] ..yet it says it is 'studying'...Reality....[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2. "To anyone" --- ? What are these entities to which you are referring ??[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] …which ARE NOT RECOGNIZED by PHYSICS? (Subjects)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3. It is incoherence to ask whether Reality is Maths or Maths is a Tool [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] - because Physics can't handle the question?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]PS: I think Physicists are living deep down in the bunker, having narrow-telescopes and claiming to be the 'greatest' authenticity and authority! Like some 'clergy' of the past did - and some do Today![/FONT]


Superabacus Mystic
[FONT="]1. Physics CANNOT Differentiate DESCRIPTIONS from REALITY.[/FONT]
[FONT="] (as I have to ask another field of human thought ...Philosophy..)[/FONT]
[FONT="] ..yet it says it is 'studying'...Reality....[/FONT]
The problem of what is "real" is mostly a philosophical one, since you can't distinguish the Matrix from something that's more "real." The real article is indistinguishable in every way from a computer calculating what the real thing looks like.

[FONT="]2. "To anyone" --- ? What are these entities to which you are referring ??[/FONT]
[FONT="] …which ARE NOT RECOGNIZED by PHYSICS? (Subjects)[/FONT]
The whole concept of "entities" is a shortcut, but it's still a very useful one. I'm asking whether your question means anything.

[FONT="]3. It is incoherence to ask whether Reality is Maths or Maths is a Tool [/FONT]
[FONT="] - because Physics can't handle the question?[/FONT]
Because maths is a structure. It only tells you where starting points lead.
[FONT=&quot]PS: I think Physicists are living deep down in the bunker, having narrow-telescopes and claiming to be the 'greatest' authenticity and authority! Like some 'clergy' of the past did - and some do Today![/FONT]
Nah. The clergy of the past did not have atom smashers. :D


The morphogenic unity which permeates and binds all intrinsic constructs, vis-a-vis quantum discontinuity, not only serves to provide a fundamental framework which defines the intuitive non-duality of the illusion of perceptual reality, but also creates the very essence of mind upon which universal energy, via "life", expresses through multi-dimensional, spiritual fields.

That sounds alot like Buddhism. ;)

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
I just wanted to post that with quantum mechanics, specifically Bell's Theorem, there did arrive a choice to be made between scientific realism and locality. The Copenhagen Interpretation (as mentioned) abandons scientific realism whereas the EPR paradox is often interpreted to abandon locality. These are at odds with each other, but it's no different than the fact that the Planck scale is at odds with relativity as well.

Scientists and philosophers of science have been working on returning realism and locality to quantum mechanics and have been succeeding since the inception of quantum decoherence (namely by Roland Omnes), which explains why there is an appearance (but not an existence) of a wave-function.

So, this post would have done well about 20 years ago but in modern physics it isn't a big deal since realism/locality is expected to return to quantum mechanics sometime within this century.


Active Member
I just wanted to post that with quantum mechanics, specifically Bell's Theorem, there did arrive a choice to be made between scientific realism and locality. The Copenhagen Interpretation (as mentioned) abandons scientific realism whereas the EPR paradox is often interpreted to abandon locality. These are at odds with each other, but it's no different than the fact that the Planck scale is at odds with relativity as well.

Scientists and philosophers of science have been working on returning realism and locality to quantum mechanics and have been succeeding since the inception of quantum decoherence (namely by Roland Omnes), which explains why there is an appearance (but not an existence) of a wave-function.

So, this post would have done well about 20 years ago but in modern physics it isn't a big deal since realism/locality is expected to return to quantum mechanics sometime within this century.

Can you please explain what "realism/locality is expected to return to quantum mechanics" means?
..in simple terms, if possible?

Looking at it another way, don't you see the Confident, Beaming, All-Knowing Quantum Physicist of Today..the Scientist.....saying "My view of the World has NO REALISM/LOCALITY" in it?

"quantum decoherence (namely by Roland Omnes), which explains why there is an appearance (but not an existence) of a wave-function."

So EVEN in the MOST SHARP, LOGICAL, Clear Thinking Mathematical Minds....
there still exists something called "appearance" or illusion....compared to ...."existence"!

It is a topsy-turvy world!....changing every '20 years'...?

When it becomes a 'Straight' World, by the end of the century, as you say,
What do you SEE?



Jesus in me
Well, you got it! ..the point I was trying to make...that even a straight forward question, like 'will you marry me', which expects a simple yes or no answer, can have multiple answers.


That is where context comes in. In the present cntext the answer is an absolute no. Such is also true for the Bible. Context will determine whether there is only one answer or not.


Jesus in me
It makes no sence to not use the bible when talking about God because how else are you gonna get the understanding?

You think that if either Jesus or Christianity DID NOT COME into Existence, "God" would not have been conceptualized 'correctly' by humanity...and even...'realized'?

That is the FUNDAMENTAL MISTAKE....made by the Fundamentalists in EACH RELIGION!


Of course that would be the postion of a Hindu, viewing his texts as being older and therefore the only understanding of God that he has. It is not surprising then to find Christians who view their text as the valuable one because it provides the only understanding of God that he has.

However the existence of separate texts does not mean that an understanding of God has to be ephemeral. However a broader view of God still requires that each concept be legitimate. Just becasue some ancient philosopher got it in his head that the world is flat, does not justify that view as legitimate simply because it is old. The Christian requires more than philosophy. We want God's view of things. Other views are not nearly as likely to be helpful.

For instance if I wanted to know something about gravity, Isaac Newton would be a good source. Alfred E Neuman probably would not be a good source. However in the final analysis what God has to say about gravity would transcend anyone else's understanding, provided I could get Him to talk about it.


Active Member
That is where context comes in. In the present cntext the answer is an absolute no. Such is also true for the Bible. Context will determine whether there is only one answer or not.

Contextual Matters!

or is it that Context Matters?

"In the present cntext the answer is an absolute no"

How can you be SO ABSOLUTELY sure?

As far as I know, the present context is..
1. RF
2. A Post in RF.
3. Using a name 'drsatish".
4. Gender not revealed.
5. Religion not revealed.
6. Location not revealed.

Hi Muffled Christian!

How do you know that I am NOT the 'dainty' thing next door (belonging to the same 'christian group' ...catholic or protestant or .....Muffled!.....asking YOU...INDIRECTLY ...the Million Dollar Question?

Can't you take a Hint?

I got your 'hint' ...when you whizzed past yesterday ...in a Porche!

The Doll,


Jesus in me
Contextual Matters!

or is it that Context Matters?

"In the present cntext the answer is an absolute no"

How can you be SO ABSOLUTELY sure?

As far as I know, the present context is..
1. RF
2. A Post in RF.
3. Using a name 'drsatish".
4. Gender not revealed.
5. Religion not revealed.
6. Location not revealed.

Hi Muffled Christian!

How do you know that I am NOT the 'dainty' thing next door (belonging to the same 'christian group' ...catholic or protestant or .....Muffled!.....asking YOU...INDIRECTLY ...the Million Dollar Question?

Can't you take a Hint?

I got your 'hint' ...when you whizzed past yesterday ...in a Porche!

The Doll,

I told you before that I am married and that I believe in the judeo Christian view of marriage ie to one person until death parts us. If my wife dies before me the context changes and I am avaiable to a female since judeo-christian view prohibits same sex marriage.


Active Member
I told you before that I am married and that I believe in the judeo Christian view of marriage ie to one person until death parts us. If my wife dies before me the context changes and I am avaiable to a female since judeo-christian view prohibits same sex marriage.

"If my wife dies before me the context changes and I am
........avaiable to a female ...............(whatever that means...)
since judeo-christian view prohibits same sex marriage."


If Yes,

Can you COUNT the Number of Christians in U.S & Italy...?

...will be Howling Blasphemous Heretic Non-Christians
....wearing Blasphemous Masks/Appearances/Robes/Goggles..
..u know!
(UK - Excluded! They Protest..u know)
...against Whom?....I dunno)

Thank Goodness!...

.....in ALL the Webster Anglican-Italicized

(Latin..as opposed to common..slanting)
Italic type - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Latin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vatican - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sicilian Mafia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fiat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ferrari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(or was it Greek...of Majestic Alexanderian Proportions..?)
Alexander the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Socrates, the Poisoned..!
Socrates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Man! MY GPS...is ...GOING...NUTS!!!!
Global Positioning System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(meaning..where EXACTLY...I AM....on the Globe..


.RATHER......CLEVERLY.......on Top OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!)


PS: Do you believe in ...Plain TEXT...?

like say

DOS ASCII ....vs UTF-8...16....32....Microsoft Word Graphics...Adobe Word Graphics...
...Dreamworks Word Graphics..Ubunutu-Counter-Word-Graphics in New Version 10.9?

Gutenberg FREE ebooks in TXT downloadable format for Everyone!
(Everyone BECOMES Everyone AFTER...50 to 100 Years of COPYRIGHT!)

Public domain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stanford Copyright & Fair Use - The Public Domain
New Rules for Using Public Domain Materials (What's in the Public Domain: PD and Copyright-Free,*Expired Copyrights,*Copyright Protection)
The Public Domain in Copyright Law
Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States
The Right to Display Public Domain Images: Copyright and fair use, Bridgeman vs Corel, museums vs the public, etc
U.S. Copyright Office - Definitions (FAQ)

Is TEXT.....or copyright...
Alexandrian or Socrates?


PS: Kindly forgive the 'incomprehensiveness' of the post...
...u know...Jet Lag...of flying across continents and milleniums...


Active Member
I told you before that I am married and that I believe in the judeo Christian view of marriage ie to one person until death parts us. If my wife dies before me the context changes and I am avaiable to a female since judeo-christian view prohibits same sex marriage.


Due to Jet Lag....either of Mine or Yours....
...we couldn't Get to Down to Earth..or Down to Earthly Cloudy Matters!
(Which Other Planet...than Earth... can BOAST of.....CLOUDS?)
(Jupiter & Venus...excluded!
(I know Ellen has been saying all along that ..VENUS..is Cloudy Heaven!)

"same sex marriage"

WHAT Gave you the IDEA...that
....we are of the SAME SEX?

HOW can you INFER from the posts in RF
....THAT...I & YOU...are of the Same Sex?

Is it my Language or XY or XX?
(The Chromosomal Aberration/Dichotomy)

It is DNA!


.....XY or XX?
Chromosome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Madame Curie..
Curie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marie Curie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Madame Teresa
Mother Teresa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I luv my Mom!


Well-Known Member
You can't intellectualize a personal experience with the divine. It's like a detective looking for a serial killer when he is the serial killer.