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Yeshua is not coming back.


Active Member
I don't care what examples you bring up, humans will never be a good example of humanity. I am saying that if God does not exist, then our existence is meaningless. I know and understand mine is. The only chance I have for real meaning, is the God I do not know. Nothingelse has given me meaning. Family, jobs, women, you name it, I have had it all, and none of it means anything in the end.

It does not matter how you treat others, I have treaded others good all of my life, and it has not mattered. Evil will prevail in humanity and have its way, and only a God can stop it.


That's pretty dark Mick. Are humans as a race meaningless and without purpose in the cosmos - probably. Is an individual human life meaningless, would you take another's without regard- I doubt it. And it does matter how you treat others and family, jobs, women, you name it, do matter. If your life is to be meaningful then one has to make it so, how does the promise of eternal life alter that? Evil will prevail if we believe than only a god can stop it.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I suppose my point is this, human actions most certainly have meaning regardless of whether or not God exists. quote]

I disagree, without a God, there could be no meaning.

If God does not exist, then humanity came into being on its own, by things which had to be momentus. If that be so, then those same things will exterminate us, because if we came from nothing, we will return to the nothing, and the nothing is meaningless.


Yes, but you tend to have your own unique logic and thought process mickael...

like your 100 threads about proving God

Cheese exists, therefore God exists...and the other 99 threads:facepalm:

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Well then allow me to use your same reasoning;

When are people like you going to understand that if there is no God, then nothingelse really matters.

Were going to kill ourselves and ruin this earth. And you have bought that this is the destiny of humanity.


What do you mean by "people like you"? I am the only me.


Well-Known Member
It's been two thousand years and still no messiah. Will christians and muslims ever wake up and smell the coffee? Yeshua is not coming back from the dead. The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be.

His physical returning is for the collecting of saved souls as the final harvest of this land (planet earth). As long as He can bear with human sins He has the time to wait for more souls to be harvested.

1 Peter 3:20 (KJV)
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

The spiritual ark is under that building which will finally carry Christians (Noah's family as human minority) across the sea of Hades, to the New Heaven and New Earth.

(water baptism means you will be buried in the sea of Hades and finally be raised up)

Revelation 14:15-16 (NIV)
Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, "Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.


Done here.
Yeshua is not coming back from the dead.
Christians believe Jesus already came back from the dead. The question is whether to expect his glorious second appearance.

I don't expect him to come back, either. King Arthur, though ... :)


Active Member
It's been two thousand years and still no messiah. Will christians and muslims ever wake up and smell the coffee? Yeshua is not coming back from the dead. The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be.

Actually, he already has returned. It's just that most folks don't know how or when.
Only the staunchest (is that a word?) Bible students know in what capacity this event has happened.


Hostis humani generis
I think it was supposed to be symbolic... At least I hope it is... =/
I think so, too.

Although a lot of people still wait for Jesus' return on the clouds, etc. My brother is one of them.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen him online for days. He started preaching at me and I argued with him so I think I've upset him. Again. :D


Well-Known Member
It's been two thousand years and still no messiah. Will christians and muslims ever wake up and smell the coffee? Yeshua is not coming back from the dead. The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be.

Also, if you believe this story, if you're not alive when he comes back, it's irrelevant.:sleep:


It's been two thousand years and still no messiah. Will christians and muslims ever wake up and smell the coffee? Yeshua is not coming back from the dead. The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be.

For thousands of years modern man has been capable of comprehending an enlightened age. However, only within the last couple of hundred years has technology and knowledge become a tool of the general population. Only within the last decade has there been an opportunity for discussion such as this thread within the internet.

Even as we converse things unheard of in our human past, both history and pre-history are becoming commonplace. This is an age and a time like no other. We stand at a threshold man has never see before. We have weapons of mass destruction that can annihilate the most powerful nation or nations on the earth within minutes. We also have the knowledge and technology to end hunger and most human suffering. We can step off our planet and explorer other worlds. We have discovered gigantic structures themselves larger than anyone thought possible and greater than our understanding of the universe just 100 years ago.

With all we see with all we understand – are we not close to a change? A change that will dwarf all things that have been. A change that we all know ought to be. A change that was prophesied long ago before anything like what we enjoy today was even imagined or considered. I would highlight a couple of thoughts:

First – Matt 24:48 and Luke 12:45. Here we learn that despite a time when thing of great change will become among the societies of man there will also arise a criticism that Jesus will not come or that the time of such things has passed.

Second – Matt chapter 13 beginning at verse 24. A great gathering or separation in human society that is known symbolically in scripture as the separation of the wheat and the tares. We are to understand that the tares will seem great and will seem to dominate – until at the last moment - symbolized in the harvest.

I do not pretend to know when Jesus will come and finely bring an age of justice to those that wish for and desire such a thing. It does appear to me that this day and age is a time to be concerned and wise of such a possibility.

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