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You can’t proof God does not exist


Active Member
You asked me to repeat myself. Doesn't mean I like it, just means that on some days when I have a little extra patience, I don't mind.

I did not ask you to repeat yourself. .. You did that on your own. I got your "wisdom" the first time. Didn't need you to repeat it.

Maybe not intentionally.

Not in any way. I try to be very careful about my intentions and my words.
If you can QUOTE me.. then I will admit to a mistake. I learn from my mistakes. I don't give a rat's *** about vague insults from strangers who don't pay attention to them in the first place.

If you can DEMONSTRATE that I've made a mistake in a convincing manner, I will thank you for it. I don't LIKE to make mistakes, but I know I make them. SO DON'T be shy. HOWEVER.. your accusation, if not supported are not only groundless and ridiculous but insulting to me as I take GREAT CARE in the words I use to express myself.

I am insulted. Show me how I'm wrong, or I will accept your apology, sir.

If that were true, you would probably be trying to make some effort to clarify what you actually did mean.

NO. I am precise in my words.

If you want clarification on something I wrote, don't be shy. Ask for clarification. BUT DO NOT misinterpret my own words to me. I know what I write SIR.

Tell me why I'm wrong, QUOTE my words to show me WHERE I made the mistake.. and THEN we will talk about it.
If you show me what you think is wrong, and give a good reason why I should consider your critique, fine. but your vague insult is NOT appreciated in any way, and not valuable to me.

Enjoy insulting me as much as you like.
but don't expect me to respect you for it.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I did not ask you to repeat yourself. .. You did that on your own. I got your "wisdom" the first time. Didn't need you to repeat it.

Then why ask me this:
Why do you thin that I do?
(nice Dezi Arnaz imitation btw.)

Not in any way. I try to be very careful about my intentions and my words.
If you can QUOTE me..

Already did.

then I will admit to a mistake. I learn from my mistakes. I don't give a rat's *** about vague insults from strangers who don't pay attention to them in the first place.

If you can DEMONSTRATE that I've made a mistake in a convincing manner,

Already did, or you wouldn't be this ****ed off.

I will thank you for it. I don't LIKE to make mistakes,

Or to be called on them, apparently.

but I know I make them. SO DON'T be shy. HOWEVER.. your accusation,

What accusation?

if not supported are not only groundless and ridiculous but insulting to me as I take GREAT CARE in the words I use to express myself.

Try harder.

I am insulted. Show me how I'm wrong, or I will accept your apology, sir.

If you're expecting an apology for pointing out a logical inconsistency in your thinking, that just makes one more thing you're wrong about.

NO. I am precise in my words.

If you want clarification on something I wrote, don't be shy.

This is a debate forum. "You're wrong" isn't an argument all by itself. The idea that it should be incumbent on the other person to actually ask why you disagree with something doesn't make sense.

Ask for clarification. BUT DO NOT misinterpret my own words to me. I know what I write SIR.

Maybe, but I wonder if you have any idea what it looks like to the rest of us.

Tell me why I'm wrong, QUOTE my words to show me WHERE I made the mistake.. and THEN we will talk about it.
If you show me what you think is wrong, and give a good reason why I should consider your critique, fine. but your vague insult is NOT appreciated in any way, and not valuable to me.

Are people just supposed to let you win arguments whether you're wrong or not? I mean, you seem to pretty consistently take any disagreement as an insult.

Enjoy insulting me as much as you like.
but don't expect me to respect you for it.

I'm done talking about you. It really isn't that fascinating a topic. Sorry.


pro scapegoat
Then why ask me this:
(nice Dezi Arnaz imitation btw.)

Already did.

Already did, or you wouldn't be this ****ed off.

Or to be called on them, apparently.

What accusation?

Try harder.

If you're expecting an apology for pointing out a logical inconsistency in your thinking, that just makes one more thing you're wrong about.

This is a debate forum. "You're wrong" isn't an argument all by itself. The idea that it should be incumbent on the other person to actually ask why you disagree with something doesn't make sense.

Maybe, but I wonder if you have any idea what it looks like to the rest of us.

Are people just supposed to let you win arguments whether you're wrong or not? I mean, you seem to pretty consistently take any disagreement as an insult.

I'm done talking about you. It really isn't that fascinating a topic. Sorry.
Why the aggro? The member you were talking to was being perfectly polite and reasonable. If you are having a bad day, don't take it out on people here.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe just take a deep breath before responding to people? This is supposed to be a friendly forum. But yes thanks, I have made many, many friends here.
Nice shot Bunyip. :thumbsup: Seems you got him where he lives.

I love it. Looks like every [. . . . .] I've made look foolish in the last cpl months is going to jump in here and try to have a get-even gang bang. :D


pro scapegoat
I love it. Looks like every [. . . . .] I've made look foolish in the last cpl months is going to jump in here and try to have a get-even gang bang. :D
I don't think your aggressiveness makes anyone else look foolish I'm afraid. So if that is your intention, it has only ever backfired. Thanks for proving my point though. Why not just keep it friendly?


Premium Member
So being a theist is about not being able to prove oneself right.

Then it's wrong. It's about being wrong. WOW.

I always thought so.. since I' =ve stopped the neck choke of my indoctrination. Happy you agree.

That is NOT what I was saying. I said that it is about faith, not proof. And you may as well know that I hate the word "indoctrination". I did not enter my faith by any kind of indoctrination. I have faith that God exists. Just because I can't and won't try and prove it to you (or anyone else) doesn't mean that I am wrong about anything. I have my own "proofs" for myself alone. Lastly, no person can convert another person. Each person who comes to faith, has to do it alone.


Veteran Member
I love it. Looks like every [. . . . .] I've made look foolish in the last cpl months is going to jump in here and try to have a get-even gang bang. :D

Nice shot Bunyip. :thumbsup: Right where he lives


pro scapegoat
Nice shot Bunyip. :thumbsup: Seems you got him where he lives.
I just think we can differ and disagree without the aggro. This is a forum for exploring such differences, not 'get even gang bangs' (whatever that is) or trying to make others look foolish.


Premium Member
Oh, boy. I've just responded to someone who was responding to a post that I made 4 years ago. Is that a new record. ;)


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I just think we can differ and disagree without the aggro. This is a forum for exploring such differences, not 'get even gang bangs' (whatever that is) or trying to make others look foolish.

Maybe you should start a thread about that.


pro scapegoat
Maybe you should start a thread about that.
Maybe you should grow up a little my friend. This is a friendly forum take out your aggro somewhere else.
Nobody is 'revenge gang banging' you, I think you have a bit of a persecution complex there.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe you should grow up a little my friend. This is a friendly forum take out your aggro somewhere else.
Nobody is 'revenge gang banging' you, I think you have a bit of a persecution complex there.

Says the man with "pro scapegoat" as his user title. :D


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I just want someone to prove God exist, that's all I want.

OK, Psych: God just told me there's a black and grey striped cat on your front porch. If you want to go look and report back, we can settle this once and for all.


pro scapegoat
Says the man with "pro scapegoat" as his user title. :D
You should have taken your own advise and quit while you were behind.
I am not the man whining about 'revenge gang bangs' just because he got pulled up for being aggro. Just quit the aggro ok, smile - shake your head and remember that this is a friendly place. :)