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Your belief regarding the greatest Sin


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You often cant help being stupid though

WHich is a part of the difference between ignorance and stupidity

Actually, you can.

The original definition of stupid, according to one of my English teachers, is having intelligence and the capacity for rational thought, and choosing to not use them.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
For me, there are many "sins" that are equally bad.

Murder and rape, for example, are pretty much equal. (Although rape may be considered worse than murder.)


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

The Baha'i scriptures agree with the Bible that the greatest--and only unforgiveable--sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

But our scriptures then to on to define and explain this!:


Question.—“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”—(Matt. 12:31–32)
"Answer.—The holy realities of the Manifestations of God have two spiritual positions. One is the place of manifestation, which can be compared to the position of the globe of the sun, and the other is the resplendency of the manifestation, which is like its light and radiance; these are the perfections of God—in other words, the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit is the divine bounties and lordly perfections, and these divine perfections are as the rays and heat of the sun. The brilliant rays of the sun constitute its being, and without them it would not be the sun. If the manifestation and the reflection of the divine perfections were not in Christ, Jesus would not be the Messiah. He is a Manifestation because He reflects in Himself the divine perfections. The Prophets of God are manifestations for the lordly perfections—that is, the Holy Spirit is apparent in Them.
"If a soul remains far from the manifestation, he may yet be awakened; for he did not recognize the manifestation of the divine perfections. But if he loathe the divine perfections themselves—in other words, the Holy Spirit—it is evident that he is like a bat which hates the light.
"This detestation of the light has no remedy and cannot be forgiven—that is to say, it is impossible for him to come near unto God. This lamp is a lamp because of its light; without the light it would not be a lamp. Now if a soul has an aversion for the light of the lamp, he is, as it were, blind, and cannot comprehend the light; and blindness is the cause of everlasting banishment from God.
"It is evident that the souls receive grace from the bounty of the Holy Spirit which appears in the Manifestations of God, and not from the personality of the Manifestation. Therefore, if a soul does not receive grace from the bounties of the Holy Spirit, he remains deprived of the divine gift, and the banishment itself puts the soul beyond the reach of pardon.
"This is why many people who were the enemies of the Manifestations, and who did not recognize Them, when once they had known Them became Their friends. So enmity toward the Manifestation did not become the cause of perpetual banishment, for they who indulged in it were the enemies of the light-holders, not knowing that They were the shining lights of God. They were not the enemies of the light, and when once they understood that the light-holder was the place of manifestation of the light, they became sincere friends of it.
"The meaning is this: to remain far from the light-holder does not entail everlasting banishment, for one may become awakened and vigilant; but enmity toward the light is the cause of everlasting banishment, and for this there is no remedy."
--Some Answered Questions, pp. 127-8

As to other, forgiveable sin, our scriptures also warn that backbiting is even worse than murder!:

"213 ... That seeker must at all times put his trust in God, must renounce the peoples of the earth, detach himself from the world of dust, and cleave unto Him Who is the Lord of Lords. He must never seek to exalt himself above any one, must wash away from the tablet of his heart every trace of pride and vainglory, must cling unto patience and resignation, observe silence, and refrain from idle talk. For the tongue is a smouldering fire, and excess of speech a deadly poison. Material fire consumeth the body, whereas the fire of the tongue devoureth both heart and soul. The force of the former lasteth but for a time, whilst the effects of the latter endure a century.
214 "That seeker should also regard backbiting as grievous error, and keep himself aloof from its dominion, inasmuch as backbiting quencheth the light of the heart, and extinguisheth the life of the soul."
--The Book of Certitude, p. 192f

Peace, :)


sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member

When it comes to the word Sin, many people find this to be problematic.
Many for example state "I don't believe in Sin."
Taken to its extreme we have the mantra by a certain Occult Group
"Everythign is permissable, nothing is wrong". Which of course means its ok to stick pencils in yoru ears, call yourself George and pretend to be from Venus...

Sin of course generally falls under several definitions. A common one is that sin is essentially not "following Gods laws" these laws are generally written down in a holy book or a part opf a cultural and/or religiosu practice.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's *** for example.... No donkey for you, God has commanded it.

An alternative is that Sin is an archery tem that means to miss the mark. Thus Sin is what ever is done that misses the mark.

From a more esoteric stance one could argue that Sin is to participate in what Hindus and Buddhists call maya (which is not thought of exactly the smae in those "religions") or Illusion. Thus sin would be participating in illusion. Or Perhaps increasing what some translate the Buddhist concept to as "suffering" Thus sin is to increase suffering.

In Gnosticism, our outlook and approach is through Gnosis or knowledge. This is divine experiental knowledge. Episteme (another greek word for knowledge) would be book knowledge. It was Gnosis that plato spoke of as the highest function of man, not episteme. In Gnosticism then the greatest of all sins arguably is ignorance. Not simply ignorance, but deliberate wilful ignorance. Burying your head in the sand.

Going by your beleifs, religion, path, moneky chalk board.....

What IS the grreatest of all Sins?
I think that trying to put a value scale on sin leads to unfair discrimination among men. Many Christians feel that homosexuality is a greater sin than say tax evasion and subsequently persecute homosexuals rather than tax cheats.

What is clear to me is that anything that is not done in love is sin and God does not value one indiscretion as greater or lesser than another. Have you thought ill of someone? you've committed murder in God's eyes. Have you looked with lust at someone other than your spouse? you've commited adultery in God's eye's. Why? Because it either a loving act or it's not. that is God's ctiteria. At least IMO.


Miss Independent
All sins have been forgiven but not all sins have been repented off. The only sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin of not repenting of the sin that has been forgiven. How does this relate to blaspheming the HS? The HS is the one that gives the ability to repent. You can speak against the son, you can speak against the Father, but when you speak against the HS when he speaks to you about repentance, you cannot be forgiven for it. The HS is the agent by which we TURN to god. If you trample on the one that is trying to make you turn, you remain lost and in unbelief.

my belief is that there is no such thing as sin. sin was formed by man to try to keep morals in check but it ended up spiraling out of control now everything today is being called sin by religious bigeots