Summarize the main points.
Yahweh has a son, Allah is said incapable of having a son. Yahweh suggests he is a triune being, Allah does not only say he is not triune (he apparently think Mary is part of the Christian Trinity), the Bible (apart from about 5% known error has proven to be astronomically accurate where it can be verified, the Quran says it is pure Arabic but contains over 200 non Arabic words, gets dates wrong, names wrong, places wrong, and quotes from known heretic and gnostic source material. Yaweah said he paid my debt in full. He reached down to me because I could not reach up to him. Allah (and almost all other God's) demand man reach God by circling a building, holding a rock as an idol, standing under a magic drain pipe, praying 5 times a day at some point on the compass, etc,,,,,,,,,, but the only absolutely certain way to get to heaven is to die a martyr. Allah makes dozens of open ended (many unqualified) demands to kill unbelievers wherever found. There are no generalized demands for violence in the OT and no allowance for violence of any kind in the NT. Yahweh spiritually confirms our faith and promises every believer heaven the moment they believe. Allah provides neither.
By Allah! I would not rest assured and feel safe from the deception of Allah (la amanu limakr Allah), even if I had one foot in paradise.’”
Abu Bakr
That's a start I guess.
Considering how Christianity is a vastly common religion on western countries it is no wonder that a lot of people would find solace on it. Not to mention how well know it is for proselytism.
Add to that the social and psychological structure offered by the churches and christian communities and it is easy to see how this came to be. That requires no supernatural explanation.
I did not say they found a church, some comfort, or social fellowship. I said they claim to have met a risen Christ and to have been born again. Other faiths can offer the trivial satisfaction that comes with intellectual consent to a theological proposition. But only Christianity offer and demands of ever believer they meet Christ spiritually and are instantly changed as the entry point for faith. I have both been in very social churches and fit in very well with them for years, to have intellectually agree that the bible was true, and I have been born again. They are two very very different things and only Christianity lays vast claims to the latter.
Being born again is a miracle that hundreds of millions if not billions claim occurred to them, and 99% of them are Christians. Not proof but it is an argument for God.
Note: For those born again it is proof but that proof is not available for inspection and so we left with arguments instead.
And what I had in mind were not other gods when I said what I did. Let me clarify this point: This is not a deathmatch between gods. The true creator god could be part of no religion at all.
Sure it could. However there exists no evidence or reason to believe this creator God X exists. My argument is for a omni-max creator God, which does have mountains of additional evidence further justify faith in his existence which your mystery God does not.
We look at the effect to determine in general what the characteristics of it cause was (lets say that leaves us with 6, including your generic God, out of the millions of historical God's) then we narrow down candidates that match that description (yours is going to be at the bottom of the list because creative is the only characteristic you gave), then narrow down which candidate has the most evidence for their existence (your mystery God is out at this point given no additional evidence for him). Yahweh wins in all categories (perfectly matches the characteristics of the cause, matches not one or two but all of the necessary characteristics, has more evidence for his existence than any of the competitors). The only virtue your mystery God has is that it is not impossible that he exists.
I know there are interpretations other than the good old literal one. But like I have said, unless you can show me that yours is the most correct, I have no reason to accept it.
I spent almost a year with the intent of making up my mind whether the days in genesis are literal 24hrs or ages. I read book after book on exegetical methodology and both fit the standards. I finally gave up the whole effort because either way my faith is in Christ not how old the earth is. You brought it up as an argument so it is your burden both to know the intended meaning, until you do your only finding fault with one interpretation. Your faulting man not God.
I am also objecting to him being jewish, considering the subject we are talking about.
Since he is an orthodox jew, he clearly doesn't believe in the same creator god as you do.
That's absurd, per Capita Jews have done more of the best science in history and almost 80% of Nobel's are Christians. I do not believe evolution explains all of biological history and have debated it over a thousand times, not once did I dismiss an argument because it came from an evolutionist. I do not acknowledge the rejection of a source until that sources claims can be shown wrong. You want someone who knows the OT and science. What is better than a Jewish physicist? BTW he does believe in the same God I do, he simply does not believe the NT. Actually he might, he may be a Christian Jewish person (I can't remember).
And yes, in my opinion, the BBT does posit an absolute beginning of the universe.
Ok so at one point nature did not exist. So nature did not exist to create it's self. So something supernatural (beyond nature) is the cause. So by the rules of sufficient causation that cause must be unimaginably powerful, unimaginably intelligent, independent of space, independent of time, independent of matter, be intentional, rational (or lawful) and if you grant morality then moral. Etc........ Bronze aged men unfamiliar with the BBT, the BGVT, or sufficient causation gave the biblical God those exact characteristics. Plus that God has vast amounts of evidence, including in my cases (using the gospels as a road map of sorts and finding Christ just as they promised. Not objective proof for you maybe, but a good argument.
Greatest conceivable being ?
Yeah, this gets into modal being and great making properties and so far I am having trouble understanding it, but assume the philosophers do. They sure use it a lot in debate.
The one that Anselm talked about ?
St Anselm was a Christian but yes he did make the same argument that philosophers use for a generic God. I did not get that concept from him. I get it from atheists in debates. IOW if you argue about a thing you must first define the thing. The thing the atheist and theist agree to argue about is the existence of a being which no greater can exist.
Notice that Anselm's argument does not use scriptures of the bible but lays out a generic case for God's characteristics.
- It is a conceptual truth (not what is true about a specific biblical God - my words) (or, so to speak, true by definition) that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined (that is, the greatest possible being that can be imagined).
- God exists as an idea in the mind.
- A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal, greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind.
- Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God (that is, a greatest possible being that does exist).
- But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God (for it is a contradiction to suppose that we can imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be imagined.)
- Therefore, God exists.
BTW: Also in the above argument I would not grant that conclusion 6 follows from the premise. I hear very educated men make this ontological conclusion all the time as if was very powerful but I do not see much power to it. I only quoted it to show the parallel of the description not as an argument for God.