Were you raised with a religion as a child? Have you retained that worldview as an adult, or has it changed?
I voted, ‘I was raised with a religion, but I’m part of another religion now.’
My parents are nondenominational Protestants. They taught me about the god of Abraham; the prophets; Heaven and Gehenna; and good morality based on divine commandments.
As a child, I believed, based on my impressions from my parents, that God is real, that he sent prophets such as Noah and Moses, that there is an everlasting Heaven for good believers, that there is an everlasting fiery place for unbelievers and bad people, and that a good person was one who lived in accordance with the Ten Commandments. I also believed that Jesus was resurrected and in Heaven, but I did not hold any belief about him being divine. I was not involved in a church or any other group, I received no sacraments, and I was not actually expected to be a Christian.
The faith was not expected of me because my parents believed, and still believe, that it is God alone who makes people believers. My childhood beliefs didn’t last past age 12.
Since March 2021, Hinduism has been my religion and way of life.