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Your political identity?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
It seems that they should waive all sanction rules when it comes to international relief, such as earthquake relief in Syria.


(However, as a side note, I see that the US has suspended all food aid for Ethiopia due to widespread theft: US suspends all food aid for millions in Ethiopia after investigation finds 'widespread' theft)

That's another issue, yes: when aid doesn't reach the intended parties due to corruption or kleptocracy.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Where would the line be drawn, though? Even many developed countries could be said to be ignoring human rights in one area or another. I can see the ethical point behind the position, but I don't know whether it could be applied consistently in practice.

Yes, even developed countries need to be included/sanctioned. And the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be the guideline.

In practice it would be difficult, but who said world politics was easy


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Democratic socialist.

What I support:
  • A constitutional republic with codified rights for all. I oppose direct democracy.
  • Constitutionally enshrined separation of religion and state.
  • Separation of powers to prevent overreach or the formation of a dictatorship.
  • Universal, free health care.
  • Free education (up to and including university).
  • Laws against public expressions of inciting hate speech, such as neo-Nazi and racially supremacist rhetoric.
  • More regulation advancing non-human animals' rights to reduce abuse and suffering in places like industrial farms and slaughterhouses.
  • Low business taxes but capital taxes proportional to one's income.
  • A rehabilitative rather than retributive justice system.
  • Stronger environmental regulations, a bigger push toward renewable energy and away from fossil fuels, and tighter controls on corporate lobbying.
  • Having a strong military for defense and deterrence but not aggression or imperialism.
This doesn't cover everything, but it summarizes some of my main positions.

I would tweak the list above a little:

- I'd retain the US's current approach to free speech - limiting only that speech likely to cause imminent violence. "Hate speech" is too subjective and too fraught with political agendas.
- I'd go extra hard on improving animal rights.
- I'd go extra hard on protecting the environment, e.g. cutting subsidies for unsustainable food production approaches.
- As for renewables, I'd emphasize fusion research and non-battery energy storage solutions. Battery materials like lithium will create new environmental issues.
- I'd slash "defense" spending, maybe by 2/3 or 3/4?
- I'd tackle all the ways that lobbying and other forms of corruption have infected our politics.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I would tweak the list above a little:

- I'd retain the US's current approach to free speech - limiting only that speech likely to cause imminent violence. "Hate speech" is too subjective and too fraught with political agendas.
Well said.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
- I'd go extra hard on improving animal rights.

My list wasn't exhaustive, but another thing I believe more countries should do—in addition to strictly regulating medical animal testing and ensuring it is only done when necessary—is fund and strongly support research to develop viable alternatives to medical animal testing. Biotechnology has shown some promises in that area, although progress is still slow. When or if animal testing becomes no longer necessary for the research and development of medical treatments, I believe banning it will also be a sound decision.


Veteran Member
Democratic socialist.

What I support:
  • A constitutional republic with codified rights for all. I oppose direct democracy.
  • Constitutionally enshrined separation of religion and state.
  • Separation of powers to prevent overreach or the formation of a dictatorship.
  • Universal, free health care.
  • Free education (up to and including university).
  • Laws against public expressions of inciting hate speech, such as neo-Nazi and racially supremacist rhetoric.
  • More regulation advancing non-human animals' rights to reduce abuse and suffering in places like industrial farms and slaughterhouses.
  • Low business taxes but capital taxes proportional to one's income.
  • A rehabilitative rather than retributive justice system.
  • Stronger environmental regulations, a bigger push toward renewable energy and away from fossil fuels, and tighter controls on corporate lobbying.
  • Having a strong military for defense and deterrence but not aggression or imperialism.
This doesn't cover everything, but it summarizes some of my main positions.
This is pretty much my attitude.

I would like to see election reform, with term limits, limits on money raised, total disclosure on funding elections, and pooled money so more candidates can compete. And shorten the election cycles to something sane.

I dislike the phrase "political identity" because it sounds like some superficial ideal that looks attractive, but without thought. I prefer what "political category" do we fit into.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I really don't know what i am....
You're a N Ameristanian liberal
Price control, particularly for required utilities, food etc.
Reduced military funding
No trade with nations that ignore human rights
I'd like to see the UK back in the EU.
Label divination is a free service I offer.
BTW, we've tried price controls (eg, under Nixon, Carter).
Disasters every time because of shortages & waste.
For price controls to work well, they'd have to be implemented
by dynamic, intelligent, ethical, non-partisan leaders. Instead,
we've had a parade bozos.
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Federalism combined with decentralisation of most powers to the municipal level.

Representatives would be selected by both election and sortition to be more representative.

Standard national level left/right politics don’t carry much resonance in this context. I do believe more localised politics corresponds to greater social trust and more support for policies that promote public welfare.

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I'm one of the few people who when taking the political compass quiz doesn't get right-authoritarian or left-libertarian. I always get right-libertarian. However, over the years I've stopped worshiping Ayn Rand and anarcho-capitalists and have become much more closer to the center. The last two Presidential elections I voted for the Libertarians, and during the 2016 Republican Primary I voted for John Kasich. I don't think I could ever vote for a Libertarian again due to what they actually stand for. Yes, their Wikipedia page says they support "classical liberalism" but in reality they are mostly composed of anarchists. They're completely out of touch with society and frankly reality as a whole.

I consider myself a never-Trumper and will never vote for him, and during the next election cycle I plan on voting for Chris Christie, who to me seems like the most genuine of all the candidates that are in the field. But if anyone but Trump wins the Republican nomination I will vote for him. If Trump still manages to win the nomination, probably in jail at that point, I'll vote for the Reform candidate. If the Reform candidate isn't on the ballet of Wisconsin maybe at that point I won't vote for President at all.

However, one thing I do know is that I'm never supporting the Libertarian Party ever again. I still get newsletters from them saying "defund the government" but they still beg for donations themselves and they wonder why nobody ever supports them...
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LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Independent. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative, feminist. I don't use my fiscal conservatism to defund social projects I don't agree with.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
A constitutional republic with codified rights for all. I oppose direct democracy.
Can you tell me why you prefer that over direct democracy? It's not that i disagree it's just I just don't know much about the pros and cons of different types of government. I know the US is a constitutional Republic and having rights for all is always a good thing. I also can see some the problems direct democracies can cause i mean if there's no codified rights then the majority much vote for something that causes harm to a minority group. So for that reason im leaning towards agreeing with you.

Everything else i agree with for sure.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Democratic socialist with heavy emphasis on water, housing, food, education, medical care and a clean environment being the sole purpose of government of people to provide to people, with a critical eye towards anyone or anything that makes them a luxury for their profit.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So this is just me being a little curious.

How would you describe your own political “identity?” The policies you support?
The politicians you support?
What you dislike about your chosen politicians? What you would want to see in the future?
And why?

Since this is in a rather general area, all are welcome to participate. But perhaps a little clarification or maybe even translation may be in order???

Have at it and let me know!!

And I know this is politics, but try to remain somewhat civil, guys.
A left-leaning independent who scores as a "Left Libertarian" on preference tests. I also prefer the Nordic Model as my preferred political/economic system because of its emphasis on cradle-to grave-security for all.