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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
There must always be a middle man, musn't it? Someone we should trust, for some reason.

What prevents God from speaking to everyone and settle the issue once for all?


- viole
Jesus is the last Prophet, and the Jews who reject him need to wonder why God does not speak to them anymore.
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Veteran Member
.. the Jews how reject him need to wonder why God does not speak to them anymore.

Almighty God is closer to us than our jugular vein .. anybody, Jew or otherwise, who takes a step towards Almighty God, He takes many steps towards them!

This means that the sincere person who seeks truth will surely find it!
..sometimes mankind doesn't like the truth, and argues against it .. this applies to 'religious people' and atheists alike!

That is why there is so many different beliefs out there .. many of them are based on truth, but changed to suit our lifestyle..

Just look at how what is acceptable behaviour in Christianity has changed over the last few hundred years, for example .. very sad :(


New Member
There is a process to go through to be saved. It says it in Acts when Peter is talking on the day of
Pentecostal. The verse states to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. Being saved is about removing our sin so we become perfect and able to commune with our perfect God who is unable to be with one who is inperfect. We have to ask for forgiveness and be baptized. This is all a product of the principle of obedience. Faith without obedience is dead and since faith is ultimately what saves us then baptism is essential. So in conclusion, we are saved by grace through faith (Obedience) for the forgiveness of sins.


Be your own guru
The last Prophet the Jews accepted is the one right before Jesus. God has not spoken to the Jews since Jesus. It should make you wonder.
He sent the last message to Mohammad. No, it was Joseph Smith. No, it was Bahaullah. No, it was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, No, it was David Koresh. God has not sent a prophet after David Koresh. And if he did, I don't know about him/her.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
People think there is some process to go through, but it isn't the case. All one has to do is accept Jesus, and their saved. No magic ceremonies required.


I would think that accepting Jesus means to accept Jesus as a Mentor. To study what he taught and put it into practice.

Turning this into lip-service does kind of make it out to be magic.

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Jesus is the last Prophet,

Good. We were starting having an inflation of them

and the Jews who reject him need to wonder why God does not speak to them anymore.

Awww. God is offended and does not speak to the Jews anymore. Poor Jews. i am sure they are suffering horribly from this 2000 years old interruption of the communication channel :)


- viole


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Good. We were starting having an inflation of them
There has been none since Jesus.

I guess you think that it is comical that God used to speak to the Jews but only does so now through Jesus.

Awww. God is offended and does not speak to the Jews anymore. Poor Jews. i am sure they are suffering horribly from this 2000 years old interruption of the communication channel :)


- viole
God speaks to us all through Jesus.


Veteran Member
Only through Jesus.

Well, I'm my 'own man' .. I tire of all these different creeds saying this;
ie. only through Muhammd .. only through Jesus .. only through Moses .. only through Joseph Smith etc.

It's all a load of hogwash! :)
The truth about Almighty God is ONE truth .. it's available to anybody through 'whatever it takes' .. as long as you sincerely want the COMPLETE truth!

This life is a spiritual journey .. God willing we will learn more as we go along; there is INDEED a lot to learn .. we have to be prepared to modify our belief as we travel through it .. if not, we put ourself into a box .. Almighty God will NOT become closer like that .. we effectively push Him away