namaskaram :namaste
Forgive me for posting in the DIR
you are more than welcome , what we need here is sane dialogue between faiths :namaste
True, I donot have enough knowledge of Hinduism to cross check what he says..I respect his knowledge of the Quran and his memory.
I could be sarcastic and say neither does have have enough knowledge of hinduism if he did he would speak with more respect .
I have met many muslims and had many conversations about our different faiths but never have I met such bigotry , there is no need for it , I have heard muslims speak with tollerance towards other faiths and respect for others . when these people speak the Quran contains beauty and wisdom , It may not be the religion for me but I can respect it .
however when I hear a person speak like he does it reminds me of the qualities I disslike most in any situation religious or secular .
He may well have good retentive knowledge of the Quran but he cheapens the words of the prophet by using them as a divise to cause discord . this is unforgivable who ever does it .
I have seen the same thing happen between sects within hinduism , one sect attacks and trys to disscredit the other through philosophical wrangling , in this case knowledge in the hands of the wrong person becomes dangerous .
if one simply uses knowledge to wage war upon another then one has not undrstood its true purpose .
when one assimilates knowledge it resides in the heart and is not used as an impliment to defeat another , but becomes the love with which to win anothers heart .
unfortunatly his tactics are cheap , I watched a few of his videos this morning , to me he has an agressive and defensive attitude , firstly he bullies ,... he is 'telling' his audience what they should think , ...then he is 'telling' them why !, this is where he tries to play the knowledge card , he tries to imply that any sane person' will' think this way , this is not the reasonable approach that one who deeply understands and appreciates his religious tradition would make , one who knows his subject from the depth of his heart shares that knowledge with love , he shares his reflections as one would by rejoicing in that knowledge by sharing and allowing his ordience to choose by the use of their own inteligence .
there are many kinds of speakers but they fall into two main categories those who speak with confidence who have no need to convince ,... and those to who use knowledge to oppress his oponent ....
such a domineering tendancy shows a lack of true faith and to me is more indicative of blind faith .
my responce to his ignorance would be to encorage dialogue between hindus and muslims so that we may live peacefully together , I think we need to hear the voices of the more gentle and tollerant muslims so that we can desolve fear and unnececary hatred and repair the damage being done before it goes any further .