Actually the zero point is considered to be a vacuum. Just to give you all something else to worry about, it might not be the lowest energy state possible, and may actually be a 'false vacuum', in which case, it is possible it might decay to a lower state. This could have catastrophic consequences.
Not sure what you mean by this but I notice you're replying to
@wellwisher. Sorry but his/her whole post is nonsense. There is no suggestion whatsoever that space and time could be separated and it has nothing to do with the uncertainty principle. The rest is just as nonsensical.
We don't know how to unify general relativity with quantum field theory. Hence we can't be sure of what our universe may have come from or if, as general relativity suggests, the space-time manifold didn't really come from anything, it's a 4-dimensional object that 'just is', time being no more than an observer dependant direction through it.
Again this is just baseless. Another thing we can't answer, and maybe never will be able to answer, is why there is something rather than nothing. Clearly a god (of any sort) cannot explain this because it would have to be a 'something' that exists too.