Not must, but are free to believe or not.
And not all: God is not interested in Adolf Hitler, Judas, and satan.
There are two outcomes, but they are originated from the low level of activity.
Hereby it is assumed, that probability of this activity is uniform. Thus, there is always this unproven assumption is Probability Theory: each of the original combinations (250!) are of equil probability.
Your assumptions are simply unjustified.
We don't know the number of or kinds of pathways
possible for abiogenesis. We also don't know the
number of occurrences of these potential events.
Even if very unlikely, the occurrence opportunities
are massive....billions of years, millions of square
miles, & gazillions of molecules per square mile.
You've not taken this into account.
I have a wonderful book from back in the day in
school...Probabilistic Systems Analysis. It sheds
light on the difficulties of dealing with even simple
systems of which much is known. Abiogenesis
is vastly more difficult to apply probability.
I know just enuf to know that what I know & can
do are woefully inadequate to the task.