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Zizek believes atheism is ideological

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What Zizek doesn't seem to comprehend is that most atheist are not weighed down with religious dogma and therefore have no problem accepting science. It's science that shapes their outlook, not disbelief in gods.
Ever notice what atheists pass as atheist books? They include authors who weren't atheist and may have even had some flair ups if atheophobia, such as Thomas Paine. But he wasn't an atheist, he was a deist, and his book that frequently gets on atheist lists, the Age of Reason, it has got to be the only reason it gets on such lists is he criticizes Christianity. But it's inappropriate for those lists because one of his complaints is Christianity is good at making zealots and atheists.
Inability to predict my ideology based upon
being an atheist shows that atheists don't
have an ideology...unlike Christians, Muslims,
Jews, etc.
You are being irrational. It just means I am not a mind-reader and I don't know you from Adam and I really have no desire too. Sorry. But nothing stands in isolation. Not one single thought. Like I said: atheism isn't a standalone idea. Buddha said all thoughts are contingent upon other thoughts, ideas and experiences. Prove otherwise. Stay healthy and keep hydrated.


Veteran Member
False. Not all atheists are ardent enthusiasts of science and reason. Some are more interested in exploring other superstitious belief systems, such as Buddhism, astrology or homeopathy.
Buddhism is a superstitious belief system? Why wasn't I told sooner?

You are a Buddhist master, yes? I'd hate to take some random internet guy's opinion on this as if factual.
You're new.
Bad form to criticize the poster.
Address the posts' arguments & evidence.

This is how it's done.....
I sense Dunning Kruger effect in your posts.
And in the quoted "philosopher".
Actually, I admire you. You have a remarkable ability to stay true to your unique style, even when it’s clear you haven’t quite figured out that it doesn't work. Your attempt to make the whole pot calling the kettle black thing almost seem new is quite charming. Do I look like a mind reader? I don't know your ideology and I really don't care what it is. All I said is that atheism isn't a standalone idea. Prove otherwise.
Buddhism is a superstitious belief system? Why wasn't I told sooner?

You are a Buddhist master, yes? I'd hate to take some random internet guy's opinion on this as if factual.
I guess Karma will catch up with me and I will spend time in the many Hells that Buddhism teaches. I best get in touch with the local bodhisattva so he can admonish me and teach me to sit on my duff to achieve enlightenment. Then maybe I will be transformed to the Pure Land if the hungry ghosts don't eat me on my way to Nirvana.


Veteran Member
I guess Karma will catch up with me and I will spend time in the many Hells that Buddhism teaches. I best get in touch with the local bodhisattva so he can admonish me and teach me to sit on my duff to achieve enlightenment. Then maybe I will be transformed to the Pure Land if the hungry ghosts don't eat me on my way to Nirvana.
Oh, you're confusing what the self does to sabotge the future for immoral and wrong action in the present with a superstition. No, it's more about psychology.

Karma isn't an absolute. It's more of an example of how things in the universe tend to find a balance and equilibrium. Buddhists are to work with that balance and choose right action.
Oh, you're confusing what the self does to sabotge the future for immoral and wrong action in the present with a superstition. No, it's more about psychology.

Karma isn't an absolute. It's more of an example of how things in the universe tend to find a balance and equilibrium. Buddhists are to work with that balance and choose right action.
And you are confusing true Eastern Buddhism with the watered-down Western bastardization of Buddhism. Like the Dalai Lama said: you can't graft a cow's head on a yak's body and call it Buddhism.


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Most atheists think that atheism is simply the absence of belief in gods. However, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek argues that atheism is actually an ideology that shapes how people see and interact with the world. He says atheism isn't just the opposite of theism: it's a worldview with its own set of beliefs and values. Many atheists do treat atheism as an ideology, with its own beliefs, values, and dogmas. They argue, debate, and defend their beliefs just as fiercely as believers defend theirs. For example, many atheists strongly believe in scientific rationalism as the only way to understand the world.
quotations are from the opening post
He might be thinking about the U.S.S.R. which did claim atheism as part of its program. USSR atheism was part of an ideology, however that did not make atheism an ideology.

They often dismiss or ridicule any belief in the supernatural as irrational or ignorant. They also often advocate strongly for separation of church and state and oppose religious influence in public life. In this way, their atheism becomes an ideology, a belief system not so different from a religious one.
Its is mostly Christians who argue for separation of church and state, or it has been historically. Its about religious freedom from one church taking over and making us everyone pay taxes to that state church, and its about churches penalizing people for disagreeing or for having a variant belief. Without separation, a religion will start to manipulate government. It may not be a church, but it will be something.

They feel they have the "truth," while believers are deluded or brainwashed. This sense of superiority can lead to aggression towards those they see as inferior or ignorant. Also, some atheists may feel threatened by religious beliefs.
It is due to human personalities and quirks. Therefore it cannot be contingent upon a person's atheism. I have seen atheism used as an excuse for ignorance, and I've seen it used as a reason to study.

They see religion as holding back progress, limiting freedom of thought, and encouraging harmful practices. In their minds, aggressively challenging religious beliefs is a way to promote reason, equality, and social progress.
It is a sore spot that some people not knowing much about religions will group all together with Islam which is a very politically oriented religion. Most are not required to be political in scope. Religion can hold back progress or can speed it along; and I think a lot of atheists do know this. By 'Progress' I refer to utilitarian improvement: the lowest and worst situation (that typical poor members of society experience) improves. That is progress.

I believe that Zizek might be on to something here and based on how some atheists behave you can't consider their form of atheism has just passive non-belief because they act like ideological foot soldiers - they are activists. What do you guys think?
I'm not sure if he is thinking purely of atheism or is viewing some ideology which purports to sponsor atheism like the USSR did or like marxism does. Some groups do latch onto atheism and claim it is the future salvation of the human race, but they are clubs just like a chess club is. A chess club thinks its an important club because it plays chess, though chess itself is only a game. Atheism, too, is like a game. It is a tool for thinking, and believers in God may employ it from time to time not only strict atheists.