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zoroastrian creation myth


Helper of Ahura Mazda
this creation story is Retold by Rebecca Cann

In the beginning, there was nothing in the world except Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, who lived in the Endless Light. And the Evil Spirit, Ahriman, who lived in the Absolute Darkness. Between them lay only emptiness.

One day, Ahura Mazda decided to make different creations. First He shaped the sky made of metal, shinning and bright. Second, He made the pure water. Third, the Wise Lord created the Earth, flat and round with no mountains and valleys. Fourth, He made the plants, moist and sweet with no bark or thorn. Fifth, he created the animals, big and small. Then he created the First Man, Gayomard, bright, tall, and handsome. And lastly, he created Fire and distributed it within the whole creation. The Wise Lord ordered Fire to serve the mankind in preparing food and overcoming cold.

The Evil Spirit peeked out of his dark world to see the Wise Lord’s beautiful creations. The Wise Lord called him and said, "Evil Spirit! Aid my creatures and give them praise so that you will be immortal."
The Evil Spirit snarled, "Why should I aid your creatures? Why should I praise them? I am more powerful! I will destroy you and your creatures for ever and ever." Then he crawled back to his dark side to shape demons, witches, and monsters to attack the Endless Light.

The Wise Lord was All-knowing. He knew the Evil Spirit was making demons to destroy His good creations, and He also knew there would be a great battle with the Dark. So the Wise Lord fashioned six Spirits-the Holy Immortals- to guard His creations against the Endless Dark. The Wise Lord shaped the Holy Immortals from His own soul, each having His own nature.

The first Holy Spirit was Khashathra, the Righteous Power, who became the guardian of the sky. Then the Wise Lord created Haurvatat, the Peace and Perfection. She became the protector of waters. Next was Spenta Armaiti, the Holy Devotion. She guarded the Earth. The other Holy Spirit, Ameretat, the Immortality, became the protector of plants. Vohu Manah, the Good Mind, was the fifth Holy Spirit. He chose to protect the animals. And Asha Vahishta, the Justice, became the guardian of Fire. Lastly, the Wise Lord made His own Holy Spirit the protector of the mankind.

Ahriman saw the Wise Lord’s Holy Immortals and was enraged. He cried, "Ahura Mazda! I will destroy you and all your creations. You will never be victorious!"
So, he and his demons attacked the God’s creations one by one.
They tried to destroy the water but they could only bring bitterness to it. They tried to destroy the Earth but they could only put mountains and valleys. They tried to wither the plants but the plants only grew horns.

The Evil Spirit and his demons brought sadness against happiness, pain against pleasure, pollution against purification and death against life. They attacked Gayomard, the First man, and gave him sickness and death.

The Evil Spirit thought he had destroyed the mankind and became victorious against the Light! But he was ignorant and foolish.
When Gayomard, the First Man, died from his bones grew a rhubarb plant. After forty years, a man and a woman, Mashya and Mashyana, grew out of the rhubarb plant. Mashya and Mashyana promised the Wise Lord that their children would help Him in His battle with Ahriman. Mashyana then gave birth to fifteen twins and every pair scattered around the world and became a race.

Then each person followed the good thoughts, good deeds, and good words. Each became the follower of the Wise Lord in His battle with the Evil Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Ningishzidda is the man you Jesus freak :)

His fight with the turtle dude in the primevil soup where freshwater met seawater.



Its only a Label
Friend Ahura,
Welcome to RF.
We were missing someone to throw light on Zoroastrianism.
With your presence NOW we shall have the opportunity to be enlightened on the subject.
Love & rgds


Helper of Ahura Mazda
What are your thoughts about Jesus being the Zoroastrian savior foretold of old?

the saoshyant (savior) will come when he comes. i personally dont believe that he is the Saoshyant that zoroastrians are looking for. im not looking for someone who say's pray to me and you shall be saved. how do we not know that this is the work of Evil. so when the time of the saoshyant comes well will know.


Veteran Member
the saoshyant (savior) will come when he comes. i personally dont believe that he is the Saoshyant that zoroastrians are looking for. im not looking for someone who say's pray to me and you shall be saved. how do we not know that this is the work of Evil. so when the time of the saoshyant comes well will know.
Which lake do you think is the one the virgin will bath in and become inpregnanted with the seed of Zoroaster?


Well-Known Member
For me right now,the most significant part I would most like to explore is the *fifteen twins*...I know they combine to form the fabled *flower of life*,aka Kundalini .

This is induced by shiva/shakti mandala & other ways....the Mashya and Mashyana mandala in this case.

Some people may think upon this union as twin serpents goint up the spine,or roots of a beautiful vine intertwining up the spine.

The 15 twins = everything on the 3D mud plane in which we inhabit,anything above this is our link to the universe & other dimensions..

Have you any more on the 15 twins?or the characters in the creation myth?

many thanks



Well-Known Member
An excellent point my dear Gursikh,the ourobrus is when you combine or link with your entire line of dna.....snake biting tail in your line.......

I would love to discuss this with you..it is your energy....the whole of you in all carnations of this existance,all acting in accordance with dna.

You can then understand the universal flow of energy as you resonate this freely....

How are you on the astral dimension?do you ever travel?........reason I say is because I resonated with the Shekhina in that dimesion,lit up her twin snakes which bit each other at the base of her neck which BLEW her crown chakra open into dazzling light display.

This is the effect of the 15 twins in allignment to create the flying circle which leaves you,principally to allow your crown chakra to allign with the Universe...

Can expalin better on another thread,I am speaking from experience & only inhibited by my anbility to understand & to pass on the information.

Saat Sri Akaal Bro.

Great Love,



n the beginning, there was nothing in the world except Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, who lived in the Endless Light. And the Evil Spirit, Ahriman, who lived in the Absolute Darkness. Between them lay only emptiness.

Since Ahura Mazda is All Knowing, why he didn't get rid of Ahriman before creating? :confused:

Another Question, where Ahriman came from?

very interesting story, and it shows that Evil was there since the beginning
contradictory with most of the religious concepts ...

plz spot light on this part

Best regrards


Its only a Label
Friend marco,

Welcome to RF!
Best Wishes.

Evil was there since the beginning
Personal understanding is that there is neither good or evil. Existence simply IS and as soon as *THOUGHTS* come it brings out all dualities including *good and evil*

Love & rgds


zenzero thank you!

Existence simply IS and as soon as *THOUGHTS* come it brings out all dualities including *good and evil*

well this is nice understanding, and it shows the human trace (may be)
but nevertheless the story made me shock, may be becuase i haven't heard any other religion or sect which says that the good and evil were here since the beginning...

in the beginning, there was nothing in the world except Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, who lived in the Endless Light. And the Evil Spirit, Ahriman, who lived in the Absolute Darkness. Between them lay only emptiness.

Abrahimics say that God is perfect, pure, sinless, definetly good... but his creature became evil ...
in contrary here it's mention in the beginning Both were there (good and evil)


Its only a Label
Friend marco,

Guess this is the problem with most religions that they have developed the concept of *god* as *Nothingness* which is perfect BUT this nothingness has been perceived as only *good* and forgot to mention that there is no light without darkness. In fact Darkness was always there only light was brought in to dispel darkness.
There is no day without the night etc. They are all in built. They are only available as *pairs* and has to be taken in totality to come to the TRUE understanding!

Love & rgds


New Member
Dear One,

All world religions have to deal with the problem of evil.
It does not matter whether any of us like it or not, Evil exists.

In the Zoroastrian Creation Story, Ahura Masda, the Wise Lord asks human beings to aid him in his everlasting battle with Ahriman, the evil spirit.

There is a wonderful old American cartoon children's movie, The Flight of Dragons, in which Carolinas, a gentle wisard and one of the four magic brothers who is also the guardian of natures realm, explains to his adopted daughter, Millessand, when she asks why his evil brother, Omadon, is allowed to exist,

'Good would be totally impotent without the contrast of Evil.'

Doing good for others, battling evil that is stronger than you are brings forth, cooperation, heroism, courage, compassion, generosity and selfless love in people.



Since Ahura Mazda is All Knowing, why he didn't get rid of Ahriman before creating? :confused:

Another Question, where Ahriman came from?

very interesting story, and it shows that Evil was there since the beginning
contradictory with most of the religious concepts ...

plz spot light on this part

Best regrards

-cannot have light without dark, Ahura Mazada understood this on a grander scale. we cannot even fathom the importance of darkness as well as the balance they both bring to one another.